Today our whole family woke up really early because today Issac will be flying to Kuching, Sarawak for his first time ever Church Youth program – For the Strength of Youth Conference or short form – FSY Malaysia Singapore.

It is a five days of participating in devotionals, classes, and activities which will help the youth strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and feel joy and belongings as they live the gospel by engaging in inspired learning opportunities and wholesome social experiences.

Issac was so excited and a little bit worried as this is the first time he is out from home without us and has to fly to Kuching Sarawak. He is more excited as the days get nearer.

This month of December is such a special month for him. As he has the chance to participate in the Journey to Bethlehem last Saturday and now to FSY Malaysia Singapore at Kuching Sarawak.

We reached KLIA 2 early and we met with other youths from different branches and their parents too. Brother Kennedy and Sister Robinia are the 2 counsellors that will accompany them fly to Kuching.

After gather all the youths and make sure that they checked in the flights, all were gathered to KFC and have their breakfast. Alvin was so pity looking at the youths and ordered the breakfast for them as most of them have not eaten any breakfast yet.

After breakfast, it was time for them to go to the boarding room for the air plane. Well, hope Issac will enjoy for the next few days and come back a New!

Here were some of the photos posted on the FSY Malaysia Singapore Facebook page later as they arrived in Kuching. It is such a warm welcoming event for all the youths including Malaysia and Singapore to Kuching, Sarawak.

The bus that transported them to the Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites. They were checked in upon arrival and split into different groups.

Each group would have a male counsellor and female counsellor that will guide and lead them throughout the followings 5 days. All the meals are provided and all the activities would be held in the meeting halls and function halls of the hotel.

Here is the great thing that the youth did tonight! They form the FSY word in front of the Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites and lighted up the lights. It looks so nice in the night!