Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Showing posts with label New Testament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Testament. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Patience, Experience and Hope

I am entering the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. It is really kind of hard and difficult for me to digest and hard to read. There is something that I read that enlightened me.

It is about Abraham’s faith In Romans 4: 18 – 22. Abraham maintained his faith in the Lord’s promise to give him posterity without number, even though by age 100 he had not yet fathered his son Isaac. Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God”, but he continued to hope despite his seemingly hopeless circumstances.

I am thinking of myself. How can I maintain as like Abraham? I know Heavenly Father knows my desires, but I am not sure if that desires is His will for me?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland encouraged us to be like Abraham in maintaining hope and trusting the divine promise:

“To any who may be struggling to see that light and find that hope, I say: Hold on. Keep trying. God loves you. Things will improve. Christ comes to you in His “more excellent ministry” with a future of “better promises.” He is your “high priest of good things to come.”

“I think of those who suffer from sin—their own or someone else’s—who need to know there is a way back and that happiness can be restored. I think of the disconsolate and downtrodden who feel life has passed them by, or now wish that it would pass them by. To all of these and so many more, I say: Cling to your faith. Hold on to your hope. “Pray always, and be believing.” Indeed, as Paul wrote of Abraham, he “against [all] hope believed in hope” and “staggered not … through unbelief.” He was “strong in faith” and was “fully persuaded that, what [God] had promised, he was able … to perform.”

“Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.”

“Don’t give up, boy. Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it—30 years of it now, and still counting. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.”

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

An High Priest of Good Things to Come

October 1999 General Conference

Then I read on further and I came to Roman 5. The first 5 verses, especially verses 3 – 5. I do not know why. May be it was due to yesterday I was thinking a lot about how to make myself happy again? How can I be happy in the state of what I am in now?

I feel comforted by these verses.


It seems as these 3 verses are the answers for my doubts and thoughts yesterday. I should endure well in whatever the things that come to me.

As tribulation would develop the patience that I need, from patience would develop the experiences that I need, and from experiences would develop the hope towards the Savior and Heavenly Father. Our hope in God’s promise will not disappoint us.

I may never know in this life why I face what I do, but I feel that I can grow from those experiences which allow me to become a better person.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Turn Trials into Blessings

I continued studying Acts 27 – 28 today. At the end of the scripture study, I have learned something – If we are faithful, God can help us turn trials into blessings for ourselves and others. It is just the same as how Paul experienced his trials at sea, while shipwrecked, and while imprisoned in Rome.

This bring my memories back then to our family Hong Kong temple trip this year. During our family temple trip, our family faced some challenges since the day one we entered into the temple.

Issac and Annabelle were getting missing in the busy streets of Hong Kong, Alvin lost his job, Alvin’s car broke down on the highway on his way back to Kulai after he came back from temple, and many more.

I realized that Heavenly Father blessed us with so much more. Issac and Annabelle gained their testimonies: they both know that Heavenly Father hears and answers their prayers. They have the testimony of the Holy Ghost that guided them to find their way back to the group safely, and came back to the temple patron house.

Alvin now no longer worked in Kulai. When he told me that day that he has a woman during at Johor, I know that it is not a co-incident that Alvin lost his job during we were at Hong Kong. I know that Heavenly Father wants him to come back, He wants him to stay nearer to us, closer to the family.

I know now, why Alvin’s car would break down at the highway on his way back to Kulai. He had been stranded at the highway for almost 3 to 4 hours. I know that Heavenly Father wants him to know and to learn by himself and think about what happened and why it happened.

Eventually, with no choice he had to call the tow truck to tow his car back to the town. The cause of the car broke down was due to the engine. The estimated cost of repairs initially is high, but it became half of the cost. I know that it was because during that time, the children and I were praying hard and sincere for their dad’s safety and minimal cost of damages. Heavenly Father heard us…

I am so touch that I know that all these happened because Heavenly Father knows that I am trying my best to be faithful for the sake of protecting my family. I can feel Heavenly Father’s love for me and my family.

The Lord gave us both the callings to serve in the Church. He extended the callings to us so that both of us can serve and learn from our callings. I know Alvin’s calling might be a test to him, but I know that as I encourage him to continue to serve, everything will be alright. Everything will become better and better.

I am grateful for my calling too as Relief Society President. It gives me opportunity to learn to communicate, to learn how to care, to learn how to see and feel the Savior’s love for all the sisters in the branch.

It will be the same to me as how it happened to Paul. I know that sometimes it is really heartache, hurt and feel the pain of the challenges that I have to face, but I know that I can go through it with the grace of the Lord.

I know that I will be blessed lots more after everything I have been through with cheerful heart and continue to be myself – His special, unique and beautiful daughter!

The Savior said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” This is His promise to all of us. I know this promise is real. I know that He lives, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Repent… That I May Heal You

I am studying Acts 23 – 26 for the past few days, the messages that kept on banging into my mind is the word ‘Repentance’ or ‘Repent’. In Acts 26 Paul recounts his conversion and testifies of Jesus Christ before King Agrippa.

Paul taught both Jews and Gentiles: If we repent and turn to God, we can overcome Satan’s power in our lives, receive forgiveness for our sins, and qualify for the celestial kingdom.

Elder Neil L. Andersen taught:

“When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God.

The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God. it is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments.

…What a marvellous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience. Jesus declares, “Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?”

Some listening today may need “a mighty change [of] heart” to confront serious sins. The help of a priesthood leader might be necessary. For most, repenting is quiet and quite private, daily seeking the Lord’s help to make needed changes.

For most, repentance is more a journey than a one-time event. It is not easy. To change is difficult. It requires running into the wind, swimming upstream. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” Repentance is turning away from some things, such as dishonesty, pride, anger, and impure thoughts, and turning toward other things, such as kindness, unselfishness, patience, and spiritually. It is “re-turning” toward God.

How do we decide where our repentance should be focused? When a loved one or friend suggests things we need to change, the natural man in us sometimes pops up his head and responds, “Oh, you think I should change? Well, let me tell you about some of your problems.” A better approach is to humbly petition the Lord: “Father, what would Thou have me do?” The answers come. We feel the changes we need to make. The Lord tells us in our mind and in our heart.

We then are allowed to choose: will we repent, or will we pull the shades down over our open window into heaven?

Alma warned, “Do not endeavour to excuse yourself in the least point.” When we pull the shades down”, we stop believing that spiritual voice inviting us to change. We pray but we listen less. Our prayers lack that faith that leads to repentance.

Realizing where we need to change, we sorrow for the sadness we have caused. This leads to sincere and heartfelt confession to the Lord and, when needed, to others. When possible, we restore what we have wrongly harmed or taken.

Repentance becomes part of our daily lives. Our weekly taking of the sacrament is so important—to come meekly, humbly before the Lord, acknowledging our dependence upon Him, asking Him to forgive and to renew us, and promising to always remember Him.

Sometimes in our repentance, in our daily efforts to become more Christ like, we find ourselves repeatedly struggling with the same difficulties. As if we were climbing a tree-covered mountain, at times we don’t see our progress until we get closer to the top and look back from the high ridges. Don’t be discouraged. If you are striving and working to repent, you are in the process of repenting.

As we improve, we see life more clearly and feel the Holy Ghost working more strongly within us.

Sometimes we wonder why we remember our sins long after we have forsaken them. Why does the sadness for our mistakes at times continue following our repentance?

The scriptures do not say that we will forget our forsaken sins in mortality. Rather, they declare that the Lord will forget.

The forsaking of sins implies never returning. Forsaking requires time. To help us, the Lord at times allows the residue of our mistakes to rest in our memory. It is a vital part of our mortal learning.

As we honestly confess our sins, restore what we can to the offended, and forsake our sins by keeping the commandments, we are in the process of receiving forgiveness. With time, we will feel the anguish of our sorrow subside, taking “away the guilt from our hearts” and bringing “peace of conscience.”

For those who are truly repentant but seem unable to feel relief: continue keeping the commandments. I promised you, relief will come in the timetable of the Lord. Healing also requires time.

The scriptures warn us, “Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance.” But, in this life, it is never too late to repent.”

… Repentance not only changes us, but it also blesses our families and those we love. With our righteous repentance, in the timetable of the Lord, the lengthened-out arms of the Savior will not only encircle us but will also extend into the lives of our children and posterity. Repentance always means that there is greater happiness ahead.”

Repent… That I May Heal You

Elder Neil L. Andersen

October 2009 General Conference

The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather ..., Neil L. Andersen Quotes

When I read this, a sister’s name came into my mind. I feel as I was prompted to talk to her on this topic. The word ‘Repentance’ not only appear in my mind these few days but for the past 2 weeks.

I think that the Lord would wants me to tell her that. She was such a cheerful and kind hearted lady when I got to know her. It was really a shock to me that, it was a beautiful disguise that she made to everyone.

She has the bad habits that likes to create or make up stories about others and to cover up something she has done wrong. It was really heartache when I found out this. It make me feel as I am a stupid and easily cheated person, I trust her and believe in everything she told me before this.

Despite of her bad habits or weaknesses to hurt others intentionally or unintentionally, I know that there are still goodness in her. I know this because I can feel her sincerity during when she is doing good.

It seems like as it is quite difficult for her to face the choices that she made. I really hope that the Lord able to guide her along back to the right path. I know probably this is the the plan that Heavenly Father would wants her to go through, because she can become a better person after this.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Yesterday when I was studying Matthew 14, I came across this talk by Elder D. Todd Christofferson. In actual fact, I heard 3 video clips from Mormon channel before this, I kind of like it and I remembered it.

I shared with E Chin yesterday on this message too. I shared with her one of the video clip. I shared with her frankly that I too, face the tight financial challenge every month.

Though I still pay my tithing, that is the least thing that I can do as I have covenanted with the Lord before my baptism. Paying tithing was one of the important matters that I pondered a lot before my baptism, besides the Word of Wisdom. I do not know but I just know that some how I would be ok even sometimes it is really so stress out.

“Some time before I was called as a General Authority, I faced a personal economic challenge that persisted for several years. It did not come about as a consequence of anyone’s wrongdoing or ill will; it was just one of those things that sometimes come into our lives. It ebbed and flowed in seriousness and urgency, but it never went away completely. At times this challenge threatened the welfare of my family and me, and I thought we might be facing financial ruin. I prayed for some miraculous intervention to deliver us. Although I offered that prayer many times with great sincerity and earnest desire, the answer in the end was “No.” Finally I learned to pray as the Savior did: “Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). I sought the Lord’s help with each tiny step along the way to a final resolution.”

“There were times when I had exhausted all my resources, when I had nowhere or no one to turn to at that moment, when there was simply no other human being I could call on to help meet the exigency before me. With no other recourse, more than once I fell down before my Heavenly Father begging in tears for His help. And He did help. Sometimes it was nothing more than a sense of peace, a feeling of assurance that things would work out. I might not see how or what the path would be, but He gave me to know that, directly or indirectly, He would open a way. Circumstances might change, a new and helpful idea might come to mind, some unanticipated income or other resource might appear at just the right time. Somehow there was a resolution.”

“Though I suffered then, as I look back now, I am grateful that there was not a quick solution to my problem. The fact that I was forced to turn to God for help almost daily over an extended period of years taught me truly how to pray and get answers to prayer and taught me in a very practical way to have faith in God. I came to know my Savior and my Heavenly Father in a way and to a degree that might not have happened otherwise or that might have taken me much longer to achieve. I learned that daily bread is a precious commodity. I learned that manna today can be as real as the physical manna of biblical history. I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I learned to walk with Him day by day.”

“Asking God for our daily bread, rather than our weekly, monthly, or yearly bread, is also a way to focus us on the smaller, more manageable bits of a problem. To deal with something very big, we may need to work at it in small, daily bites. Sometimes all we can handle is one day (or even just part of one day) at a time.”

“The Spirit can guide us when to look ahead and when we should just deal with this one day, with this one moment. If we ask, the Lord will let us know through the Holy Ghost when it may be appropriate for us to apply in our lives the commandment He gave His ancient Apostles: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof” (3 Nephi 13:34; see also Matthew 6:34).”

I was so touched with Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s testimony. His testimony made me feel as I have to learn to be humble like he is. He is not spare from trials and challenges too, even he is an apostle of the Lord. He taught me something: When we expect the Lord will give us quick solutions to our problems, we fail to see the greater purpose in the delay of His aid.

Then, I read the talk and especially love how Elder D. Todd Christofferson began his talk inviting us to look to God for what is needed each day. It gives me a new perspective or moment of learning to pray and get answers from the Lord and how to put it practically.

“Thoughtful planning and preparation are key to a rewarding future, but we do not live in the future—we live in the present. It is day by day that we work out our plans for the future; it is day by day that we achieve our goals. It is one day at a time that we raise and nurture our families. It is one day at a time that we overcome imperfections. We endure in faith to the end one day at a time. It is the accumulation of many days well-lived that adds up to a full life and a saintly person. And so I would like to talk to you about living well day by day.”

“Included in the Lord’s Prayer is the petition “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11) or “Give us day by day our daily bread” (Luke 11:3). I believe that we would all readily acknowledge that we have needs each day that we want our Heavenly Father’s help in dealing with. For some, on some days, it is quite literally bread—that is, the food needed to sustain life that day. It could also be spiritual and physical strength to deal with one more day of chronic illness or a painfully slow rehabilitation. In other cases it may be less tangible needs, such as things related to one’s obligations or activities in that day—teaching a lesson or taking a test, for example.”

“Jesus is teaching us, His disciples, that we should look to God each day for the bread—the help and sustenance—we require in that particular day. This is consistent with the counsel to “pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul” (2 Nephi 32:9).”

“The Lord’s invitation to seek our daily bread at our Heavenly Father’s hand speaks of a loving God, aware of even the small, daily needs of His children and anxious to assist them, one by one. He is saying that we can ask in faith of that Being “that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given” (James 1:5). That is, of course, tremendously reassuring, but there is something at work here that is more significant than just help in getting by day to day. As we seek and receive divine bread daily, our faith and trust in God and His Son grow.”

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

CES Fireside for Young Adults • January 9, 2011 • Brigham Young University

I feel that since the day I have been set apart by the Branch Presidency, I can feel the Spirit easily and it does influence me to make the better choices. I have never experience it before. I feel grateful for the Lord on the calling and blessings which He gives me and my family daily.

"As we seek and receive divine bread daily, our faith and trust in God and His Son grow... Ultimately, it is His Atonement, His grace, that is our daily bread." "Look to God Each Day," by D. Todd Christofferson, New Era, Apr. 2015

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fix Our Eyes on Jesus during Storm

During lunch time Sister E Chin messaged me that she need to talk with someone, and if I can call her. I called her and I can hear that she was in sadness. Thieves broke in to her house yesterday. She sounded fine when I called her last night, but may be because she was busy handled all the aftermath of the broke in.

She told me that she is very tired as Chelsea and she had been through a lot lately – losing job, fallen sick, financially tight, and now house got broke in. The thieves broke in and took away only monies, but not other things.  Suddenly I understand what she meant. At least this is a blessing for her.

She felt sad and do not know what is the direction to go and seek for the Lord for answer and directions. She knows what she is doing is right but all those challenges come till she found herself in a very difficult situation financially now. She is having fear. She is seeking for what to do next. Her mind is troubled. I told her that I know what she experienced because I experience the same thing almost every month.

I was studying Matthew 14 this morning. Just as after I heard what she have to say, I have a feeling of telling her of what I have just learned. This chapter is about after learning of John the Baptist’s death, Jesus sought solitude, but He was followed by a multitude of people. He had compassion on them, healed their sick, and miraculously fed more than 5,000 of them.

I illustrated to her the same thing as she was very sad and do not know how to go on. It is almost the same thing like Jesus was. He tried to be alone to mourn or grieve, but others were seeking His attention. The next thing He did is showing compassion for others. It is almost the similar thing that Sister E Chin does with Sister Chelsea. Sister E Chin helped her going through her difficulties.

The second story in the Matthew chapter 14 is Jesus walks on the sea during a storm. He instructed His disciples to travel by ship to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while He sent the multitude away. It was evening when Jesus was alone on the mountain and the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, and then they seeing someone walking on the water. They were afraid. they thought He was a spirit. Jesus called to them, “It is I; be not afraid.”

In the story, Peter wanted to walk on the water too. Jesus told Peter to come to Him. Peter climbed out of the boat. He began to walk on the water toward the Savior. Because the wind was blowing hard, Peter became afraid. He began to sink into the water and cried our to Jesus to save him. The Savior took Peter’s hand. He asked Peter why he did not have more faith.

In our real life too, it is normal for us to be scared and afraid as what Peter felt. Like Peter we might sometimes fail to maintain our faith in Jesus Christ and might succumb to fear, doubt, and discouragement when we face our challenges. In another way, like Peter if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and maintain our faith in Him, we will not be overcome by our fears and doubts, but He can lift us from our fears and doubts.

It is normal that we would be afraid. I told her that even though God might not always spare us from struggles, He knows what we are experiencing and will, in His own time, come to our aid. It is the same thing that happened here, God knows what is happening to her now, and He definitely will come to comfort or comfort her.

E Chin told me that she was feeling better after talked to me. I told her frankly that I am not sure that if I manage to help her, but I just feel that I should share with her this chapter that I read.

I know that it is not only for her, but a reminder for myself as well. The Lord is counselling me in whatever circumstances that I am facing, it is just like this story of Matthew chapter 14. I should be focused on Jesus Christ and always show compassion for others even though I walk through or in the storm of life.

A photograph depicting the resurrected Christ appearing to His Apostles, paired with the words found in John 6:20.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Availability : In Stock!

I was browsing the Church online store and something indeed caught my eyes. I still remember that yesterday when I checking on the New Testament 2019 Come, Follow Me – for Primary manual for teaching younger and older children in Primary class this year, it stated that only can be delivered after 31 March. Today it have been in stock!

Immediately in my heart I know that the Lord have made it easy for me! I was thinking of getting one of this Primary manual for Sister Sylvia.

Image for New Testament 2019 Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families from LDS Malaysia StoreLast two Sundays, 27 January 2019, during Relief Society class, Sister Sylvia did ask and check with me on how to use the new manual New Testament 2019 Come, Follow Me – for Individuals and Families to teach her children.

At that point of time I shared with her how I use the manual to teach both Issac and Annabelle at home. Then, at that Sunday night I was thinking that my children are much much more older than her kids. She might need more children resources than the individuals and families manual.

After I searched around in our Church website and Gospel Library app, later the next day on Monday I WhatsApp her how she could do it. I messaged her to go to the Come, Follow Me for Primary in the Gospel Library app. As that is the teacher manual which they use to teach the children on every Sunday, but I think it is no harm that she can read through the contents, because it have many ideas to teach younger children and older children.

As Melvis and Sonia considered younger children, I suggested to Sister Sylvia that she can use the ideas to teach them. She may not need to teach all, but spread it out every night at a fix time, suggested may be after dinner 8.30pm – 8.45pm, that she can have some activities with her children.
I told her that it is OK that only 15 minutes. Younger children would love some interactive activities such as stories, watch videos, drawing, role play or object. I suggested to her that she can try all these out.

Another resources, would be go to Church website. Under the Resources for Teaching Children, lesson helps by topic. She can search for the related colouring pages or activities under those topics.

Image for New Testament 2019 Come, Follow Me: For Primary from LDS Malaysia StoreI messaged Sister Sylvia that it would be a bit troublesome for her, as she might need to do some research online and print out the materials, but I assuring her that I know that her family will be blessed if she follow this Come, Follow Me program.

I messaged her that she can get the help from the Primary teachers if she need their input or help on this, I think they will gladly to help her out too!

Sister Sylvia later messaged me that she is very appreciate on the ideas that I shared with her.

It has been 2 weeks passed since our WhatsApp messages, I was keeping in my mind about this and how I can make it easier for her? May be a Primary manual would be helpful and hands on for her. Thus, I was looking at our Church online store, can I purchase the manual and give to her as a gift.

For days, the item is not available till yesterday, I was thinking and praying in my heart that, if the Lord might make it easier for me and no need to wait till after 31 March 2019. I can able to minister her. I was really glad that Sister Sylvia took the effort to ask on how to teach her children which is very awesome! I hope that my suggestions is helpful for her.

Today the Lord is make it possible for me to minister Sister Sylvia! I have ordered 3 Primary manuals just in case I can still share with other sisters whom have the children in the Primary.

I know that the Lord will make a way for us if we sincerely come unto Him and serve Him and labour in His kingdom. I really hope by my new calling as Relief Society President, I can reach out to more sisters and help them strengthen their homes and families, and stay on the covenant path.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Teaching Assignment

Last night I was preparing a journal for Sister Sandy. The reason being is I am thinking invite her to write and keep a gratitude journal. This might be good for her because when she write, she can relate to her own experiences, then she will start to feel, then hopefully the desire will come – the desire to draw near to the Savior.

I came across this scripture when I was browsing through the pages in My Foundation for Self-Reliance.

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

~ John 10:10

The next question is:

What is an abundant life?

The following question is:

Do you believe there are solutions to your problems? How can we qualify for the Lord’s power to assist us?

This is the first scripture and first two question that we discussed in our class, that we learned during our Personal Finances for Self-Reliance class last year in the church. I felt that she might get inspired and hope that she would really write and keep a journal.

Later around noon time, I received a message from Sister Annie that she have a lesson for me to teach in Relief Society on 10th February 2019, which is the following Sunday. It is a October 2018 General Conference talk by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf – Believe, Love, Do.

Sister Annie hope I will take the time to read, ponder over the message contains therein, pray and let her know if I am able to teach. She has prayed and know the Lord has inspired her to choose the right.Every sister in Relief Society will be given an opportunity to teach a lesson in Relief Society Meeting. She asked me do not worry if I can not or maybe next time only assign to me.

After that, I opened the Gospel Library App in my phone and listened to the talk. I was not sure whether I can do it or not. Suddenly, I heard the scripture John 10:10 in Elder Uchtdorf’s talk - “I ​​am come that they might have ​​​life​, and that they might have ​it​ more ​​​abundantly​.”

I was thinking about the scripture last night, then I heard it again in the talk. I think I might found some inspiration from this talk. These few weeks I have experienced things like this. So I think I should take up this teaching assignment from Sister Annie.

I messaged Sister Annie that I hope I able to do this because for the past 3 years I was teaching children, and now is sisters.. the approach is totally different!

Sister Annie messaged me that as she was thinking about who to teach this lesson, my name never fail to constantly came to her mind and heart, thus she just obeyed and asked me.

She consoled me that teaching sisters  is much easier than children, none is better than the other but with humble hearts and humility we as sisters learn and grow together. She further said that we as sisters help each other. The Lord uses us for His righteous purposes. He wants us be faithful to bless someone within our reach.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Facing and Resisting Temptation

I was reading Matthew Chapter 4 this morning. It talked about how Satan tempted Jesus. From that account, I know that Satan targets our weakest or most vulnerable areas and repeatedly tempted us.

Satan tried to appeal to the desire to satisfy physical appetite when tempted Jesus during fasting, to turn stones into bread; Satan promised rewards that were not his to give and that he could not provide when Satan’s offer to give Jesus the kingdom of the world.

In my case, that is Alvin is my weakest point, that is why the Satan keeps on disturb my emotion and my mind trying to distract my focus unto Jesus Christ. Satan keep on rise up my doubts towards Alvin, and of coarse I do not have the confident and trust in Alvin due to my previous experiences.

Now I know why my ministering sisters ask me to do and focus on the things I supposed to do and put my thoughts and feelings of Alvin aside. When I do not think much about him, I am really doing good and fine. When my thoughts and feelings start to shift to Alvin, then all the uneasy feelings, doubts, suspects mind will start to come back.

Another lesson I learned from this account, is that even Jesus Christ the Son of God too, responded to each of Satan’s temptations by quoting from the scriptures. When were call and apply truths taught in the scriptures, we can resist the devil’s temptations.

That is the reason why we need to read the scriptures daily, because scriptures are the word of God. And, that is the reason why our Prophets always asked us to feast upon the word of God and also the Book of Mormon.

I learned about this in the scripture study today. I can feel that as Heavenly Father wants me to know and learn about this. Suddenly as my eyes and mind is opened at once and see that. And I understand why my ministering sisters advice me all these while.

I can feel Heavenly Father’s love to me and my family.  I know that what I learned today is true and I should learn to be like Jesus Christ to resist the temptations! And, try to become like Jesus Christ!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

What Seek Ye?

Due to I have spent most of my time reading the Book of Mormon for the last week, I did not give much study and attention to our Church newly installed gospel learning “Come, Follow Me”.

I feel fresh today as I joined the first Sunday School this year, the class was so edifying. In the class, our Sunday School teacher Brother Earnest asked a question to the members, “What is the one thing you would do today after you go back to home, which will draw you closer to Jesus Christ?”

The first thought came to my mind was, “I am going to have Family Home Evening this evening.” That was the answer that I given to Brother Earnest. He explained that there are so many blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give us, unless we do what we suppose to do.

This was the same thing that Sister E Chin and Sister Chelsea counselled me last 2 months ago. I learned then. That is why I am trying to do whatever which will invite the Spirit into our home again.

After dinner we gathered together at the living room and having our family evening for the proper one and we learned together about the lesson that we have today – We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning.

“What seek ye?” Jesus asked His disciples (John 1:38). You might ask yourself the same question - for what you find in the New Testament this year will greatly depend on what you seek. “Seek, and ye shall find” is the Savior’s promise (Matthew 7:7).

When I firstly joined the Church, my desire to read the Book of Mormon was so strong and I want to gain a testimony about it. Then after 4 years, I think it is time for me to read the New Testament, because I do not know much about Jesus despite the stories that I used to teach the children but I did not really sit down and read the New Testament itself, even though I have been baptised in His Church.

That is why I seek to know more about Jesus Christ, learn of Him and seek to know more about His attributes. Out of many, I want to learn more compassionate and more kindness.

Besides that, I desire to make my home a holy place, to invite the Spirit come to my home. How to do that? By doing the simple things that we are to do.

Other than my spiritual and home, I seek for a breakthrough or change of heart and attitude in my career so that I can make built up my residual income this year.

To truly learn from the Savior, I must accept His invitation, “Come, follow me.”

What we all must learn – is that being a disciple means giving our whole souls to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We progress in our discipleship as we identify what we lack, change, and seek to more fully follow Them.

Learning from the Savior starts when we strive to understand what He taught. For example, how does your understanding of forgiveness deepen as you explore the following?

a. The Savior’s teachings (see Matthew 6:14-15; 18:21-35)

  • Savior teaches that if we forgive whoever that have offended us, Heavenly Father will also forgive us; If we do not forgive whoever that have offended us, the same as Heavenly Father will not forgive us as well.

b. An example from His life (see Luke 23:33-34)

  • Jesus prayed and He asked Heavenly Father to forgive the soldiers who crucified Him because they did not know He was the Savior.

c. However, learning is not complete until we follow the Savior by living what He taught. How can you be more forgiving?

  • Try to think about why the other person might have done what he did.
  • Think of something good about the other person.
  • Pray for help to forgive when It is hard.
  • Don’t keep being angry at the person.

I am responsible for my own learning

What does it mean to take responsibility for your own learning? Look for possible answers in Elder Bednar’s statement and in the following scriptures: John 7:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; James 1:5-6,22;2:17; 1 Nephi 10:17-19; 2 Nephi 4:15; Alma 32:27; and Doctrine and Covenants 18:18;58:26-28;88:118. What do you feel inspired to do to be more active in leaning the gospel?

  • To take responsibility for your own learning meaning we should take our own initiative in learning.
  • A true learner exercising agency by acting in accordance with correct principles open our heart to the Holy Ghost and invites His teaching, testifying power, and confirming witness. It requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception.
  • I feel inspired to

I need to know the truth for myself

How do we gain and nurture our own testimonies? Write down your thoughts as you ponder the following scriptures: Luke 11:9-13; john 5:39; John 7:14-17; Acts 17:10-12; 1 Corinthians 2:9-11; and Alma 5:45-46.

  • We gain and nurture our own testimonies with prayer, search the scriptures diligently and open our heart to the Holy Ghost and Holy Ghost will teach us what we want to know for ourselves.

What should I do when I have questions?

  1. Seek understanding through divinely appointed sources.
  2. Act in faith.
  3. Keep an eternal perspective.

The Parable of the Sower


Finally we talked about the parable of the sower, and what can we do to cultivate “good ground” in our home? A good living environment that we can learn the gospel together.

How we can make our home more gospel centred and make our home a holy place?

And, here are some of our lists that we can think of and we want to tick off at least one of the them each week!
