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Showing posts with label SoulCollage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SoulCollage. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2019

SoulCollage 4th Class


Today of the Soul Collage last class, we learned about reading our own soul collage cards by drawing 3 cards. Teacher Mici taught us how to read our cards but of coarse before that think of our question as we draw our cards.


We gathered as a group of four persons. Then we started to read our cards The first person to read will state their question out loud and then turn over their first card. The card reader names this card (if it has a name) and says which suit it is from.


Now the card reader speaks from the card, starting with “I Am the One Who…” process. Use adjectives. Let your intuition bubble up with descriptive words and feeling words. Even if it is an animal or an inanimate object, give it a voice, a life, and a point of view.


Then speak to the question, “What I can tell you about this issue is…” or “What I have to say to your question is…” Stay as true to the energy of the Neter as you can.


We records the gist of what this Neter is saying (Don’t try to speak and write at the same time). After the person has finished speaking fully then there is time for questions & feedback.


Group members: Can ask a question about a symbol or share a thought they had if the card reader wants to hear ii. However, do not contradict or negate the reading, they only say something if they can add to and/or honour the reading. (This discussion should not take up too much time).


Then it is the turn of the next person (the person to the card reader’s left in the circle) to read from their first card. Complete the circle and go around the circle again with the next card.


Repeat the process until all the cards from all the participants have been read. At the end of all the readings, Sum up: What did you get from doing this reading? Share any thoughts about your own reading.


Look at any patterns in the cards or any repeated symbols. Observe any paradoxes or surprises. Notice if the question answered was different from the one asked. If you have a thought about someone else’s reading as a whole, ask their permission before sharing it.


During the class some of us gained some solutions of our issues/problems related to people, matters and objects.

Well… Today is the conclusion of the 12 weeks of Creativity Aesthetics Arts and the final class of the SoulCollage. Frankly speaking, I love Zentangle and Pastel Nagomi Art both the most.


As for me, SoulCollage is a method of self-discovery through the creation and intuitive analysis of a deck of collaged cards. There are another parts which I am still not very comfortable of it.


It is that during create our own decks of cards, we would prompt to create the cards which we ourselves would not aware of what was in our subconscious or unconscious mind ~ probably the darker side of ourselves which we do not want to disclose or face. There is good and bad about this, as this is the time to face our darker or weaker side of ourselves. if I see it at another perspective would be, I can improve where I lack off.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe in I have a loving Heavenly Father who loves me so much and as a daughter of Him, I am able and entitle to receive my own revelation from Him if I faithfully in keeping my baptismal and temple covenants. Thus, I have the faith and I rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ on receive solutions to any trials or problems that I encounter through the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

SoulCollage 3rd Class

In today class we mainly were doing the I am One Who… exercise, and What I Have to Say To Your Question is… exercise. We gathered in few groups and started with card readings.

Card readings are never done by a third party, but always by the creator of the cards and answering a question about their own life.

A question is formulated and then a number of cards (typically four: one from each suit) are drawn. In this way, a person taps into their inner wisdom (rather than, say, magic) to address their question.

There are also three Transpersonal cards, which are not read from (are not chosen in readings), but which are displayed during readings as reminders of Divine Mystery.

These cards are the Source (Divine Spirit), SoulEssence (corresponding to what many would call the soul) and Witness (one's own "stepped-back" consciousness).

Here are some basic elements to apply when consulting your cards.

  • How you ask your question is important. It should be open-ended, not one easily answered by “yes” or “no”. It should be a question that matters to you and be in writing.
  • Draw four cards and leave them face down. One at a time, turn each one over. The cards often offer a synchronicity between their images and the question you have asked in that point in time.
  • The four cards each offer four perspectives on the question. Each Neter on the cards speaks (using the I Am One Who… exercise, and then What I have to say to your question is… ).
  • Then, reflecting on the four cards together as a pattern can often reveal a holistic perspective that provides intuitive guidance related to your question.

Thus, we do not have much photos today as all of us were recording our own reading about our own cards.

Today I read a certain card that indeed is the weakest point of my life. I know that the influences that have made the entire of my life. Reading the card made me feel a little bit release the sadness and sorrow of my inner self.

I am still not really feel ease and I feel that it does not necessary can heal the wounds that had been made. At that moment, the first thought that came into my mind was the picture of the Savior. Yes, Jesus Christ can heal my wound…

Thursday, September 19, 2019

SoulCollage 2nd Class


Throughout last week, I did 2 more cards for the class  at home. Together with the one card which I did in the class, there are 3 cards together.


Today we learned more on on another type of cards from Teacher Mici, and we were learning about Community card.


And we make of our community card as per last class we did. We brought out magazines cutting that we gathered at home.


And we started the whole process again, but this time is related to the influences upon ourselves, whether friends, family, pets, historical figures one emulates, or even very special places.


We were asked to go to the back of the classroom to put the magazines pictures cuttings that we did for last week and start to do our Community cards.

There were spreads of  images around us. We gather them into smaller piles, sorting them by colors, energies, themes, or patterns.


For instance, you might notice that you have lots of images of stairways, or windows, or birds, or people who are frowning…

Or we might see several images that just seem to go together for some reason. You don't need to verbalize a reason for grouping some images together. When you have a few different piles sorted by theme, choose one of them.


Start playing around with the images that you have chosen. Lay them on top of one another, or beside each other. Arrange and rearrange them until you come to a layout that you like. Trust your intuition. You will know when it looks "right.


We learned new things today. There are two primary uses of the cards: the IAOW exercise, and card readings.

There is great value in doing these exercises in community with others, but only a card's creator is authorized to speak from it. IAOW stands for "I am One Who."

The card's creator speaks from the point of view of the card, beginning "I am one who..." and perhaps including statements beginning with "What I want to say to you is..." and "My gift to you is...".


Towards the end of the class, we gather together as few groups and started to the IAOW exercise.

“From the time you tear out your first image and wonder what it symbolizes, begin to use the I Am One Who… Starting with that phrase, let the image speak to you through your own voice.” Seena Frost describes this process in an excerpt from SoulCollage® Evolving.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

SoulCollage 1st Class


Today is the 1st class of SoulCollage. This is very new to me. This is the first time that I have been introduced to this ‘new world’. Teacher Mici then did a brief introduction to us on what is SoulCollage?


Apparently, SoulCollage® is a method of self-discovery through the creation and intuitive analysis of a deck of collaged cards. It was developed by Seena B. Frost. Cards are made by tearing or clipping images (often from magazines) and then combining them, perhaps against a new background image, into a collage.


All cards in one's deck should be the same size, generally 5x8 inches. A prototypical SoulCollage deck consists of four suits:

  • The Committee Suit is made up images representing of the different voices comprising one's own personality.
  • The Community Suit cards represent influences upon oneself, whether friends, family, pets, historical figures one emulates, or even very special places.
  • The Companions Suit consists of the animal guides inhabiting one's chakras.
  • The Council Suit consists of Jungian archetypes important in one's own journey.


As explained by Teacher Mici, due to our numbers of class only 4 classes, so it is a little difficult to teach or share with us the entire four suits.

As the Companions Suit and the Council Suit basically need more time or practice on this as one has to do a little bit of soul searching and meditate to find their personal own Companions and Council Suit.


So we would learn to do Committee Suit for today. So how are we going to make our own cards. We were given 5″ by 8″ mat card boards, scissors, adhesive (archival glue stick is recommended), and a frame.


We were asked to go to the back of the classroom and see the tables were filled with various assorted of images which were cut from the magazines.

Step 1, we were asked to choose at least two images that attract to us and seem to belong together. Limit each card to a few images that represent the same mood or energy.


Step 2, Teacher Mici asked us to clip loosely around each image eliminates background “noise,” including words and increases an image’s visual power.

Then, later, cut carefully around the edges of our final images, using smaller, sharp scissors for areas of detail.


Step 3, use the frame that given to us to compose our card, moving images around beneath the frame to see what fits and what part we want to cut out and use.

Collage the whole card, using a background image if needed. Experiment with portrait and landscape layouts. Mark borders for cutting. Cut the edges, then piece together our SoulCollage.


Step 4, use an archival quality glue stick on the entire back of each image. We can use a newsprint magazine or phone book, turning to a fresh page after gluing an image. Smooth away wrinkles. Give thought to any layering.


Measure and mark where to glue down the pieces that will be partially covered by another image. Gently brush away glue rubbings. Glue remaining images. Carefully glue on a backing, once you know the card’s suit.

Step 5, name our own card. Give a name to our card which we think suit for it.


We did not realise that the time passed so fast that we were only managed to make a card. Thus Teacher Mici gave us some homework that we need to do during this week before our 2nd class:

  • Watch the Inside Out Movie.
  • Gathering and bring to class the images that we can find from the magazines, old books, personal art and photographs.
  • Make a Committee Card at home.
  • Get images of 10 most influential people in your life.


Well it was kind of interesting class to be in but still I personally can feel the uneasiness when I allow my intuition to lead the way as I look through the materials, ripping or cutting out those that appeal to me.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Creative Aesthetics Art Class

After I had a tea session with Aunt Jasmine the other day during when we met for her ceramic cups donation for Puchong Branch YSA Convention Fund Raising. We had a tea at café at Kota Kemuning. She shared with me about Zentangle.


It gives me some interests to learn about Zentangle. It has been a long time that I forgo about the art that I used to love to do. I am thinking of wanted to enrol the Tzu Chi Continuing Learning Centre at their Puchong centre.

The classes will start from 18/7/2019 to 3/10/2019, every Thursday from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. It consists of Zentangle class, Nagomi Pastel Art class and Soul Collage class. All these 3 type of classes are new to me.

I am quite exciting as I enrol these classes and hopefully can learn something that would probably excite my mind and rejuvenate my creativity juice again.