It was the intention from the District Presidency to hold this program early this year. The message had been conveyed through emails to the respective Branch Primary Presidency, District Young Men Presidency, District Young Women Presidency and all the Branch Presidency.
The main purpose of this plan is to activate this wonderful Church program for children. As the District know our children are the future of our Church, especially. local children are the future of the Church in Malaysia.

President Tolman counselled to hold this program in 2 levels:
First, each time when a child becomes 11 years old, District Primary Presidency holds the program for the child at PJ Chapel on the 4th Sunday with the support of of District Presidency and District Young Men or Young Women Presidency. In this District level, each assigned District Leader leads each activity of the program concisely, so that the total time of the program is one hour. Also, at least one of Branch Presidency, Primary Presidency, Primary Activity Day Leader, Young Men or Young Women Presidency, and the Child’s parents are invited.
After that, before the child’s 12 years old birthday, Branch Primary Presidency holds the meeting again more specifically based on the previous one’s format with the support of Branch Presidency and Branch Young Men and or Young Women Presidency. In this Branch level, each Branch Primary Presidency may separate each activity of the program, and or hold several times for the child under the Branch’s circumstances.

With this note addressed to all, the District Primary Presidency President Sister Yang was preparing and coordinating with the respective presidency to organise this program. And, finally it is to be held on today at PJ Chapel. The invitation cards and program paper were emailed and delivered to each Branch Primary President early this month.
Due to our return flight schedule, we are initially would be late for this program, because it will be started from 3.00pm – 4.30pm at PJ Chapel. Thus, I messaged to Sister Yang that, we would be late as we would able to be there at 4.00pm. It was really so kind of Sister Yang that, she asked the District Presidency to postpone the program to 4.00pm – 5.30pm. So that, Issac able to attend.
Once we touched down at KLIA2, Daddy drove to PJ Chapel. It was around 3.30pm when we reached there. We changed to our Sunday best, then just in time attended the program at 4.00pm.
It started with opening song, which Sister Andie Boyd played the piano and her mother Sister Kelly Boyd as the chorister. After the opening prayer, Sister Yang introducing this program and the children and parents whom attended the activity.

There are total 5 children: Colin Hawkes and his parents, Andie Boyd and her parents from KL Branch; Zerline Chua and her parents from Klang Branch; Vijhay Shanmuganathan from Cheras Branch and our Issac from Puchong Branch.
It was really sweet and thoughtful of Sister Yang that, she prepared a goodie bag inclusive of a small journal book for all the boys and girls. There are a little introduction for each child: their family members, their favourite scripture and church song, their specialty, their hobby and other interests.
We had a combined Boys’ and Girls’ Activities for Importance of a good education is and how it can help strengthen them, conducted by Sister Claire Lim. Then follow by our family who perform the song, “I Am a Child of God”.
Sister Yang talked about “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”, and how the children can do to help strengthen the family and make a happy home.
After which, the class split to Boys Activities and Girls’ Activity, which conducting by President Royce Tai. There were about 3 topics which shared by the Priesthood Brothers.

First, it is important that the boys learn about the Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.
Second, the boys need to know the role of the Deacon Quorum and how they can serve the Lord.
Third, the boys also need to know the purpose of the Aaronic Priesthood and what it means to fulfilling their duty to God.
We were joining the Boys’ Activities, thus I am not too sure on how the Young Women conducted their activities.
President Tolman did give a talk to our 2 soon-to-be Young Man and encourage them to be the children that Heavenly Father wants them to be.
The girls were joining back after they completed their activities, and President Tolman giving the final remarks and mentioned that they are the leaders in the Church in the future.
We were blessed that our Church have this program for the children, to prepare them from young, spiritual strong to face the world when they are older.

Personally, I feel the love of the District Presidency and all the Auxiliary love for the children. They spent their time and efforts in organising this program, even though it is just 5 of them. And, the Priesthood Brethren and Sisters whom attend the program were more than that. It showed how the children are so important in the Kingdom of God.
I am clearly remember that during the time every child’s parents were asked to introduce their child, Daddy was a little bit in tears when talked about how Issac with his pure soul have strengthen our family in his small ways.
Even though today our family are really tired, but both Daddy and Mummy felt really spiritual up-lifted after seeing and witnessed how the District really take care and how they train our children.