Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Articles of Faith 2

Articles of Faith #2 ~ “We believed that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.”

IMG_3818To transgress means to break a law or a rile. When we do something wrong, we transgress.

When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, Heavenly Father commanded them to not eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan and ate the fruit. Heavenly Father cast Adam and Eve out of the garden because they transgressed.

All of Heavenly Father’s children are given the agency to choose right or wrong. He has promised us blessings when we choose the right.

IMG_3816Heavenly Father wants us to return to live with Him again. If we make bad choices, we need to repent and do better.

But Heavenly Father does not make us repent for the bad choices that others make. We are responsible for our own actions.

What are some of the good things that happen when you choose to do these things?

What might happen if you choose not to do them?

We are each responsible for our own decisions. We can’t be punished for someone else’s sins.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Taking the Sacrament

Learning & Living the Gospel #1 ~ Explain how taking the sacrament helps you renew your baptismal covenant. In a family home evening, teach others about things we can do to remain faithful.

IMG_3877As I searched the ideas of what and how can I do with this topic, I have came across a lot of activities and the idea of having the children make bread, but sadly I am not a baker and I do not know how to make a bread.

Then I saw this “The Last Supper” video on our Church website, that gave me an idea that I should let both kids watched to let them understand when and how the sacrament came about.

The first time the sacrament was given was at the Jewish feast of unleavened bread, also call the Passover.

CaptureWe read the information on “My Baptismal Covenant” in the Faith in God booklet. How are our Baptismal Covenant related to the Sacrament?

When we are baptized, we make a covenant, or two-way promise, with Heavenly Father. We promise Him that we will do certain things, and He promises to bless us.

We promise:

  • To take upon the name of Jesus Christ, which means to put His work first in our life and do what He wants instead of what the world wants.
  • To always remember Jesus Christ.
  • To keep His commandments.

IMG_3888Heavenly Father promises:

  • The Holy Ghost will be with us and that our sins will be forgiven.

We renew our baptismal covenants when we take the sacrament.

Then we read the Sacrament Prayers from the Moroni 4:3 and Moroni 5:2. And, learned word by word, understand the meaning of the prayers.

The Sacrament Prayers are among the very few prayers with specific words the Lord has revealed. He obviously wants His people to really think about these sacrament words and understand them.

After which, the children have a little word puzzle which I found it on the Friend magazine about the Sacrament.

IMG_3889We discussed about How We Can Do To Remain Faithful to our Baptismal Covenants. We agreed that going back to the basic that as mentioned in the Faith in God can help us develop faith and resist temptation:

  • Pray daily to Heavenly Father
  • Read the scriptures regularly
  • Keep the commandments and live “My Gospel Standards”
  • Honour parents and be kind to our family
  • Pay our tithing and attend tithing settlement
  • Attend sacrament meetings and renew our covenants

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We had our dinner later at IOI Mall Puchong, and Issac and Annabelle were jotting and writing the missing words of the sacrament prayers in the Friend Magazine. And learned How Can We Make the Sacrament Special:

  • Listen to the sacrament prayers. D&C 20:76-79.
  • Think about Jesus. Look at pictures of Him and remember stories from His life
  • Think about the good choices we made this week. How did we follow Jesus?
  • Read the words of sacrament hymns
  • Pray to Heavenly Father. Ask Him to forgive us for any wrong things we’ve done. Ask him for help to do better
  • Read Mosiah 18:7-10 to learn about the covenants we make at baptism. what do we promise Heavenly Father? How does He promise us?

It was quite a lesson that all of us know and understand more about the true meaning of Taking the Sacrament.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Articles of Faith 1

Articles of Faith #1 ~ “We believed in God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”

IMG_3749I have prepared lesson on these series of Article of Faith for both Issac and Annabelle as they need to memorize all 13 Article of Faith and explain the meaning of them.

We are spirit children of Heavenly Father, and we lived with Him before we came to earth. His plan allows us to choose to live with Him again.

Heavenly Father has all knowledge and He has all power. He is the Father of our spirit. He hopes we will talk to Him in prayer every day.

Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Only Begotten Son. He came to earth to receive a body and to atone for all the sins of mankind. Because Jesus Christ, we can return to live with Him and Heavenly Father again.

IMG_3756There are many names for Jesus Christ in the scriptures: Creator, Son of God, Savior, Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Firstborn and Messiah.

The Holy Ghost has a spirit body. He helps and comforts us. Through promptings, he helps us make good choices and know the difference between right and wrong.

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He can give us promptings to help you choose the right. We can feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Listen for the Holy Ghost “in your mind and in your heart” (D&C 8:2). After we are baptized and confirmed, the Holy Ghost can be our “constant companion” (D&C 121:46).

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings. Heavenly Father is eternal, which means that He exists forever and is perfect.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Puchong Branch Primary Mother's Day Craft

Today the children at the Primary were doing the Mother’s Day craft to give it to their beloved mothers. It is a small D.I.Y. decorative box.


This was Sister Jennifer’s idea for the children to use their own hands, create their own decorative gift box for their own mums.


The box and the lid had been prepared by Sister Jennifer, so each child was given a box card stock.


The children were asked to decorate the box with photos with their mum, with some stickers, photo prints, decorative stars or love stickers, ribbons, etc.


Here are some photos while the children in the process of making their own decorative gift boxes.


Here are what Issac and Annabelle give to me for the Mother’s Day gifts! Made me a happy mum of the day!





Saturday, May 20, 2017

LDS Kuala Lumpur District Primary Activity Day ~ Faith in God 20 May 2017

Ever since Sister YoungHee Yang was called as our Kuala Lumpur District Primary President, together with her, are her counsellors Sister Claire and Sister Cek Yin. Our District Primary Presidency really do a great job and organise great activities for the Primary children of the Church, and assist us the Primary workers in the District.

It is because I am currently serving as the Second Counsellor of Puchong Branch Primary, thus I have the opportunities to involve and get to know the District level of Primary activities and concern matters.

Primary Activity days

The District Primary Presidency focus this year would be encourage and ensure that boys and girls ages 8 through 11 live gospel principles, develop testimonies, and prepare to be righteous Aaronic Priesthood holders and righteous young women through The Faith in God program.

Thus the District Primary Activity Day was based around the Faith in God Program.


Our family woke up early and completed our household chores, and we remembered to bring along the kids’ props for the Talent Show for their individual performance and exhibition.

The event was organised at PJ Chapel Primary Room, from 10.00am to 1.00pm. We reached there earlier around 9.20am, we had our breakfast at the nearest coffee shop.


It's KL District Primary Activity Day!


Brandon from Subang Jaya branch!


Issac and Annabelle from Puchong branch!


Colin and Andie from KL branch, Schumacher from Cheras branch!


Sister Cek Yin ready at the Piano!


Introduction session by Sister Yang!

Sister YoungHee Yang introduced all the attendees, the children were excited and guessing all the guests.


Opening Song: Nephi's Courage


I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.

The opening song is Nephi’s Courage, and the opening prayer was offered by Annabelle.


Faith in God Motto – I am a Child of God.


I know Heavenly Father loves me, and I love Him.
I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere.
I am trying to remember and follow Jesus Christ.

Follow by the reciting of the Faith in God Motto by all the children and parents.


Briefing Session.

There were 3 Stations for all the boys and girls to go, each with their own theme and activity. Each activity lasted for 30 minutes. All the boys and girls were split into 2 groups, so that they can exchange after each activity.


Let's split for our activities class.

Station 1 conducted by Sister Claire Lim.


'Learning and Living the Gospel' by Sister Claire Lim.


Let's pose!

Activity No. 1 : Learning and Living the Gospel #6 – Tell a story form the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Saviour.

At this activity, the children were able to learn about all the Prophets and Heroes stories in the Book of Mormon. They learn how they would be brave like the Prophets to share their testimonies about Jesus Christ.


Who are those on the wall? Look familiar to you? It's the Prophets and Heroes from the Book of Mormon!


Activity No. 2 : My Gospel Standards.

The kids learned about the Gospel Standards which was in a paper craft, and Sister Claire taught them to make it in a small handy booklet which can keep in the wallet or pocket.


It's Learning and Living the Gospel activity!


Who is this person?


That is interesting!

Station 2 conducted by Sister Cek Yin.


'Serving Others' by Sister Chek Yin.

Activity No. 3 : Serving Others #1 – Read and discuss the parables of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30-37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbour. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.


What are the service projects we can do?




The parable of the good Samaritan

At this activity, Sister Cek Yin guide the children on how and what they able to help a family member, and write it down how to do it. All the kids were given colour papers and jot their ideas down.


Time's up and change class!


Changing activity - Serving Others!


Let's put on our thinking hats!


Let's peep on how the children are doing ^^

At the end of the 2 stations, everyone met up again in the Primary Room.


Let's get back the Primary room!


Let's start our 3rd activity - Talent Show presented by the children ^^

The final activity which is from the Faith in God : Developing Talents – Talent Show. Sister YoungHee Yang conducted the Talent Show. There were quite a few children participate, and their performance were great!


A couple of the children were showing their paintings and art pieces, this including Issac as well. Annabelle was playing the violin. There was one girl was reciting a poem she’d written. There was one boy was playing the piano and it sounds really great and talented boy! And, there is another boy playing the trombone!


Colin Hawkes with his Trombone performance!


Suria Ganesa with his Animation Characters Drawings


Andie Boyd with her very own Poem Reciting


Brandon with his 'Jungle Book' song


Schemacher with his Drawings and Song.


Annabelle with her Violin performance.


Issac with his Paintings.


Addy Hill with her Drawing and Paintings.


Danic Lim with his Piano performance.


Zerline Chua with her Painting.


Chen Yu with her song 'How Far I'll Go'

Sister Yang assigned Daddy to take the photographs of the children and the whole activities. Daddy did a great job! He managed to shoot video during all the children were performing!

The Talent Show was a real success as all the children were excited with each other talents and all of us really enjoyed ourselves watching the performance. It was around 12.00 noon that the Show came to an end.


Closing remark by Pres. Tai

President Royce Tai was given a closing remarks. He expressed his appreciation for the great job which the District Primary Presidency had done for the children of the district.

He too, was so amazed with the talents that all the children have and encouraged them to pursue their passions and interests so that in the near future they would able to serve others with their talents.


All the attended KL District Primary Children with Sister Yang.

We were singing ‘I’m Trying to Be like Jesus’ as our closing song of the activity, and closing prayer was offered by Brandon.


A Group Photo

Sister YoungHee Yang prepared some gifts for all the boys and girls whom attended the Primary Activity Day. A neck tie or bow tie for boy, and a hair band for girl. It was so thoughtful of her as the boys and girls can wear that to attend the Church.


Pizza party time! Thank you Sister Boyd!


After which we were having a Pizza Party, the kids really enjoyed themselves. The event ended around 1.00pm. All of us bid farewell to each other.


It was indeed a spiritual event for the children!

The files of video clips of the performance of Issac and Annabelle were too huge to upload, too bad. Anyhow, our family had a great day in the Church ^^