Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Showing posts with label Tea for Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea for Me. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2020

Write It Down

There are a few of the action plans under my Spiritual Goal : Pray with Purpose. One of them is to take a few minutes before I pray to think about things I need or want to pray for, or things that I am thankful for. Consider writing the things down to help me remember.

The other one is to set a goal to pray morning and night. Create a reminder such as a note or a picture, to help me remember to pray.

Eventually, I have combined this 2 action plans and make a small pocket notebook to remind me of the above 2 little goals of mine.

I noticed and remember that most of the prophets and apostles counsel us to keep to write it down whatever impressions or thoughts that come to us.

The very first time when I came across this counsel was from a talk from Elder Richard G. Scott (1928 – 2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“Write down in a secure place the important things you learn from the Spirit. You will find that as you write down precious impressions, often more will come. Also, the knowledge you gain will available throughout your life.”

“Always, day or night, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, seek to recognize and respond to the direction of the Spirit. Express gratitude for the help received and obey it. This practice will reinforce your capacity to learn by the Spirit. It will permit the Lord to guide your life and to enrich the use of every other capacity latent in your being.”

I was touched by Elder Scott’s promise that the Lord will give us more direction when we write down what we receive. I was confused at the same time that I was not sure if I even knew how to receive personal revelation or the promptings of the Spirit.

That was the reason why I did not do anything and seriously find a pocket diary for that. But Elder’s Scott’s words stuck at the back of my mind whenever I was not so busy, and I still do not take action on it.

Ever since I have kicked start my Focus on Fitness Goal and Get Cooking Goal, it gives me more confidence and discipline to start to listen the counsel of the apostle and try on it.


I used a used small pocket notebook from the children that I can get at home, pasted a laminated prayer girl to make it as a cover. So that it would remind me to pray at morning and night at the same time whenever I look at the notebook.

I just started about few days. I jotted down whatever thoughts that came to me; I jotted down the things that happened on that particular day, so that remind me to give thanks to Heavenly Father at night.

Even though I just started for few days. I kind of, feel that, I think, I started to recognize the Spirit’s voice. First helping me feel His love, then testifying of truth whenever as I read the General Conference talks, and finally giving specific direction for me when I was troubled within my mind.

I feel joy even in the midst of my not so good condition, I think I am start learning how to recognize personal revelation. write it down in the small pocket notebook help me to start journal more often as I would have the desire to pen down my experiences.

Whenever I feel discouraged or struggling with my current circumstances, there is a source that I can go back and read about my own specific experiences where I received the divine help.

I feel grateful that at least I have start to take action and kick start this spiritual goal of mine, and it shows a little faith grows.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Physical Goal : Focus on Fitness - Get Moving ~ Running

Physical Goal Purpose : Focus on Fitness

Your body is a gift from God, and it’s up to you to keep it strong and healthy. Regular exercise can strengthen your heart and other muscles, increase your stamina and confidence, and lower your stress.

Goal Idea #1 : Get Moving - Running

If exercise is not already a regular part of your day, set a goal to get moving for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. You could walk, jog, bike, hike or anything else that gets your heart rate up and moves your body.

Surprisingly for me, physical goal is the first goal that I had set for myself when I gave a serious thought when I scrolled through the Gospel Living App on my phone last month.

It was also due to an article that I read on Facebook regards to exercise woman and lazy woman. It indeed motivated me to seriously to put this into action.


I make a plan because I have to start where I am, because I know if I go further or faster than I am ready for, my body cannot adapt quickly enough and I will get injured. Moreover I am over 40s, have a BMI of overweight, together with the family history of heart disease, thus I need to be extra careful on my workout plan.

In order to make it a habit, I planned to do it every morning at 5.30am, run around within our apartment compounds, may be listening to some workout music and it would be later. After which I was seriously looking for a proper sports bra, as I still have a pair of workout tights and my running sports shoes.

It had been almost come to 3 weeks since the first day I get to ‘walk’. Yes, I start to walk. I need to get regular exercise habit by walking, because the best exercise is the one I will do consistently.

I am not yet come to really running, but I really into this and my love for walking or running constantly grows every day, since day one.

I have started to receive my blessing the day I started walking.

I am more self-discipline now, as I sleep early latest 10.30pm and wake up around 5.00am to 5.15am. I will say a morning prayer and drink a cup of water, before I change into my sports outfit and start my walking now.

I am better planner now, as I need to cook the lunch earlier for the children because both are at home now after my exercise. I will plan ahead and look through of what to cook at the limited time given before go to work.

I have a clearer mind now to read the General Conference talks in the morning and appreciate scripture more. I have a clearer mind to ponder the message behind and how it relates to me.

Getting to move or exercise just like how I apply the gospel principles I learned in the book into my daily life and put into actions. This is indeed like Alma said in Alma 37:6, “… by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise”


It is the same like walking or running. I keep on walking or running everyday, and increase my workout time by 2-3 minutes and eventually 5-10 minutes every time. It does not seems extra hard or extra difficult. By doing this I know that I am getting better and grow personally and, today I am better than who I was yesterday.

These are all the blessings I received since the day I started running. I know that, there are more to come. I am grateful to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for all I learned through – this small step of just want to Get Moving.

Friday, November 20, 2020


Today when I browsing through the Facebook, so happened that I saw Sister Beam shared a post on her page. It was a post written by her brother about his journey on running.

It was so co-incident and at the right time, in the midst of what I am doing now for this week! It indeed motivate me! Thus, there were some thoughts in my mind that I would like to share and thanks Sister Beam:

Dear Beam, I am glad that you have shared your brother's thoughts about running. It is just like, "Hey, it is exactly how I felt for this week, and Bingo! I am doing the right thing!"

For the past 25 over years, to get moving for exercise is a no, no, no for me!

Last week I had read somewhere at the Facebook about how to become a happier woman?

"First of all, be happy. How to do it ? As long as your husband’s matter is not excessive and doesn’t step on your bottom line, just open one eye and close one eye, and ignore him.

Care about him too much, put the spotlight on him, he will suffocate to death, you will have hormonal imbalance, why bother?

Love yourself more, focus on yourself, find the things and people you like to fill the blank spaces in your life, and make yourself happy.

Occasionally, have some parent-child activities with your husband and children, talk about some common topics, and have a common happiness goal.

In this way, you will be a lot happier, and he will love you more and more, because you are improving and becoming more charming.

If you are happy, the people around you will be happy too.

Next, in addition to eating healthy, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water is exercise.

Yes, exercise is the key!

To be honest, I have not seen an "ugly woman" who exercises regularly and is happy both physically and mentally.

Women who love sports will exude a unique charm, not only appearance, but also temperament. Exercise is the cheapest and most effective skin care product."

And because of this sharing on the Facebook, I had determined to set a goal to run just to kick off this new goal of mine, considering my age and my ‘shape’ and it is critical to start immediately.

So I goggle on the internet and make a plan how to start running even if I never exercise before.

So here come my 1st week is to just get moving by walking first. Every morning this week onward, I will - from my first walkout 15 mins to goal walkout 60 mins till end of this year.

I was pretty excited, as I started this last Monday. I hope and want to keep on doing this walking - running that I had planned for.

During my every morning walk, there are thoughts that come into my minds: Hey, this is not difficult to achieve, bit by bit and do it everyday, and slightly increase the walkout time by 2-3 mins and eventually 5-10mins. And, I can do it!

This little goal of mine had make me think of living in the gospel.

It is exactly the same thing to do: improve ourselves little by little to become more like Jesus Christ, through His commandments and our covenants – pray daily, reading the scriptures, attend the Church weekly and renew our covenants with Him, how we keep our covenants by doing it little by little, He will reveal to us line upon line, precept upon precept if we keep on trying to become a better person.

Faith too, is the same. Faith is present continuous tense. Faith is the action taken doing it after what I believe.

Faith is … searching the scriptures; helping a needy cross the busy road; feeding the hungry.. it is series of an action to achieve a higher level of Faith of what we believe in.

Testimony too, is the same. It is gained after we are gaining experience, we were gaining experience after we are doing it or we were doing it.

I like what your brother said about,

“learning by action is better, more effective.
Running for me is learning by taking action.”

And I think I feel the same after I start to ‘walk’ this week, and I know I will start to run next January.

How grateful I am that I can still walk and run every morning.

I know that this little Running goal of mine will help me to explore more possibilities and potentials that I myself not yet even discover even though I am at my age of 45 this year and going to be 46 next year.

I feel thankful for your sharing that remind of me as it is the messages that the Lord would wants me to know and do.

Thank you so much! And love you and your family too!




Thursday, December 19, 2019

Zentangle Seed 11th & 12th Class

Today is the last class of our Zentangle Seed classes for the almost past 3 months. Due to next week is the holiday season and most of our classmates would not be here, thus Teacher Mici decided to compact today class into 2 sessions.
We would continue to learn about Zendala, and the final session is draw the zentangle patterns onto our hands. Everyone was so excited about it.
Teacher Gek Lan taught us another style of Zendala, also using compass and draw on the coloured Zendala white tile. And new tangle patterns as well. We practice in the class for one part and we were told to continue finish the rest in the home.
In second session Teacher Mici came in to teach about drawing on our arms or hand, just like how to draw inai. The differences is the pen we use. She encourages us to use eyeliner if we have, as it it more suitable to draw on our skin.
Everyone was so enjoying drawing on their own hand. And got excited and very high! it was like we were partying at the end of the class. Everyone felt a little bit sad that it was so soon that 3 months class have to come to an end. We learned so much from each other as well.
Teacher Mici is so kind that she did short video for us! And, below is my design!
禅绕的印记,把对禅绕的喜爱淋漓精致的发挥,每个人都展开笑颜面对这不能长久却深深烙印在记忆里的美丽收揽在这一季的青春回忆里。致青春那曾经的笑颜,那曾经的自己。~ 美子老师

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Zentangle Seed 10th Class

Today we learned Zendala. This time using the coloured Zendala white tile which we did last 2 lessons. Teacher Gek Lan taught us some new tangle pattern.


And, she taught us how we can create Zendalas by carefully measuring to find the centre of the circle and working outwards. She taught how to do it by using a compass to divide the sections.


Well, this is my Zendala using the compass. And, I quite like it. May be it is because of the bright colour in the centre of the Zendala that gives me the felling of ‘Hope’ and ‘Light’.


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Zentangle Seed 9th Class

Today we continue the dream catcher design that taught last week. As usual we shared our work last week.


Then, Teacher Xue Wen taught us to use the starlight pen to draw the design of the dream catcher web.


Later how we can draw the feathers of the catcher.


Then, everyone of us was so amazed with our own work!


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Zentangle Seed 8th Class


Before we started our class today, Teacher Mici asked us to bring out the homework out and joined the patterns in.


Then we took out the last week Zendala tiles that we made, Teacher Mici taught us to draw with the combination of black and white tile. And taught us the new type of tangle patterns. Here was Teacher Mici’s.


After I managed to complete mine. It looks like this. I am not really like the brown pen that I done but it is how it is turn out.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zentangle Seed 7th Class

Today Teacher Mici asked us to use the black ink to dye some portion of the white Zendala tiles. We did it for about 2 Zendala tiles and let it dry for the following week lesson.


Today we started to draw black tiles. We were introduced with Sakura white gelly roll pen and Sakura star dust pen to draw on black tiles, and black charcoal as well to darken the shades.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

One More Time, One More Chance

これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
究竟還要再失去什麼 我的心才會得到寬恕

どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える
到底要痛到什麼程度 才能夠再次見到妳

One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time 季節啊 希望你別轉變

One more time ふざけあった 時間よ
One more time 與妳嬉鬧的時光啊

くいちがう時はいつも 僕が先に折れたね
發生爭執的時候 每次都是我先讓步

わがままな性格が なおさら愛しくさせた
這種任性的個性 卻更加地讓人憐愛

One more chance 記憶に足を取られて
One more chance 被記憶絆住

One more chance 次の場所を選べない
One more chance 無法選擇下一個地方

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
無論何時都在尋找 希望能在某處找到妳

向いのホーム 路地裏の窓
對面的月台 小巷的窗戶裡


願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
如果願望能夠實現 我希望馬上到妳身邊

できないことは もうなにもない






One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time 季節啊 希望你別轉變

One more time ふざけあった時間よ
One more time 與妳嬉鬧的時光啊

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
無論何時都在尋找 希望能在某處找到妳

交差点でも 夢の中でも
就算在路口 在算在夢中


奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
如果奇蹟會發生的話 希望馬上能讓妳看到

新しい朝 これからの僕
全新的早晨 從今以後的我


夏の想い出がまわる ふいに消えた鼓動
夏日的回憶在腦中盤旋 突然消失的悸動

いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
無論何時都在尋找 希望能在某處找到妳

明け方の街 桜木町で
在黎明的街頭 櫻木町


願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
如果願望能夠實現 我希望馬上到妳身邊





旅先の店 新聞の隅
旅途上的小店 新聞的角落


奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
如果奇蹟會發生的話 希望馬上能讓妳看到

新しい朝 これからの僕
全新的早晨 從今以後的我


いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑顔を
無論何時都在尋找 希望在某處找到妳的笑容

急行待ちの 踏切あたり
在等待快車通過的 平交道


命が繰り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
如果生命能夠重來 無論幾次我都要到妳身邊

欲しいものなど もう何もない
現在我已經 別無所求


Image result for one more time one more chance

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Zentangle Seed 6th Class


Today we have more fun things to play with! Before we start our class drawing the colour jewels, Teacher Gek Lan asked us to do some colouring for the Zendala paper tiles which we will be using in the following classes.


We just picked 3 magic pens colour that we like, draw it on a plastic sheet, and spray some water onto the colours let it kind of mix together. Then we just put the paper on top of the surface, let the paper stay for a while and take it up.


After we prepared all that needed, Teacher Gek Lan taught us to draw coloured jewels. It is the same method as drawing on the Renaissance paper, just instead of using graphite and white charcoal pencils, use the colour pencil. Pastel colour pencil would be better.

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It kinds of reminds me of my art classes during the school days, it is all about shadows and lights, which make the things looks more 3D feel.


We have a group photo in the end of the class as usual!


Here is mine!


Monday, November 11, 2019


Image result for 秒速五公分I just watched a Japanese anime 5 Centimetres per Second last night and it indeed touched something that deep inside my heart.

I got to know Makoto Shinkai due to the recently his another popular anime “Weathering with You” which caused such captured a huge audiences and created a record breaking in Japan itself.

This had made me curious and want to know why the Japanese Anime is part of the culture in their life, even adults.

My perception towards Japanese Anime is still stopped at the time when I watched Spirited Away years ago. For me, it was just another normal fantasy animation just like My Neighbour Totoro and it is just for the children.

I was attracted with the beautiful crafted sceneries in “5 Centimetres per Second” when I was browsing through on the internet and just clicked into the YouTube link and start to watch it part by part during the day.

I was stunned and it is completely piercing into my heart as Makoto Shinkai indeed really describe one’s emotions and feelings even though it is just some everyday normal moments of lives. The movie is set in 3 episodes: “Cherry Blossom”, “Cosmonaut” and “5 Centimetres per Second”.

The story is set in Japan, beginning in the 1990s up until the 2008, with each act centred on a boy named Takaki Tono. It was take place during a time when cell phones and emails are uncommon.


Episode 1: “Cherry Blossom” 櫻花抄.

It tells the story of the friendship between Takaki Tono and Akari Shinohara in elementary school in Tokyo. They grow closer to each other due to similar interests and attitudes. They developed a deep friendship.


Upon graduating from elementary school, Akari move to the nearby Tochigi, due to her parents’ job. The two keep in contact by writing letters but eventually begin to drift apart.

When Takaki learned that his family will be moving to Kagoshima on the other side of the country, he decided to go and meet Akari since they will be too far apart to visit each other after the moving.


Everything was planned carefully by Takaki, till the day they were supposed to meet, the weather was became so bad and the severe snowstorm delays the train.

As the two finally meet and share their first kiss, Takaki realizes they will never be together again. Stranded in a shed due to the snowstorm, they fall asleep after talking late into the night.

Takaki departs from the train station the next morning, and the two promise to continue writing to each other. As the train rolls away, Takaki decides that the loss of his letter is not important anymore after the kiss, while Akari silently looks at her own letter addressed to Takaki, which she decided not to give him.

Episode 2: “Cosmonaut” 太空人

In 1999, Takaki is now in the third year of senior high in Tanegashima, where the Tanegashima Space Centre is located. Kanae Sumida, a classmate of Takaki, has been in love with him ever since meeting him in middle school but has never had the courage to confess her feelings.


She tries to spend time with him, waiting long after school for the chance to travel home together. However, Takaki appears ignorant to Kanae's feelings and only treats her as a good friend. Kanae observes that Takaki is always writing messages to someone or staring off into the distance as if searching for something far away.

It is later shown Takaki's messages are not being sent to anyone and he in fact deletes them after he finishes writing them. He also has recurring dreams which feature Akari.


After a failed attempt to tell Takaki she loves him while both walking home together, the rocket had just launched to the sky at that moment, both Takaki and Kanae stopped and looked to the sky.

Image result for 秒速5公分

Kanae realizes that she is just like the cosmonaut which explores the unknown into the universe, just like her love to Takaki. He is looking for something far beyond what she can offer and decides not to say anything, though believes she will always love him.

Episode 3: “The Speed of 5 Centimetres per Second” 秒速五厘米

Takaki is now a programmer in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Akari is preparing to get married to another man. Takaki still longs for Akari to the detriment of his lifestyle. Depressed, Takaki quits his job, unable to cope with his feelings for Akari.


Akari goes through a box of her old possessions and finds the letter she had written to Takaki many years ago. Takaki finds himself in a convenience store reading a magazine about the decade long journey of the rocket launched.


Takaki and Akari begin recalling a recent dream. In this dream, they relive their last meeting in the snow-filled train station, and remember the wish to someday watch the cherry blossom together again.

Related image

One day while walking down the same road they had while they were children, Takaki and Akari appear to pass and recognize each other at the train crossing, the same place they had promised to watch the cherry blossoms together thirteen years ago, just before Akari moved to Tochigi.

Image result for the speed of 5 centimeters per second

On opposite sides of the tracks, they stop and begin to look back, but passing trains cut off their view. Takaki waits for the trains to pass and finds that Akari is gone. After a moment, he smiles to himself and continues walking as the cherry blossoms stir in the train's wake.

At the last two minutes of “5 Centimetres per Second”, at the speed of 5 centimetres per second, both Takaki Tono and Akari Shinohara found each other. Also at a speed of 5 centimetres per second, they miss each other. The smiles that on his face was not only a relief, but also a calmness and peace.


Even though both met, time could not be reversed, the past could not turn back. It is better to remain the sweet memory, the the long and missed moments hide in the bottom of the heart, finely reminiscent of the pure love that once had.

Akari may also wanted to wait for the train to pass by, but she knew that even both of them meet at that moment, her engagement ring that wear on her left hand would mercilessly stated to her that: They were no longer missed not the distance of 5 centimetres per second… It may be better than both of them just miss each other as it is.

One more time, One more chance. The theme song of this movie might be the best that describe the unfruitful waiting that happened between Takaki and Akari. Or to be more specific, it was a story of a boy and a girl which happened at the speed of 5cm/s, that short but lasting moment for both.

That last 2 minutes of “5 Centimetres per Second”, it conveys a thought or concept or a feeling, it is the crowning touch of the entire movie. Undoubtedly, the last scene of this anime is such a finishing touch or climax of the entire movie.

Makoto Shinkai used more than 50minutes to make a foreshadowing. Finally, in the last 2 minutes, he released the feelings he wanted to express with just a turn back and a smile.

Takaki and Akari passed by on the railway track and recognized each other. When the two walked on both sides of the railway track, they turned their heads at that instance. At this time, the speeding train blocked both people eye sight and could not see each other. When the train had passed, Takaki found that Akari had left. Then, in the cherry blossom rain falling at a speed of 5 centimetres per second, Takaki turned away with a smile.

In this short 2 minutes, in fact had concluded the story of their past in 50 minutes:

  • Takaki and Akari meet at a young age (meeting at the railway track)
  • But after that, the two went to different places (on both sides of the railway track)
  • Although there is invisible connection or ties between the two in their heart (the two have turned around at the same time)
  • But there are so much difficulties lie between them (the speeding train that blocked their eye sight on both sides)
  • Takaki was burdened with his own memories and does not accept any new things (the train that is speeding in front that constantly changing but unchanged coaches)
  • When the bustling was over, Akari has found her happiness (Akari already left)
  • Takaki finally walked out from his own memories and start a new (Takaki turned away with a smile)

I think what Makoto Shinkai wants to tell us that, the pure feeling which we once have would not disappear with the loss of time. Even if this feeling is incomplete for some reasons, but it definitely be a beautiful memory in our heart.

If we longed in the hopes of the past, do not dare to accept new happiness, it will only make our heart harden become old, and die slowly.

Memories is just like wine, a little of wine can let you taste the sweetness of it, but if we indulge in it, it will make us not awake and live only in the memories that our heart longed for.

In the first episode “Cherry Blossom”, Takaki said that he did not know how to be responsible for Akari’s love towards him. Although their first kiss had soften a little of his fear about this.

In actual fact, this question has been bothering Takaki all the time. He likes Akari, and he kept on feeling something is missing in his life and he used his work to fill up that emptiness deep inside him. Eventually, he had to give up his job so that it might ease his live again.

In the cheery blossom that fell at the speed of 5 centimetres per second, in the memories of their past, Takaki took the road ahead. Two persons that walked away further and further, looking forward for their own happiness in the future. Two hearts that once beats together after 15 years, had reached the farthest distance apart on earth.

“…… ……  打开盖子,那封信被夹在了中学时自己最为珍视的薄笔记本里。 那是她所写的第一封情书。十五年前,在与自己曾喜欢的那个男孩第一次约会时,她本想把这封信交给他的。那是个寂静的雪夜,她回忆了起来。







…… …… …… 接着,他听到了激烈的呜咽——那是自己的声音。 十五年前站台上那次流泪以来,他第一次哭了。泪水无法抑制地向外流淌,仿佛一直藏在体内的巨大冰块融化了一般,他不停地哭着。他不知该怎么办,他思考起来。 哪怕一个人也好,为什么我不能让别人哪怕靠近一点幸福呢。”




I think there are a lot of us that might have the same story as Takaki and Akari, that is why the animation touched us so much! Indeed it have totally change my perceptions of Japanese Anime forever.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Zentangle Seed 5th Class


We shared our last week work in the class and learned from each others how to get to draw some specific tangle patterns or ideas of the tangles.


We learned how to draw the maruso pattern design. It is the combination of black graphite and white charcoal pencil. It is interesting to know how can we mix and match the design like this!


This is my work today!

