Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Showing posts with label Prophet and Apostles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophet and Apostles. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2021

Let God Prevail

It was my intention to read and study President Nelson’s talks just before the upcoming General Conference which will be happening this weekend. And I planned this talk to be the last.

Let God Prevail

by President Russell M. Nelson

President Russell M. Nelson shared his experience studying the doctrine of the gathering of Israel for 36 years and has increased his knowledge. He explained his new insight of the word Israel.

“I learned that one of the Hebraic meanings of the word Israel is “let God prevail.” Thus the very name of Israel refers to a person who is willing to let God prevail in his or her life. That concept stirs my soul!”

He recalled the crucial turning point in the life of Jacob. He explained that the inspiration he received and recalling Jacob's life can add meaning to our commitment to follow God and our role in the gathering of Israel.

President Russell M. Nelson told us that by choosing to let God prevail, the Hebraic interpretation of Israel can be of help to us in many ways. He emphasized several ways this interpretation can help us.

“The word willing is crucial to this interpretation of Israel. We all have our agency. We can choose to be of Israel, or not. We can choose to let God prevail in our lives, or not. We can choose to let God be the most powerful influence in our lives, or not.”

He showed us what will happen if we desire to let God prevail in our choices in life. He asked, how does the Lord feel when people let God prevail? And what is the Lord willing to do for Israel?

“With the Hebraic definition of Israel in mind, we find that the gathering of Israel takes on added meaning. The Lord is gathering those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives. The Lord is gathering those who will choose to let God be the most important influence in their lives.”

“Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let God be the most important influence in your life? Will you allow His words, His commandments, and His covenants to influence what you do each day? Will you allow His voice to take priority over any other? Are you willing to let whatever He needs you to do take precedence over every other ambition? Are you willing to have your will swallowed up in His?”

“If you are married to a companion who has broken his or her covenants, your willingness to let God prevail in your life will allow your covenants with God to remain intact. The Savior will heal your broken heart. The heavens will open as you seek to know how to move forward. You do not need to wander or wonder.”

“If you have sincere questions about the gospel or the Church, as you choose to let God prevail, you will be led to find and understand the absolute, eternal truths that will guide your life and help you stay firmly on the covenant path.”

“When you are faced with temptation—even if the temptation comes when you are exhausted or feeling alone or misunderstood—imagine the courage you can muster as you choose to let God prevail in your life and as you plead with Him to strengthen you.”

“When your greatest desire is to let God prevail, to be part of Israel, so many decisions become easier. So many issues become nonissues! You know how best to groom yourself. You know what to watch and read, where to spend your time, and with whom to associate. You know what you want to accomplish. You know the kind of person you really want to become.”

“Now, my dear brothers and sisters, it takes both faith and courage to let God prevail. It takes persistent, rigorous spiritual work to repent and to put off the natural man through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It takes consistent, daily effort to develop personal habits to study the gospel, to learn more about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to seek and respond to personal revelation.”

“During these perilous times of which the Apostle Paul prophesied, Satan is no longer even trying to hide his attacks on God’s plan. Emboldened evil abounds. Therefore, the only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God prevail in our lives, to learn to hear His voice, and to use our energy to help gather Israel.”

He closed his talk with an invitation to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. Following his promise and testimony.

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Sometimes when I face my unique challenges, I tend to complain silently. Especially when I wrestled with my emotions. I asked the Lord of many whys. I realized that at that moment, I only think or care about what is happening and I was not able to clearly see God's will.

I also gain new insight from President Russell M. Nelson's talk. I now understand it more to let God prevail is my willingness to choose God to be the most powerful influence in my life. Thus, I want to practise my skill and better prepare myself to “hear Him” during the upcoming general conference.

I listed down my questions in mind, pray to look for the specific answers for my worries and concerns that trouble me at the moment. I want to hear and record down what answers from the Lord that He will send me through His servants during general conference.

  • How can or what can I do to keep my body healthy and keep an physical exercise goal?
  • How can I do better in my calling as Relief Society President?
  • How can I being a better wife?
  • How can I be a better cook and improve my cooking?
  • How can I being a better mother for 2 teenage children?
  • How can I manage my time between family, job, daily personal scripture study and my BYU-Pathway study?
  • How can I increase my income?
  • How can I improve my financial situations?

And, I am most eager to hear from the Lord speaks through His prophet and apostles. He may have other things that He wants to tell me. I am prepare to open to any messages that He may have for me.

“If you pray to Him and genuinely ask for help in hearing and recognizing His voice, He will help you find those messages meant for you during general conference.”

Monday, March 29, 2021

Embrace the Future with Faith

At the time of this writing, my mind is so blank and cannot think of anything else. My car had been involved in an accident this morning, during on my way to office. It was a rainy morning, from morning 8.00am till almost noon.

We were in the Maybank Puchong Jaya to open saving accounts for both Issac and Annabelle. It took us so long time from 9.30am till it is almost 11.30am then just done.

After I sent Alvin back to his office, then I sent both kids back home. Both Alvin and I were late to office. I cannot deny my eagerness that wanted to reach office as soon as possible, and what happened was after I cut into the lane and slowed down. The outcome is the back of my car had been banged by the car behind as the driver couldn't stop his car in time.

After the whole saga, the driver agreed to pay me RM350.00 for settlement, for the cost of making good and reinstate to of my car bumper. I am glad that I got the help and monies that I need for this accident.

Lately, my mind is cluttered with a lot of stuffs – my exercise goal that stopped, cooking and prepare bento for both kids to bring to school, my up-coming BYU-Pathway class that is going to start soon, my current salary that still not up and back to before Covid-19 pandemic time, my Come Follow Me programme that I should follow and study every week, my general conference talks that need to catch up before this coming Easter 2021 General Conference, my photos that need to be tidy up and digitalised, my blog that need to update, my calling that need to work on it more, and so many other things!

I am unable to focus at one thing at a time. This week supposing that I should read President Nelson’s 2 most important talks last October 2020. My life seems like so messy! I feel it is because I do not feel security of the my future.

In the Women Session of General Conference, President Nelson lovingly reiterated the love that he and our Heavenly Father have for the women of this Church.

Embrace the Future with Faith

by President Russell M. Nelson

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“How are we to deal with both the sober prophecies and the glorious pronouncements about our day? The Lord told us how with simple, but stunning, reassurance: “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”

“If preparation is our key to embracing this dispensation and our future with faith, how can we best prepare?”

“For decades, the Lord’s prophets have urged us to store food, water, and financial reserves for a time of need. The current pandemic has reinforced the wisdom of that counsel. I urge you to take steps to be temporally prepared. But I am even more concerned about your spiritual and emotional preparation.”

He continued to speak of spiritual preparation by referencing Captain Moroni in the Book of Mormon.

Principle Number One: Create Places of Security

“…As turmoil rages around us, we need to create places where we are safe, both physically and spiritually. When your home becomes a personal sanctuary of faith—where the Spirit resides—your home becomes the first line of defense.”

“Likewise, the stakes of Zion are “a refuge from the storm” because they are led by those who hold priesthood keys and exercise priesthood authority. As you continue to follow the counsel of those whom the Lord has authorized to guide you, you will feel greater safety.”

“The temple—the house of the Lord—is a place of security unlike any other. There, you sisters are endowed with priesthood power through the sacred priesthood covenants you make. There, your families are sealed for eternity. Even this year, when access to our temples has been seriously limited, your endowment has given you constant access to God’s power as you have honored your covenants with Him.”

“Simply said, a place of security is anywhere you can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost and be guided by Him. When the Holy Ghost is with you, you can teach truth, even when it runs counter to prevailing opinions. And you can ponder sincere questions about the gospel in an environment of revelation.”

“I invite you, my dear sisters, to create a home that is a place of security. And I renew my invitation for you to increase your understanding of priesthood power and of temple covenants and blessings. Having places of security to which you can retreat will help you embrace the future with faith.”

Principle Number Two: Prepare Your Mind to Be Faithful to God

“Just as the physical foundation of the Salt Lake Temple must be strong enough to withstand natural disasters, our spiritual foundations must be solid. Then, when metaphorical earthquakes rock our lives, we can stand “steadfast and immovable” because of our faith.”

“The Lord taught us how to increase our faith by seeking “learning, even by study and also by faith.” We strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ as we strive to keep His commandments and “always remember him.” Further, our faith increases every time we exercise our faith in Him. That is what learning by faith means.”

“…few things build faith more than does regular immersion in the Book of Mormon. No other book testifies of Jesus Christ with such power and clarity. Its prophets, as inspired by the Lord, saw our day and selected the doctrine and truths that would help us most. The Book of Mormon is our latter-day survival guide.”

“Of course, our ultimate security comes as we yoke ourselves to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! Life without God is a life filled with fear. Life with God is a life filled with peace. This is because spiritual blessings come to the faithful. Receiving personal revelation is one of the greatest of those blessings.”

“The Lord has promised that if we will ask, we may receive “revelation upon revelation.” I promise that as you increase your capacity to receive revelation, the Lord will bless you with increased direction for your life and with boundless gifts of the Spirit.”

Principle Number Three: Never Stop Preparing

“The adversary never stops attacking. So, we can never stop preparing! The more self-reliant we are—temporally, emotionally, and spiritually—the more prepared we are to thwart Satan’s relentless assaults.”

“I am not saying that the days ahead will be easy, but I promise you that the future will be glorious for those who are prepared and who continue to prepare to be instruments in the Lord’s hands.”

“My dear sisters, let us not just endure this current season. Let us embrace the future with faith! Turbulent times are opportunities for us to thrive spiritually. They are times when our influence can be much more penetrating than in calmer times.”

“I promise that as we create places of security, prepare our minds to be faithful to God, and never stop preparing, God will bless us.”

Although this talk already 6 months ago, the counsels, invitations and promises that President Nelson extended are never expired and still in force if we keep on trying our best to do it!

It is just about time for me to prioritise and focus on what is truly important, and seek the best way to balance each one of the my needs according to His will.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

A New Normal

From his talk, we can know that President Nelson has so much optimism for the future and it gives so much hope!

A New Normal

by President Russell M. Nelson

He begin by expressing his concern for all of us:

“I have asked the Lord to help me understand what you are feeling, worrying about, or trying to resolve. I have wondered what I might say to conclude this conference that would send you forth with the optimism about the future that I know the Lord wants you to feel.”

“We live in a glorious age, foreseen by prophets for centuries. This is the dispensation when no spiritual blessing will be withheld from the righteous. Despite the world’s commotion, the Lord would have us look forward to the future “with joyful anticipation.”

“Let us not spin our wheels in the memories of yesterday. The gathering of Israel moves forward. The Lord Jesus Christ directs the affairs of His Church, and it will achieve its divine objectives.”

President Nelson knows our challenges is to make certain that each of us will achieve our divine potential.

“If you really want to embrace a new normal, I invite you to turn your heart, mind, and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Let that be your new normal.”

He outlines some actions steps for us to embrace our new normal:

  1. Repenting daily.
  2. Seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed.
  3. Minister to others.
  4. Keep an eternal perspective.
  5. Magnify your callings.
  6. And whatever your challenges, my dear brothers and sisters, live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your Maker.
  7. Build and maintain yourself so you can be worthy to enter the holy temple.

I know that as I follow the Prophet and do all these things, I can gain the power to embrace the new normal that has been put upon us in these times.

He leaves a beautiful blessing upon us,

“I bless you to be filled with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. His peace is beyond all mortal understanding. I bless you with an increased desire and ability to obey the laws of God. I promise that as you do, you will be showered with blessings, including greater courage, increased personal revelation, sweeter harmony in your homes, and joy even amid uncertainty.”

“May we go forward together to fulfill our divine mandate—that of preparing ourselves and the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.”

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Monday, March 15, 2021

Moving Forward

Here is the first talk from October 2020 General Conference Saturday Session by President Russell M. Nelson.

Moving Forward

by President Russell M. Nelson

The global pandemic and other natural disasters have turn the world upside down, but it can not block the progress of the Lord’s work and His Church.

“… Amid social distancing, face masks, and Zoom meetings, we have learned to do some things differently and some even more effectively. Unusual times can bring unusual rewards.”


Missionaries have been “resourceful, resilient, and truly remarkable.” Temples were closed for a time and construction projects briefly delayed. But the family history work has been increased and new wards and stakes have been created. Church have provided pandemic humanitarian aid for 895 projects in 150 countries.

Meanwhile, increased gospel study in many homes is resulting in stronger testimonies and family relationships.

I am so amazed with President Nelson’s heart and encouragement being the servant of the Lord with such heavy burden, but still always counsels us to see things in the eternal perspective.

I know that President Nelson too, has his own challenges in his 96 years old of age and being a Prophet of God is no easy too. That is why I should not have any reason to loss faith or complaints because my prophet being an exemplar to me how to live this life!

“I pray that we as a people are using this unique time to grow spiritually. We are here on earth to be tested, to see if we will choose to follow Jesus Christ, to repent regularly, to learn, and to progress. Our spirits long to progress. And we do that best by staying firmly on the covenant path.”

“Through it all, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love us! They care for us! They and Their holy angels are watching over us. I know that is true.”

“As we gather to hear the words the Lord has inspired His servants to deliver, I invite you to ponder a promise the Lord made. He declared that “whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning … and the wiles of the devil, and lead the [disciple] of Christ in a strait and narrow course.”

I will take his counsel for this – lay hold upon the word of God! Amen!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Love Your Enemies

President Dallin H. Oaks opening message was profound by stating the current situation in which we live in a time of anger and hatred. He was referring to the destructing protest and campaigns that were happening in the United States which is also happening in other countries of the world.

Love Your Enemies

by President Dallin H. Oaks

It is no different here in Malaysia, with the sudden changed of the government last year had resulted the hatred which was propaganda by the political statements issued by different political parties. These hatred raised among the different races and especially religions as well.

I felt blessed as I proud to be a Malaysian because Malaysia consists of all races and we live harmony despite so many different cultures, languages, and people. It is just like a big melting pot which we are respect to each other culture and live harmony. And we learn from each other.

Unfortunately the recent political changes and trends just showed to the people how certain politicians whom are greed and crazy for powers can bring so much destruction to the country’s economy and people’s living. But that is not the topic today.

Savior taught,

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”

President Gordon B. Hinckley also reminded us that loving our enemies and our adversaries is not easy.

“Most of us have not reached that stage of … love and forgiveness. It requires a self-discipline almost greater than we are capable of.”

But it must be essential, for it is part of the Savior’s two great commandments to “love the Lord thy God” and to “love thy neighbour as thyself”. And it must be possible, for He also taught, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find”.

“So, we are to follow the laws of men (render unto Caesar) to live peacefully under civil authority, and we follow the laws of God toward our eternal destination. But how do we do this—especially how do we learn to love our adversaries and our enemies?”

How do we learn to love our adversaries and our enemies?

The Savior’s teaching not to “contend with anger” is a good first step

  • “The devil is the father of contention, and it is he who tempts men to contend with anger. He promotes enmity and hateful relationships among individuals and within groups.
  • President Thomas S. Monson taught that anger is “Satan’s tool,” for “to be angry is to yield to the influence of Satan. No one can make us angry. It is our choice.”
  • Anger is the way to division and enmity. We move toward loving our adversaries when we avoid anger and hostility toward those with whom we disagree. It also helps if we are even willing to learn from them.”

To understand and relate to people of a different culture


  • “We should try getting to know them… In countless circumstances, strangers’ suspicion or even hostility give way to friendship or even love when personal contacts produce understanding and mutual respect.”

To seek to understand the power of love


  • “Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “it is a time-honoured adage that love begets love. Let us pour forth love—show forth our kindness unto all mankind.”
  • President Howard W. Hunter taught: “The world in which we live would benefit greatly if men and women everywhere would exercise the pure love of Christ, which is kind, meek, and lowly. It is without envy or pride. … It seeks nothing in return. … It has no place for bigotry, hatred, or violence. … It encourages diverse people to live together in Christian love regardless of religious belief, race, nationality, financial standing, education, or culture.”
  • President Russell M. Nelson has urged us to “expand our circle of love to embrace the whole human family.”

An essential part of loving our enemies is to render unto Caesar by keeping the laws of our various countries

  • “Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land.
  • “Wherefore, be subject to the powers that be”

Articles of Faith 1:12

  • “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honouring, and sustaining the law”

He closed this talk with his testimony that the Lord has taught him that it is possible to obey and seek to improve our nation's laws and also to love our adversaries and our enemies.

To love our enemies is not something new to me, but to love my adversaries is something caught me eyes. Most of the time, there are so many occasions or situations or may be trials that just came and I hate that moments of my personal life, that situation of my family had put me through which gave me insecure feelings. And that tried my faith to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

It is so hard to control what I think or to control my mind and heart not to get angry and feel hopeless. Most of the time, I would just swallowed and cry to release those tensions which would helps me feel a little better. Eventually, after the whole ‘episodes’ of the trials through, I would write down and at that time I would able to see how these events have brought me closer and see the Lord’s hand in my life.

Even till now while I am writing this, I am facing the shortage of some financial that I might not able to pull through by end of next month. With my pay cut after the impact of the Covid-19 still not yet fully recovered and the monthly extra monies from EPF I-Lestari have been ended last month. With the current commitment of the hire-purchase instalment, housing loan, medical insurance for both my children and myself that need to be fulfilled every month, and the food expenses that now I have reach to my bottle neck and hardly breath!

Sometimes I will think of the blessings and the windows of heaven that promised to those whom committed to pay a full tithes, I would wonder where is that little window?

But I know that I need to be patience be grateful what I have now and believe that He is there and knows what I need. I know that He lives and Jesus is the Christ and is my Redeemer! Amen.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

We Talk of Christ

Like a guiding star in a clear, dark sky, Jesus Christ lights our way.

“He came to earth in a humble stable. He lived a perfect life. He healed the sick and raised the dead. He was a friend to the forgotten. He taught us to do good, to obey, and to love one another. He was crucified on a cross, rising majestically three days later, allowing us and those we love to live beyond the grave. With His incomparable mercy and grace, He took upon Himself our sins and our suffering, bringing forgiveness as we repent and peace in the storms of life. We love Him. We worship Him. We follow Him. He is the anchor of our souls.”

While this spiritual conviction is increasing within us, faith in Jesus Christ is diminishing in parts of the world.

“We have taken upon ourselves the name of the Savior. What more are we to do?”

Part of the answer comes in following President Russell M. Nelson, who has invited members to follow his example and study the 2,200 scripture references of Jesus Christ listed in the Topical Guide.

We Talk of Christ

by Elder Neil L. Anderson

A Promise for Your Preparation

“I promise you that as you prepare yourselves, as President Nelson did, you too will be different, thinking more about the Savior, speaking of Him more frequently and with less hesitation. As you come to know and love Him even more deeply, your words will flow more comfortably, as they do when you speak of one of your children or of a dear friend. Those listening to you will feel less like debating or dismissing you and more like learning from you.”

We can do a little better by:

Speaking of Christ in Our Homes

“The stories of Jesus [are] like a rushing wind across the embers of faith in the hearts of our children.” When your children ask you questions, consciously think about teaching what the Savior taught.

“We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, … that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”

Speaking of Christ in the Church

“In our worship services, let us focus on the Savior Jesus Christ and the gift of His atoning sacrifice.”

“While our subject might be about families or service or temples or a recent mission, everything in our worship should point to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Speaking of Christ with Others

“With those around us, let us be more open, more willing to talk of Christ. President Nelson said, “True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of the world.”

“Let the Lord guide them as they are willing, while we think more about our responsibility to be a voice for Him, thoughtful and open about our faith.”

“Be more open on social media in talking about your trust in Christ. Most will respect your faith, but if someone is dismissive when you speak of the Savior, take courage in His promise: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you … for my sake. … For great is your reward in heaven.”

“The Book of Mormon is a powerful witness of Jesus Christ. Virtually every page testifies of the Savior and His divine mission.”

And lastly - Lifting Our Desire to Speak of Christ

“Can you imagine being caught up to meet Him, whether on this side or the other side of the veil? That is His promise to the righteous. This amazing experience will mark our souls forever.”

“…let us talk of Christ, anticipating His glorious promise: “Whosoever … shall confess me before men, him will I confess … before my Father.”

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I feel as I have so much to catch up on doing all these! However, I still need to put in effort and Hear Him more.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

All Nations, Kindreds, and Tongues

Elder Gong’s Conference talk given a lot of short stories and testimonies from the members around the world. He stands as a witness that the prophecies given when the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored and fulfilled.

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Here are some quotes that I personally love about this talk.

All Nations, Kindreds, and Tongues

by Elder Gerrit W. Gong

“Truly, for those with faithful hearts and eyes to see, the Lord’s tender mercies are manifest amidst life’s challenges. Faithfully met challenges and sacrifice do bring the blessings of heaven. In this mortality, we may lose or wait for some things for a time, but in the end we will find what matters most. That is His promise.”


“As we hearken to the Lord’s spirit of prophecy, we can become, in our own way, part of the fulfillment of His prophecies and promises—part of the gospel blessing the world.”

“By small and simple means—in which we are each invited to participate—great things are brought to pass.”

“as we increase our faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, receive the blessings found in living restored gospel truths and sacred covenants, and study, ponder, and share about the ongoing Restoration, we participate in fulfilling prophecy.”

“We are changing ourselves and the world in a gospel pattern that blesses lives everywhere.”

“Heavenly Father invites us everywhere to feel His love, to learn and grow through education, honorable work, self-reliant service, and patterns of goodness and happiness we find in His restored Church.”

“As we come to trust God, sometimes through pleading in our darkest, loneliest, most uncertain moments, we learn He knows us better and loves us more than we know or love ourselves.”

“As we discover God, sometimes unexpected answers to prayers take us from the street, bring us to community, chase darkness from our souls, and guide us to find spiritual refuge and belonging in the goodness of His covenants and abiding love.”

“Great things often begin small, but God’s miracles are manifest daily. How grateful we are for the supernal gift of the Holy Ghost, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and His revealed doctrine, ordinances, and covenants found in His restored Church, called in His name.”

It is the small and simple things that we faithfully do each day that care vital to build the kingdom of God in our corner of the world. Continue what you are doing, and watch for opportunities to share the blessings of the gospel that we have with others.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God

Elder Dale G. Renlund encouraged us to follow the counsel from the prophet Micah in order to understand what more we can do to draw closer to God:

“[God] hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”10

Micah 6:8

Last week in Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord provided a similar counsel to Hyrum Smith in 1829 as He explained how to recognised promptings from the Holy Ghost:

“12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your atrust in that bSpirit which cleadeth to do dgood—yea, to do ejustly, to walk fhumbly, to gjudge righteously; and this is my Spirit.”

Doctrine and Covenants 11:12

Elder Renlund explained the relationship between these 3 admonitions:

“To do justly means acting honorably with God and with other people. We act honorably with God by walking humbly with Him. We act honorably with others by loving mercy. To do justly is therefore a practical application of the first and second great commandments, to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind … [and to] love thy neighbour as thyself.”11

“To walk humbly is to recognize the limits of my abilities and to priotize God’s will over my own.”

“To do justly and walk humbly with God is to intentionally withdraw our hand from iniquity, walk in His statutes, and remain authentically faithful.12 A just person turns away from sin and toward God, makes covenants with Him, and keeps those covenants. A just person chooses to obey the commandments of God, repents when falling short, and keeps on trying.”

“To love mercy is to set aside judgement or animosity and to treat others with kindness and compassion.”

“To love mercy as God does is inseparably connected to dealing justly with others and not mistreating them.”

“Always dealing honorably with others is part of loving mercy.”


“To be Christ like, a person does justly, behaving honorably with both God and other people. A just person is civil in words and action and recognizes that differences in outlook or belief do not preclude genuine kindness and friendship. Individuals who do justly “will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably”24 one with another.”

“To be Christ like, a person loves mercy. People who love mercy are not judgmental; they manifest compassion for others, especially for those who are less fortunate; they are gracious, kind, and honourable. These individuals treat everyone with love and understanding, regardless of characteristics such as race, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and tribal, clan, or national differences. These are superseded by Christ like love.”

“But at the same time, our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do not want us to be paralyzed by continual uncertainty during our mortal journey, wondering whether we have done enough to be saved and exalted…”

In conclusion,

“We can assess our own progress. We can know “that the course of life [that we are] pursuing is according to God’s will”28 when we do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. We assimilate the attributes of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ into our character, and we love one another.”

As I think about this talk, the following talk is the one that strike me the most:

“Loving mercy means that we do not just love the mercy God extends to us; we delight that God extends the same mercy to others. And we follow His example. “All are alike unto God,”20 and we all need spiritual treatment to be helped and healed. The Lord has said, “Ye shall not esteem one flesh above another, or one man shall not think himself above another.”21

Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God

by Elder Dale G. Renlund

Even though sometimes I might be grudge to someone and might want to see so call karma happened upon that particular person. Yeah, I know it is not Christ like at all!

But if I am putting my feet into that person’s shoes, I would want the same loving and mercy that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ extend to other persons, extended the same love towards me as well! And the love They extended to me is no discounted at all!

I will strive to make better decision (do justly) by submitting my will to the will of God (walking humbly) and learn to serve others non-judgmentally (loving mercy).

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Be of Good Cheer

This talk is from the Women’s Session of the General Conference held in October 2020. President Oak’s talk is a timely reminder that despite our circumstances, we have much to be thankful for and that we can find joy all around us. He also reminds us that Heavenly Father is aware of each us as individuals and that we need to trust Him.

Be of Good Cheer

by President Dallin H. Oaks

We need to remember that the Lord trusts us and is supporting us through every trial we experience. As we in turn trust Him and walk His path, we strengthen our faith and we overcome difficult challenges, persevering in the face of adversity.

“Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.

“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God” (Doctrine and Covenants 68:5–6).

President Oaks talks about tribulation and challenges being part of the “common experiences of mortality”. He also says:

“Opposition is an essential part of the divine plan for helping us grow,2 and in the midst of that process, we have God’s assurance that, in the long view of eternity, opposition will not be allowed to overcome us.

With His help and our faithfulness and endurance, we will prevail. Like the mortal life of which they are a part, all tribulations are temporary.”

It can be difficult to find joy in difficult times, but the Lord reminds us to count our blessings and look beyond our current circumstances to find joy. Where do you find joy in your life? What blessings has the Lord given you?

As we continue through our current challenges, we must remember that our trials and tribulations are temporary. There are times when they seem to go on and on, and that there is no end in sight. However, as our faith and trust in the Lord increases, so does our spiritual strength.

“In the midst of hardships, the divine assurance is always “be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours” (Doctrine and Covenants 78:18).”

As we ask for help and trust the Lord, we are able to overcome seemingly impossible hurdles – this comes from a partnership of trust through the trials of faith. If you look back, you will find examples of challenges and hardships you have overcome. These have prepared you for the future, building up your foundation of faith in the Lord.

“With the Lord’s promises, we “lift up [our] heart[s] and rejoice” (Doctrine and Covenants 25:13), and “with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:15), we go forward on the covenant path…”

As we remember that there is joy to be found everyday and find opportunities to express our gratitude, we will be able to recognise the blessings we receive everyday.

“There is boundless power in the doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our unshakable faith in that doctrine guides our steps and gives us joy.

It enlightens our minds and gives strength and confidence to our actions. This guidance and enlightenment and power are promised gifts we have received from our Heavenly Father.

By understanding and conforming our lives to that doctrine, including the divine gift of repentance, we can be of good cheer as we keep ourselves on the path toward our eternal destiny—reunion and exaltation with our loving heavenly parents.”

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Highly Favored of the Lord

“Together we considered individuals in the New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants whom the Lord blessed to accomplish greatness in adversity. All were defined more by what they were able to do with the Lord’s help than by what they could not do as a result of their confinement and restriction.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson began his talk with his young missionary experiences that related to the disappointments and sorrows that we might be face at this pandemic time.

Then he shared how the prophets such as Nephi, or Paul and Silas, or Nephi and Lehi the the sons of Helaman, or Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah and lastly Joseph Smith.

“Each of them understood what Nephi knew: that although they had seen many afflictions in the course of their days, they were highly favored of the Lord.”

Elder Stevenson focused his talk on the ways the Lord has favored us with preparation and resources to guide us during the trials and hardships that we are currently facing. Specifically, he mentions:

  • Becoming more home centred and Church supported
  • Ministering in a higher and holier way
  • Finding heightened joy in the return of temple ordinances.

What resonated with me were all of the examples he gave of people, ancient and modern, who have used struggles and afflictions to come closer to Christ and receive his guidance, relieve suffering, share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, make a difference in their corner of the world.

Despite of all the challenges and trials that I had been through, I should be like the ancient and modern prophets to come closer to our Savior and learn how to receive my personal revelation and gain greater faith to trust in Him, because all of us including me are highly favored of the Lord. It is because we are Heavenly Father’s children.

Highly Favored of the Lord

by Elder Gary E. Stevenson

This message came so just in time as I have studied the Doctrines and Covenants, the feeling that I had is hope and grateful for the Lord. There was one question: What evidence of the Lord’s wisdom and foreknowledge have you seen in your life?

There were so many evidence of the Lord’s wisdom and foreknowledge I have seen in my life: My marriage broken and get divorced, the process of how I was broke down alone with the children and I started to look for God’s help and allow Him to direct me to bring up both my children, the process of how I prayed to Heavenly Father in Jesus’s name that I would enter to His Church one day together with my own family but in my heart I wondered which one is His Church, the process of how I started to search for a better place for the children and how I able to purchase the house in a property auction with the amount that just what I had in the pocket to close the deal in which we live in now, the process of how Alvin and I got back together with the children, the process of started to go back to find a Church that suitable for our family, the process of coming to know His Church, getting baptized into His Church together as family, the process of going to the temple and sealed our family for all time and eternity, but it is not end just here after our temple sealing. Now and then, there were challenges that my family encounter such as the pandemic COVID-19 now and both children are blessed with the online studies and started to self-discipline in their studies. And there were and are more to come.

Elder Stevenson said,

“Times of affliction and disappointment do not change the watchful eye of the Lord as He favorably looks upon us, blessing us.”

I am blessed and I know that I just trying my best to do the promptings that comes to me and keep my commandments, my family and I will be in His good hands. We are truly highly favored of the Lord, if we sit down quietly and counting our blessings one by one.

Elder Stevenson also promised,

“… I believe that one day, each of you will look back at the cancelled events, the sadness, the disappointments, and the loneliness attendant to the challenging times we are passing through to see them overshadowed by choice blessings and increased faith and testimonies. I believe that in this life, and in the life to come, your afflictions, your Ammonihah, your Liberty Jail, will be consecrated for your gain.15I pray that, along with Nephi, we can acknowledge the afflictions in the course of our days while at the same time recognizing that we are highly favored of the Lord.”


Friday, January 29, 2021

Tested, Proved and Polished

President Henry B. Eyring always been one of my favourite apostles that given speech during General Conference, because I can always easily feel the Spirit during his talk. Honestly, it was quite a challenge to listen once only when I would like to get a better view of how was his talk.

Tested, Proved and Polished

by President Henry B. Eyring

President Eyring started his talk with his childhood experience of pulling weeds with his mother in his family’s backyard garden. His mother taught him that life is supposed to be hard, because it is a test.

“… God’s purpose in the Creation of this world…. was to give His children the opportunity to prove themselves able and willing to choose the right when it is hard. In so doing, their natures would be changed and they could become more like Him. He knew that would require unshakable faith in Him.”

We “accepted the invitation to be tested and to prove that we would choose to keep the commandments of God when we would no longer be in the presence of our Heavenly Father.”

One third of Heavenly Father’s children did not accept the invitation.

“Those of us who accepted the plan did so because of our faith in Jesus Christ, who offered to become our Savior and Redeemer. We must have believed then that whatever mortal weaknesses we would have and whatever evil forces would be against us, the forces of good would be overwhelmingly greater.”

Sometimes it is indeed hard for me to go through all those trials alone and wonder why it is so hard?

“God has the power to make our way easier… You might reasonably wonder why a loving and all-powerful God allows our mortal test to be so hard. It is because He knows that we must grow in spiritual cleanliness and stature to be able to live in His presence in families forever.”

“The Father’s plan of happiness has at its center our becoming ever more like His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. In all things, the Savior’s example is our best guide. He was not exempt from the need to prove Himself.”

“When you wonder how much pain you can endure well, remember Him.”


“You are being nourished and comforted by a loving Savior, who knows how to succor you in whatever tests you face.”

“We can receive succor from Jesus Christ as we always remember Him and come unto Him by feast upon His words, to exercise faith unto repentance, to choose to be baptized and confirmed by His authorized servant, and then to keep your covenants with God. He sends the Holy Ghost to be your companion, comforter, and guide.”

“As you live worthy of the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Lord can direct you to safety even when you cannot see the way.”

“The greatest blessing that will come when we prove ourselves faithful to our covenants during our trials will be a change in our natures. By our choosing to keep our covenants, the power of Jesus Christ and the blessings of His Atonement can work in us. Our hearts can be softened to love, to forgive, and to invite others to come unto the Savior. Our confidence in the Lord increases. Our fears decrease.”


“In addition, we must notice the tribulation of others and try to help. That will be especially hard when we are being sorely tested ourselves. But we will discover as we lift another’s burden, even a little, that our backs are strengthened and we sense a light in the darkness.”

All those above are the quotes that I love in this talk. President Eyring reminds me that I still have a loving Heavenly Father and the Savior to look up to, whenever I think of my challenges. I am grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

“Yet the Prophet Joseph Smith, one of the greatest of His prophets, suffered in prison and was taught the lesson we all profit from and need in our recurring tests of faith: “And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.”4

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity

“Righteousness and unity are profoundly significant.1 When people love God with all their hearts and righteously strive to become like Him, there is less strife and contention in society. There is more unity.”

Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity

by Elder Quentin L. Cook

Basically what I learned from Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk that righteousness and unity work together. When we choose to be righteous, we become unified with one another. and the most important thing is when we love God with all our heart, we will love our neighbor as ourselves.

When we follow this, there is an increase in unity in our homes, church, and in our society. Another thing I learned is that:

“With our all-inclusive doctrine, we can be an oasis of unity and celebrate diversity. Unity and diversity are not opposites. We can achieve greater unity as we foster an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for diversity.”

Elder Cook shared about his experiences during he was served in the San Francisco California Stake Presidency. This reminds me of my first experience during when I joined the Church Christmas party long go before I became the member of the Church.

I was quite surprised that all those ‘white people’ were so friendly, even we look different from each other and I was not treated like a foreigner or an outsider. I can feel the love, righteousness and unity among the members.

This type of feeling continue during when our family were baptized into the Church, and even we attended sacrament meeting in the different country such as in Philippines and Vietnam.

I feel grateful as my children able to grow up in this harmonious environment, and both of them have been live in even our small branch composed of people from many racial and cultural backgrounds.

It is actually not new to us as we are Malaysia and we comes from different races such as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kardazans and other minor ethics. Instead, we find comfort from each other on how to cope up with different cultures.

Another thing that strike my eyes is the Oneness.

“[Jesus Christ] prayed for His disciples and for those who would believe in Christ: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.”29

“Oneness is what Christ prayed for prior to His betrayal and Crucifixion.”

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Monday, January 11, 2021

I Believe in Angels


“When it comes to your happiness and salvation, it is always worth the effort to keep trying. It is worth the effort to adjust your lifestyle and traditions. The Lord is aware of the challenges you face. He knows you, He loves you, and I promise, He will send angels to help you.”

I was drawn to this talk after listened to it. It is very easy to see life, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and blessings from a very nature man point of view or transactional viewpoint.

I Believe in Angels

by Elder Carlos A. Godoy

Without realizing it, we start to see God much like a magical vending machine: I put a quarter of good deeds in, and I get the blessing I want out – and it hurts when the Lord proves that he works very differently.

We also expect everyone else in the Church to be much further along the path of discipleship than we are ourselves, and become very hurt when someone shows us how very human they still are.

If I had still been at that point in my life where I was expecting God to prove that he loves mw through great miracles and expecting my brothers and sisters in the Church to fill voids in my heart and mind that no human could fill, then this talk would have hurt.

“Where are my angels?”, “Why aren’t there people in my life making such great efforts towards me?”, “How come I try so hard to be righteous and I still feel like I am left sitting on the sidelines?”

The problem is that I am too focussed on myself and my own trials or problems. The longer I live, the more I believe that the Lord has given us commandments and covenants, and gospel standards for our own personal growth in temporal and spiritual.

As I have progressed in living the gospel, I have come to realize that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I have already been healed of many mental or wounds and the voids that once seemed to fill in my life.

I also know that as I continue to choose to improve, change and take actions of my impressions, plans or thoughts, the Lord will provide me everything in His own time and in His own way. Thus there is no need for me to worry about when I have faith and putting my trust in Him. Still, this is a learning process that is ongoing.

Instead I need to focus on trying to be an “angel” for the Lord despite all of my imperfection and leave the rest to Him.

“The Lord is always looking for willing volunteers to be angels in others’ lives.”

“Brothers and sisters, I believe in angels! We are all here today, a giant army of angels set apart for these latter days, to minister to others as extensions of the hands of a loving Creator. I promise that if we are willing to serve, the Lord will give us opportunities to be ministering angels. He knows who needs angelic help, and He will put them in our path. The Lord puts those who need angelic help in our path daily.”

I have been surrounded by angels since the day I was born into this earth, from my loving support parents till now. I have felt angels next to me every step of the way in this journey. From this side of the veil and from the other. I have countless prayers and the strength that they given upon me. All of them are indeed my angels.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Waiting on the Lord

I loved Elder Holland’s talk in this pass General Conference. His talk always are comforting, encouraging, inspiring, assuring and with a little bit of sense of humour that make me remember his teaching.

Waiting on the Lord

by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Sometimes I feel like so tired of the current situation or condition and wish I can improve it. Needless to say, I was dissapointed with the unanswered prayers or silence. What have I done to deserve this? I am so patience and being obedience most of the time in most of my doings. What did I do to placed on here at this circumstances?

“How long do we wait for relief from hardships that come upon us? What about enduring personal trials while we wait and wait, and help seems so slow in coming? Why the delay when burdens seem more than we can bear?”

Life reminds us that we are not always in control of things. There will be moments when we have to put our faith in the Lord’s timing. I learned this truth to a greater degree, and I am still in the process of learning it even now.

All these while I just feel like my marriage is at the edge of the cliff – that would just simply falling down and break into pieces, and that is just the matter of time.

I remember what President Thomas S. Monson taught, “the future is as bright as your faith.” I had faith in the Lord, and I had faith in Him that He has provided me and my family with a wonderful plan for the future. But trusting in His timing was just so hard to wait.

I remember that some of the days in the middle of doing some chores or taking my bath, my heart was overflowed with heaviness, anxiety, and hopelessness for the future. I know that the family can be last for all time and eternity, but it seemed as though it is were out of reach even ours had been sealed in the temple. I felt being guilty of my failure in fulfilling the covenants that I had made in the temple.

The people around me seemed to have the desires of their hearts granted; were my hopes and dreams just solely for my family not right? With tears in my eyes, I asked the Lord if I was not worthy of His promised blessings.

In the midst of my frustration and despair, a thought came into my mind. It is as though I was transported back to the time I read something like this, “The Lord answers our prayers in three ways – Yes, No, and wait a while.”

There is that word again – wait. Sometimes I would rather taken the No than Wait!

“…So while we work and wait together for the answers to some of our prayers, I offer you my apostolic promise that they are heard and they are answered, though perhaps not at the time or in the way we wanted. But they are always answered at the time and in the way an omniscient and eternally compassionate parent should answer them…”


“The point? The point is that faith means trusting God in good times and bad, even if that includes some suffering until we see His arm revealed in our behalf.9 That can be difficult in our modern world when many have come to believe that the highest good in life is to avoid all suffering, that no one should ever anguish over anything.10 But that belief will never lead us to “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”11

Right then and there, I realized that all along, it had been about “my” plan and the timing “I” want. I had never tried to ask the Lord what He has planned for my family and me. I was too preoccupied with the thaought that “my” plans were not working out, which lead me to feel sad, angry, frustrated, and bitter. I failed to realized that I needed to trust more in the Lord’s timing.

“…Christianity is comforting, but it is often not comfortable. The path to holiness and happiness here and hereafter is a long and sometimes rocky one. It takes time and tenacity to walk it. But, of course, the reward for doing so is monumental.”

“Many lessons are taught in this remarkable chapter, but central to them all is the axiom that the seed has to be nourished and we must wait for it to mature; we “[look] forward with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof.”14 Our harvest, Alma says, comes “by and by.”15 Little wonder that he concludes his remarkable instruction by repeating three times a call for diligence and patience in nurturing the word of God in our hearts, “waiting,” as he says, with “long-suffering … for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.”16

“COVID and cancer, doubt and dismay, financial trouble and family trials. When will these burdens be lifted? The answer is “by and by.”17 And whether that be a short period or a long one is not always ours to say, but by the grace of God, the blessings will come to those who hold fast to the gospel of Jesus Christ. That issue was settled in a very private garden and on a very public hill in Jerusalem long ago.”

I still had little struggles with being faithful and positive about His plans and His timing. But as I learned how to put my faith in His timetable, I was able to see the many blessings that I never saw before.

The blessings may not have been as extravagant as what some other people around me received, but they were many and they were a testimony that the Lord was absolutely mindful of His faithless daughter.

During these past few months, I was prompted and started to learn to take care of myself spiritually and temporally. I feel as it is the promptings from the spirit to let me know that I should improve my talents or skills, He gives me more time to prepare and improve myself in order to serve others, such as in my calling.

Because I can understand what they are experiencing, and because I have already developed the faith that waiting upon the Lord’s timing can bring blessings, I am given the ability to succour and serve the sisters.

When we are in the process of waiting upon the Lord, let us remember that the Lord has specific plans for each one of us. He may take away an opportunity which we seems as a blessing now, but in His own time, He will give more that what we want that bring us more happiness. And I still hold on to this testimony of mine on the Lord knows what the best for me and my family.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Sisters in Zion


“As the beloved daughters of Heavenly Father, and as the daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ in His kingdom,1 you will play a crucial part in the grand times ahead.”

President Eyring is one of my favourite speakers during General Conference. This is his talk during the General Women Conference. He mentioned that the women of this gospel dispensation will be led by the Lord to become prepared like the City of Enoch in the Bible.

“You sisters, your daughters, your granddaughters, and the women you have nurtured will be at the heart of creating that society of people who will join in glorious association with the Savior. You will be an essential force in the gathering of Israel and in the creation of a Zion people who will dwell in peace in the New Jerusalem.”

The people of Zion are of one heart and one mind and God’s daughters have a gift to diminish contention and promote righteousness, President Eyring said.

“The Lord has, through His prophets, made a promise to you. In the early days of the Relief Society, the Prophet Joseph Smith said to the sisters, “If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.”3

“That marvelous potential lies within you, and you are being prepared for it.”

President Eyring quoted from the prophets:

“President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

“You sisters … do not hold a second place in our Father’s plan for the eternal happiness and well-being of His children. You are an absolutely essential part of that plan.

“Without you the plan could not function. Without you the entire program would be frustrated. …

“Each of you is a daughter of God, endowed with a divine birthright.”4

“Our current prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has given this description of the part you play in preparation for the Savior’s coming:

“It would be impossible to measure the influence that … women have, not only on families but also on the Lord’s Church, as wives, mothers, and grandmothers; as sisters and aunts; as teachers and leaders; and especially as exemplars and devout defenders of the faith.

“This has been true in every gospel dispensation since the days of Adam and Eve. Yet the women of this dispensation are distinct from the women of any other because this dispensation is distinct from any other. This distinction brings both privileges and responsibilities.”5

President Eyring said he has seen the influence of faithful women in the church to love, lift, and care for each other. He shared his experiences taught him that “Heavenly Father’s daughters have a gift to allay contention and to promote righteousness with their love of God and with the love of God they engender in those they serve.”

“If the past is prologue, at the time of the Savior’s coming, the daughters who are deeply committed to their covenants with God will be more than half of those who are prepared to welcome Him when He comes. But whatever the numbers, your contribution in creating unity among the people prepared for that Zion will be far greater than half.”

“Sisters, you were given the blessing of being daughters of God with special gifts. You brought with you into mortal life a spiritual capacity to nurture others and to lift them higher toward the love and purity that will qualify them to live together in a Zion society. It is not by accident that the Relief Society, the first Church organization specifically for Heavenly Father’s daughters, has as its motto “Charity Never Faileth.”

“Charity is the pure love of Christ. And it is faith in Him and the full effects of His infinite Atonement that will qualify you, and those you love and serve, for the supernal gift to live in that sociality of a long-looked-for and promised Zion. There you will be sisters in Zion, loved in person by the Lord and those you have blessed.”

Lastly, he closed his talk by his witness and testimony that always being so comforting to us, especially during this challenging time: 

“… I promise you that the Lord will lead you by the hand, through the Holy Ghost. He will go before your face as you help Him prepare His people to become His promised Zion.”

From all the October 2020 General Conference talks, General Women Conference talks was the one I firstly listened among all the rest of the sessions. I feel uplifted as it is specifically dedicated to women of the world.

It always reminds me of the role and responsibilities as daughter of God that I should do the work: as a daughter, as a mother, as a wife and as a woman as general. It always reminds me of my divine identity and the love that Heavenly Father has for me.

Sisters in Zion

by President Henry B. Eyring

Monday, December 14, 2020

Sustainable Societies

Elder Christofferson began his talk with some remarks about “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted by United Nations in 2015.

“What are the fundamentals that sustain in a flourishing society, one that promotes happiness, progress, peace, and well-being among its members? We have scriptural record of at least two such thriving societies. What can we learn from them?”

Sustainable Societies

by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Elder Christofferson's talk remind me of what in Chinese we said 大同. 大同 is an ancient Chinese ideology. It refers to the ideal world that mankind can finally reach, and represents mankind's beautiful vision for the future society.

The basic characteristics are that everyone loves and helps each other, every family lives and works in peace, there is no difference, no war. This state is called "the world of great harmony", and this kind of world is also called "the world of great harmony."

Although 大同 thought is a Chinese ideology, some other concepts such as religions, Western utopias, modern socialism and the global village also have great similarities with 大同.

The concept of 大同 has now joined the global political, economic, technological and cultural integration ideas. It also emphasized the importance of "equal opportunities", such as all people are born equal, etc..

However, he felt more concerned with sustainable societies and mentions his thought on this:

“The societies in these two examples were sustained by the blessings of heaven growing out of their exemplary devotion to the two great commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself…”

“…Sustainability is not guaranteed, and a thriving society can fail in time if it abandons the cardinal virtues that uphold its peace and prosperity. In this case, yielding to the temptations of the devil, the people “began to be divided into classes; and they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain, and began to deny the true church of Christ.”

“Reflecting on this and other examples of once flourishing societies that later foundered, I think it safe to say that when people turn from a sense of accountability to God and begin to trust instead in the “arm of flesh,” disaster lurks…”

What can we do for this? It is actually bounds back to the basic unit of the society:

“The institutions of family and religion have been crucial for endowing both individuals and communities with the virtues that sustain an enduring society. These virtues, rooted in scripture, include integrity, responsibility and accountability, compassion, marriage and fidelity in marriage, respect for others and the property of others, service, and the necessity and dignity of work, among others.”

“Nevertheless, when secularization separates personal and civic virtue from a sense of accountability to God, it cuts the plant from its roots. Reliance on culture and tradition alone will not be sufficient to sustain virtue in society. When one has no higher god than himself and seeks no greater good than satisfying his own appetites and preferences, the effects will be manifest in due course.”

“In contrast, our joyous message to our children and to all humanity is that “the truth of God” points a better way, or as Paul said, “a more excellent way,”18 a way to personal happiness and community well-being now and to everlasting peace and joy hereafter.”

“The truth of God refers to the core truths that underlie His plan of happiness for His children. These truths are that God lives; that He is the Heavenly Father of our spirits; that as a manifestation of His love, He has given us commandments that lead to a fullness of joy with Him; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Redeemer; that He suffered and died to atone for sins on condition of our repentance; that He rose from the dead, bringing to pass the Resurrection of all humankind; and that we will all stand before Him to be judged, that is, to account for our lives.”

As Elder Christofferson closed his talk, he included a quote which, if applied, will lead us all to more sustainable societies:

“There is much we can do as neighbours and fellow citizens to contribute to the sustainability and success of the societies we live in, and surely our most fundamental and enduring service will be to teach and live by the truths inherent in God’s great plan of redemption…”

“If enough of us and enough of our neighbours strive to make our decisions and guide our lives by the truth of God, the moral virtues needed in every society will abound.”


That would be how a God should be and should feel about His children, and that was the God once I knew! When the missionaries came to our family and talk with us, the feeling that I had is just like the things that they taught had been inside me and in my subconscious mind since the day I was born.

And the missionaries just worked in the Lord’s hand to trigger the button in me and the truth  are all revealed out in me. I am so grateful that I do not need to go to a lot of churches to look for Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to me that I came to the true Church of Jesus Christ!

In conclusion, Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught that, a truly wonderful life (even with all of the trials that come because of the purpose of living a mortal life) can be had by anyone who comes unto Christ and truly tries to live the standards and principles taught by our Saviour. As we spread this message, we can assist in the creation of communities of peace and joy throughout the world.