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Showing posts with label Book of Mormon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book of Mormon. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Your Happily Ever After

Today I could feel Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ talked to me through the talks by the assigned speakers. Sister Leeza was giving a talk “Your Happily Ever After” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf who was the Second Counselor in the First Presidency in April 2010.


I feel as if I needed the most to hear words like this now and it is so inspiring and comforting words. Sister Leeza shared what President Uchtdorf in his talk that all the mothers and leaders that everyone desires to be heroes and heroines in their own stories, to triumph over adversity, experience life in all its beauty, and live happily ever after. He taught that Heavenly Father offers to us the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of our own “happily ever after.”

President Uchtdorf asked the young women to think back to their favorite fairy tale.

"In that story, the main character may be a princess or a peasant; she might be a mermaid or a milk maid, a ruler or a servant," he said. "You will find one thing all have in common — they must overcome adversity."

“Sandwiched between their “once upon a time” and “happily ever after,” they all had to experience great adversity. Why must all experience sadness and tragedy? Why could we not simply live in bliss and peace, each day filled with wonder, joy, and love?”

“The scriptures tell us there must be opposition in all things, for without it we could not discern the sweet from the bitter.”   

2 Nephi 2:11, 15

11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

15 And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.


“In stories, as in life, adversity teaches us things we cannot learn otherwise. Adversity helps to develop a depth of character that comes in no other way. Our loving Heavenly Father has set us in a world filled with challenges and trials so that we, through opposition, can learn wisdom, become stronger, and experience joy.”

I feel like Heavenly Father is listening to me. My prayers were heard by him. He wants me to become the daughter He wants me to be because He is aware of everything I am going through and everything I have experienced thus far.

Heavenly Father is aware of my abilities and potential. He never fails to tell me that I am God's daughter and have divine potential that I simply must discover.

“My dear young sisters, you need to know that you will experience your own adversity. None is exempt. You will suffer, be tempted, and make mistakes. You will learn for yourself what every heroine has learned: through overcoming challenges come growth and strength.”

“It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life’s story will develop.”


This actually what Annabelle and Issac trying to tell me about, that I might fall to the Satan’s trap if I ever continue to dwell in my own misery and blaming this or that. Satan enjoys casting filthy and cruel thoughts into our minds. He wants us to think about these things and then act upon them. Satan takes great pleasure in our discouragement. He wants us to think that the things that are depressing us will always be there. That is what he is trying to do now unto me.

I was astounded, and this message seems to be Heavenly Father speaking to me. He is the one who knows me the best—even I know myself. Rather than continuing to live in my own misery, he is urging me to look at my adversity in a different perspective – His perspectives.

“If you ever feel your burden is too great to bear, lift your heart to your Heavenly Father, and He will uphold and bless you. He says to you, as He said to Joseph Smith, “[Your] adversity and [your] afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if [you] endure it well, God shall exalt [you] on high.” 

“Enduring adversity is not the only thing you must do to experience a happy life. Let me repeat: how you react to adversity and temptation is a critical factor in whether or not you arrive at your own “happily ever after.”


All I have to do now is focus on my areas of weakness and move in that direction because I'm so touched! I love Him so much and am so grateful of what He wants me to know. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Spiritual Wake-up Calls

In Alma 10:1-12, Amulek described his life before he was visited by an angel and his conversion to the gospel.

Amulek was a descendant of Nephi. He was hardworking man who had built substantial wealth. He was also well known and was “of no small reputation” among his many family members and friends.

However, before he met Alma, he had not been living according to the gospel truth he had been taught.

Amulek recounted how an angel instructed him to take Alma into his home and care for him. And how Amulek and others were blessed because Amulek obeyed the angel.

What can we learn from Amulek’s experience in these verses? What effect did his testimony have on those listening?

From Amulek’s experience in these verses, we can learn that When we hear and obey the Lord’s call, blessings come to us and to others. It was what happened to Amulek, when he open his heart and mind to accept the spiritual “wake-up calls” from the Lord, he accepted Alma into his home.

Alma’s influence or teachings have been a blessing to Amulek and this experience prepared Amulek to be a second witness of Alma’s message to the people of Ammonihah. In addition, Amulek’s household, families and friends too were blessed.

There was a statement by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf during October 2016 General Conference:

“Perhaps, like Amulek, you know in your heart that the Lord has ‘called [you] many times,’ but you ‘would not hear’ [see Alma 10:6].

“Nevertheless, the Lord sees in you what He saw in Amulek—the potential of a valiant servant with an important work to do and with a testimony to share. There is service that no one else can give in quite the same way. … Listen with your heart and follow the promptings of the Spirit”

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Learn from Alma and Amulek

October 2016 General Conference

There are many ways the Lord can “call” to us – through a prompting from the Spirit; through a feeling; through a feeling; through a dream’ through the words of a Church leader, teacher, or parent; through being called to a Church position; through adversity; or through other ways.

One interesting verse that in this chapter is Alma 10:6

“5 Nevertheless, after all this, I never have known much of the ways of the Lord, and his amysteries and marvelous power. I said I never had known much of these things; but behold, I mistake, for I have seen much of his mysteries and his marvelous power; yea, even in the preservation of the lives of this people.”

“6 Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was acalled many times and I would not bhear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know; therefore I went on rebelling cagainst God, in the wickedness of my heart, even until the fourth day of this seventh month, which is in the tenth year of the reign of the judges.”

This actually a glimpse and something that very familiar and applicable to many of us, especially myself.

I feel that during I was called as Relief Society President and during I wanted to be released; I felt that during I knew that I needed to do something on the nurturing of the children or the education of the children but I did not do it; I felt that during struggling to kneel down and pray or read the scripture, and so many seems like small occasions.

Most of the time I have been saying to myself that, “I knew that better or otherwise because I wanted to keep doing the things that I wanted to do.” I should as according President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Listen with your heart and follow the promptings of the Spirit.”

It is indeed a spiritual wake-up calls for me that I should change like Amulek as what was recorded in Alma 10:6.

In Alma 10:13-32, many of the people in Ammonihah would not listen to Amulek’s words. Several lawyers in the crowd began to question Amulek with the intention of making him appear guilty of some crime or contradict himself.

However, Amulek detected their intentions and rebuked them. he warned them that if they did not repent of their iniquities, the Lord would smite them by famine, pestilence, and the sword.

In Alma 10:22-23, What do we learn from these verses about the influence a group of righteous people can have in a wicked city?

We learn that the important effect that the prayers of righteous had on the people of Ammonihah and there are many many upright and faithful who live all the commandments and whose lives and prayers keep Ammonihah from destruction.

Once the righteous were destroyed or removed from Ammonihah, the prayers of the righteous ceased to protect the wicked city.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Do Ye Not Remember?

Alma 9 records Alma’s efforts to teach the people of Ammonihah about their need to repent and be redeemed through the Savior, Jesus Christ. To try to help these wicked people recognize their need to repent, Alma called upon them to remember what God had done for them and for their fathers.

When reading about the way the Nephites in Ammonihah treated the Lord’s servants, it is easy to forget that they were once a gospel-living and “highly favored people of the Lord” (Alma 9:20).

In fact, part of Alma’s message to the people in Ammonihah was that because they had hardened their hearts despite being so richly blessed, their state was worse than that of the Lamanites, who sinned mostly in ignorance.

What does this contrast teach us about how God judges His children?

This contrast teach us that God expects greater obedience from those who have received the knowledge and blessings of the gospel. He Judges His children fairly.

As what Sister Sheri L. Dew, who served as a member of the Relief Society General Presidency said in October 1999 General Relief Society Meeting, titled, “We Are Women of God”:

“We are unique. We are unique because of our covenants, our spiritual privileges, and the responsibilities attached to both. We are endowed with power and gifted with the Holy Ghost. We have a living prophet to guide us, ordinances that bind us to the Lord and to each other, and the power of the priesthood in our midst. We understand where we stand in the great plan of happiness. And we know that God is our Father and that His Son is our unfailing Advocate.

“With these privileges comes great responsibility, for ‘unto whom much is given much is required’ (Doctrine and Covenants 82:3)”

As you read about the great blessings God gave the people of Nephi (see especially Alma 9:19–23), ponder the great blessings He has given you.

What are you doing to stay true to these blessings?

I have gained a brand new experience when I studied these verses, these scriptures reminds me that it is important to remember the spiritual experiences or the blessings I have had in the past.

20 Yea, after having been such a highly favored people of the Lord; yea, after having been favored above every other nation, kindred, tongue, or people; after having had all things made known unto them, according to their desires, and their faith, and prayers, of that which has been, and which is, and which is to come;

21 Having been visited by the Spirit of God; having conversed with angels, and having been spoken unto by the voice of the Lord; and having the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and also many gifts, the gift of speaking with tongues, and the gift of preaching, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of translation;

22 Yea, and after having been delivered of God out of the land of Jerusalem, by the hand of the Lord; having been saved from famine, and from sickness, and all manner of diseases of every kind; and they having waxed strong in battle, that they might not be destroyed; having been brought out of bondage time after time, and having been kept and preserved until now; and they have been prospered until they are rich in all manner of things

All these blessings that the Lord had given to me such as bring back my once broken family, get to know His true Restored Church, get to be baptized into His Church, get to seal in the temple as an eternal family, and so much blessings that the Lord have given me.

All in all I am trying my best to do the little simple things as good as possible, such as reading the scriptures according to the Come Follow Me resources, doing the best I can in my calling, attend the church sacrament meeting weekly, teach my children and remind them how great is the God is to able to bring our family back together again.

What changes do you feel you need to make?

There is something I learned from the Book of Mormon Central YouTube Come Follow Me (Insights into Alma 8–12, June 8–14) today is that:

  • All the sacred ordinances which include Baptism, Sacrament and Temple Covenants are an invitation to us to remember God’s deliverance in mercy and fulfil the promises that He made with His children.
  • The core messages of the Book of Mormon and the summary of our covenants and obligations with God is that:

13 Behold, do ye not remember the words which he spake unto Lehi, saying that: aInasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

  • To prosper is to have God’s presence in your life and the Sacrament is an invitation to remember the great deeds that our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ done for us, and we recommit ourselves to offer our hearts and love to God and fully committed in the covenant path to keep the commandments.

I feel the changes that I need to make is to better prepare myself for the Sacrament meeting every week and always remember the deeds that God done for me and my family and seen His promises.

I feel that I need to communicate with God regularly through prayers even though I know that He knows what I am thinking and going through, and remember Him always through everything I do.

Monday, June 8, 2020

My Efforts to Share the Gospel May Require Persistence and Patience

God’s work will not fail. But our efforts to hep with His work sometimes seem to fail – at least, we may not immediately see the outcomes we hope for.

At times we might feel a little like Alma when he preached the gospel in Ammonihah – rejected, spit on, and cast out. Yet when an angel instructed him to go back and try again, Alma couragely “returned speedily” and God prepared the way before him.

In Alma’s case, an angel commanded him to return to Ammonnihah to preach the gospel even though the people there had already violently rejected him (Alma 8:14-16).

What do you learn from Alma’s example of sharing the gospel despite challenges and opposition?

  • Alma teach us to pray fervently for the people of those whom we would like to share the gospel with in Alma 8:10:

10 Nevertheless Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance.

  • Alma teach me to be humble and care deeply for the people in Alma 8:14:

14 And it came to pass that while he was journeying thither, being weighed down with sorrow, wading through much tribulation and anguish of soul, because of the wickedness of the people who were in the city of Ammonihah, it came to pass while Alma was thus weighed down with sorrow, behold an angel of the Lord appeared unto him, saying:

  • The angel taught Alma and me to do not allow others decisions to destroy my own joy and it is my agency and others agency to choose and it is important to understand that our prayers or doings cannot overrule another person’s agency as it is the gift from Heavenly Father to all of His children.

Alma teach me despite the difficulty of the command, Alma “returned speedily to the land of Ammonihah”. President Howard W. Hunter taught that the Lord loves such obedience: “Surely the Lord loves, more than anything else, an unwavering determination to obey his counsel”

18 Now it came to pass that after Alma had received his message from the angel of the Lord he returned speedily to the land of Ammonihah. And he entered the city by another way, yea, by the way which is on the south of the city of Ammonihah.

  • Alma teach me to Fast for the people. Fasting often indicates to the Lord the seriousness of our request. President James E. Faust (1920–2007) of the First Presidency taught: “At times fasting is appropriate as a strong evidence of our sincerity. … When we fast we humble our souls, which brings us more in tune with God and His holy purposes”

26 And now, Amulek, because thou hast fed me and taken me in, thou art blessed; for I was an hungered, for I had fasted many days.

  • Alma teach me, I should take the Holy Spirit as my guide in Alma 8:30:

30 And Alma went forth, and also Amulek, among the people, to declare the words of God unto them; and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.

Which verses in Alma 8 increase your desire to share the gospel?

There is a verse which is significantly increase desire to share the gospel, which is at Alma 8:15, which is “ Blessed art thou, Alma; therefore, lift up thy head and rejoice, for thou hast great cause to rejoice; for thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God from the time which thou receivedst thy first message from him. Behold, I am he that delivered it unto you.”

This verse teach me that if we keep God’s commandments, then we will have reason to rejoice, regardless of our circumstances. I remembered that there is a talk from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland talking about a doctrine of truth that:

“… It says again and again that we are going to be blessed for our desire to do good, even as we actually strive to be so.

Please remember tomorrow, and all the days after that, that the Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments and try to keep them, who cherish Christlike virtues and strive to the best of their ability to acquire them. If you stumble in that pursuit, so does everyone; the Savior is there to help you keep going. If you fall, summon His strength. Call out like Alma, “O Jesus, … have mercy on me.”7 He will help you get back up. He will help you repent, repair, fix whatever you have to fix, and keep going. Soon enough you will have the success you seek.”

Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You

By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

March 2016 General Conference

It is the same as when Alma trying his best to preach or minister to the people of Ammonihah, the angel said that Alma had reason to rejoice because he had been faithful in keeping the commandments of God.

What can we learn from Alma about obeying the Lord “speedily” (verse 18) even when it might be difficult?

If we respond quickly to the word of the Lord, He will help us fulfill His commandments.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

We can feel Joy and Gratitude for the Goodness of God

I am on Mosiah 25 today. As recorded in Mosiah 25, as Limhi’s people and Alma’s people united with the people in Zarahemla, King Mosiah had their records read to all of the people.

How did Mosiah’s people feel after he read to them the records of Zeniff’s people and Alma’s people?

Mosiah’s people were ‘struck with wonder and amazement’, they were filled with exceedingly great joy, but at the same time they felt sorrow for the deaths of so many. They indeed recognized the ‘goodness of God’, they felt the need to ‘give thanks to God’ and they feel pain and anguish for the sins of others.

Reading the scriptures can bring us joy and gladness, they can also make us aware of the sorrow that comes from poor choices. This awareness can be a blessing because we are able to see the negative effects of sinful behaviour without personally committing sin.

Has your family kept any records you could read from? Maybe you could add to your records or start keeping your own.

My family do not kept any records. I started writing journal to keep a records of the growing ups of the children after few years that I gave birth. And it continues throughout the years till now. I do not write everyday but I hope and make it a goal that I will continue to write everyday even a little just to recap things happened in a day and try to recognised the hand of the Redeemer in my life daily.

What would you include that might help your family (including future generations) be “filled with exceedingly great joy” and learn about “the immediate goodness of God”? (Mosiah 25:8, 10).

I would write about my daily life because I do not know what would lies ahead of me: challenges, trials, or things which would make me grows. It is always a process or a journey to perfection.

I would include all the spiritual experiences that I have including the feelings that I have whenever I read the scriptures, general conference addresses, Church magazines, biographies of Church leaders and others, and family histories. Stories such as our family conversion story, temple sealing day and so on.

Why was it important for Limhi’s people to remember that the Lord had delivered them out of captivity?

It was important for Limhi’s people to remember that the Lord had delivered them out of captivity because that remind them of the goodness and power of God in their lives.

What has the Lord done for us that we should remember?

The Lord has done so much for us that our family should remember! Starting from our small little broken family, bring us back together again, lead us to His true Church, getting to know the restored gospel, baptized into His Church, we sealed as family for all time and eternity in the temple, and so much experiences that He allowed to happen in our life to strengthen us as individuals and as family.

All of those I would want my family and future generations be “filled with exceedingly great joy” and learn about “the immediate goodness of God” as those experiences strengthen my testimony and gave me a greater love for the Lord.

Friday, March 13, 2020

I can avoid Spiritual Blindness by Focusing on the Savior

The prophet Jacob taught that the Jew’ spiritual blindness came from “looking beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14). What is the Mark? What does it mean to look beyond the Mark?

Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926 – 2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that in this verse, “the mark is Christ” in his talk, “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King”.

To look beyond the Mark means that to centre our lives on anything other than the Savior and His gospel. If we center our lives on anything other than the Savior and His gospel, then we will become blind to the truth and we will stumble and fall spiritually.

According to Jacob 4:8-18, what can we do to focus on the Savior and avoid spiritual blindness?

We can focus on the Savior and avoid spiritual blindness by choosing to believe in Him and by worshipping the Father in His name. We can choose to search the words of the prophets. We can choose to take counsel from His hand. We can choose to be reconciled to God through the Atonement of Christ.

“Today there is a tendency among some of us to “look beyond the mark” rather than to maintain a testimony of gospel basics. We do this when we substitute the philosophies of men for gospel truths, engage in gospel extremism, seek heroic gestures at the expense of daily consecration, or elevate rules over doctrine. Avoiding these behaviors will help us avoid the theological blindness and stumbling that Jacob described.

Substituting the Philosophies of Men for Gospel Truths

Some in their spiritual immaturity attempt to appear sophisticated and intellectual. Instead of accepting revelation, they want to dissect it and add dimensions and variations of meaning that distort its beautiful truths.

We look beyond the mark when we refuse to accept simple gospel truths for what they are.

Gospel Extremism

Another sign of spiritual immaturity and sometimes apostasy is when one focuses on certain gospel principles or pursues “gospel hobbies” with excess zeal. Almost any virtue taken to excess can become a vice.

The Lord said regarding important doctrine, “Whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me” (D&C 10:68) and “That which is more or less than this cometh of evil” (D&C 124:120).

We are looking beyond the mark when we elevate any one principle, no matter how worthwhile it may be, to a prominence that lessens our commitment to other equally important principles or when we take a position that is contrary to the teachings of the Brethren.

Heroic Gestures as a Substitute for Daily Consecration

Some members profess that they would commit themselves with enthusiasm if given some great calling, but they do not find home teaching or visiting teaching worthy of or sufficiently heroic for their sustained effort.

God uses us “not according to our works, but according to his own purpose” (2 Tim. 1:9). We are looking beyond the mark if our consecration is conditional or does not involve daily devotion.

Elevating Rules over Doctrine

Doctrine usually answers the question “why?” Principles usually answer the question “what?” Whenever we emphasize how to do something without reference to why we do it or what we do, we risk looking beyond the mark.

In many areas we are guided only by doctrines and principles rather than rules. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves.” We are responsible to the Lord for how we respond in such situations.

Those who are committed to following rules without reference to doctrine and principle are particularly susceptible to looking beyond the mark. Equally dangerous are those who get mired in rules and are thus less willing to accept change resulting from continuous revelation.”

I found there is an article by Elder Quentin L. Cook, “Looking beyond the Mark” Ensign March 2003, is very useful and he had provided some guidelines to me to ‘not looking beyond the mark’.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

I can be reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ

I continue to read on Jacob 4 today. it contains words that Jacob was inspired to write for us that would read his records.

Jacob pleaded with his people to “be reconciled into [God] through the atonement of Christ” (Jacob 4:11). What do you think that means? Would it help to look up reconcile in a dictionary?

It is interesting to look up in the dictionary on the word “reconcile”. It stated as “to restore, to friendship or harmony”.

Another meaning of it is “to make consistent with another”. It indeed inspired me for the brand new meaning of “reconcile”!

It means we are brought into harmony with God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And most importantly, it require consistent effort on my part!

Perhaps you can find words or phrases in this chapter that suggest to you how you can come unto Christ so that you can be reconciled to God.

I can come unto Christ by exercise faith Jesus Christ, repent of my sins, receive the ordinances of the gospel, and keep my covenants with Him, so that I can be reconciled to God.

What has God provided to point you to Christ? How are you using these things to draw closer to God?

God has provided commandments and covenants that I should always observe and keep; God has provided the Holy Ghost as my companion in whatever I do with the guidance from the Spirit; God has provided living prophets and apostles to lead us in this latter-days through counsels, warnings and admonitions; God has provided the Book of Mormon, the Holy Bible, Doctrines and Covenants and Pearls of Great Price and later-days revelations through His prophets and apostles. When I observe and obey to these things, and put into action to do it, I know that I can draw closer to God.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Lord Delights in Chastity

I was reading Jacob chapter 2 and 3 today. Jacob taught about the dangers and consequences of the sins of pride and sexual immorality.

I do not know why, every time when it came to chastity, I would become more alert in reading and studying the related scriptures.

“For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abominsation before me; thus saith the lord of Hosts.” ~ Jacob 2:28

When you read Jacob 2:32-35 and 3:10, look for ways immorality was affecting the Nephites as a people and as individuals. How are these ways similar to the consequences of immorality you see in today’s world?

“Behold, ye have done greater iniquities than the Lamanites, our brethren. Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives, and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad examples before them; and the sobbing of their hearts ascend up to God against you. And because of the strictness of the word of God, which cometh down against you, many hearts died, pierced with deep wounds. ~ Jacob 2:35

“Wherefore, ye shall remember your children, how that ye have grieved their hearts because of the example that ye have set before them; and also, remember that ye may, because of your filthiness, bring your children unto destruction, and their sins be heaped upon your heads at the last day.” ~ Jacob 3:10

My heart grieve as I read these 2 verses. May be it is because I have been through all these sufferings and pains before. It give me an insight that the consequences of immorality are the same at Jacob’s days (about 544 B.C.) and in today’s world. It is an eternal truth.

What do you find in Jacob’s words that could help you teach a loved one about the important of chastity?

The consequences of the immorality indeed hurts and affects one family deeply. It is just like a deep scare in the heart that you would feel pain and hurt, the feeling of being betrayed of your trust.

I know that my children are taught about the important of chastity through our own family experience, because they were all the time seeing, hearing and feeling how I have been through as a woman and themselves as children. They knows how pain and hurt it can be.

Sometimes on the other hand, I am worry if this had changed their perception towards marriage. One thing for sure, if they fall in love with someone, they would be very committed as what they had been through in the childhood.

How have you been blessed by your efforts to be chaste?

I have been blessed with guidance of the Spirit and the knowledge that see the Lord’s hand in my life even though sometimes I would have miss.

I think I have been blessed with the capacity to love and to forgive, even though I have been hurt many times. My capacity to be patience, perseverance have been stretched until the extend I do not realized it.

What do you find in Jacob 2:23-30 that helps you understand why the Lord has, in limitations, commanded His people to practice plural marriage? How does He feel about those who do so without His authorization?

Plural marriage is authorized only when the Lord commands it through His prophets. One reason is to raise up seed unto Lord or increase the number of children born in the gospel covenant.

The Lord delights in chastity, and sexual sin is an abomination before the Lord. The Lord condemned those who entering into specific plural marriages that He had not authorized. Unless the Lord commands otherwise, He has ordained marriage is to be between one man and one woman.

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a single, undeviating standard of sexual morality: intimate relations are proper only between a man and a woman in the marriage relationship prescribed in God’s plan. Such relations are not merely a curiosity to be explored, an appetite to be satisfied, or a type of recreation or entertainment to be pursued selfishly. They are not a conquest to be achieved or simply an act to be performed. Rather, they are in mortality one of the ultimate expressions of our divine nature and potential and a way of strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds between husband and wife. We are agents blessed with moral agency and are defined by our divine heritage as children of God—and not by sexual behaviors, contemporary attitudes, or secular philosophies.”

We Believe in Being Chaste

Elder David A. Bednar

March 2013 General Conference

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Lord Wants Me to Magnify My Calling

Today for so long that I, finally sat down and reading Come, Follow Me – The Book of Mormon.

I am reading Jacob 1 and 2. It was the time when Nephi was old and dying, he had assigned his own younger brother Jacob to teach the word of God. To Jacob, teaching the word of God was more than an assignment from his brother – it was an “errand from the Lord,” so he laboured diligently to “magnify his office”.

President Gordon B. Hinckley  taught that we magnify our callings “as we serve with diligence, as we teach with faith and testimony, as we lift and strengthen and build convictions of righteousness in those whose lives we touch”.

Think about your own “[errands] from the Lord” as you read Jacob 1:6-8, 15-19 and 2:1-11. Why did Jacob serve so faithfully?

What does his example inspire you to do to magnify your Church callings and your responsibilities at home?

I am not sure this had been planned earlier by the Lord, that He would wants me to know that, I should… and I should magnify my calling, before I just given it up and told Branch President about my concerns.

When I saw these questions, I am stunned. It seems as I have give up and give in to the calling that the Lord given to me because of my own personal struggles and personal family matters.

I feel guilt as I do not measure up to the things the Lord wants me to do. May be the things can be better if I just rely and pray to Him and find a way to listen to Him. Most of the time I am thinking of my paths ahead are blurry and I am unable to connect to Him somehow. I should have pray and talk to Heavenly Father more.

Everything seems started to crumble in me after we came back from Kuching. The counsel that we had indeed gave me a huge punch on face. So was Alvin. That was why and how I got from him a lot lately.

Alvin did tell me to my face that I am not mature enough to be a mother and my mentality still stays where I was 20 over years ago, and that behaviour and mentality of mine would not be accepted by him and his family.

I was hurt and feel pain. For over this one year ever since I had accepted my calling as Relief Society President, I was wondering what the Lord wants me to learn in this calling? Or what are the things that He would wants me to learn faster, so that I can face the challenges in front of me in the later days?

I have been thinking a lot lately after came back from Kuching that I should have focus more on my own family. Most of the time, Alvin’s behaviour towards me easily distracts me emotionally. I feel as overwhelming of the work, home and calling.

I feel as I cannot concentrate and focus on to ministering the sisters, and it is not fair that I keep on holding on that position. That is why in the midst of the various kinds of thoughts I had, I talked to the Branch President finally on my decisions to be released.

Branch President did ask me to go back and pray about it. I did as what he asked me to. I feel the warmth in my heart. Eventually, every time when Alvin started to tell me off, the thoughts of to be released would rise again.

Finally, I went to Branch President again and told him what I think is the best for me.

Well…back to the questions: Why did Jacob serve so faithfully?

Jacob serves so faithfully even though his responsibility was difficult, because he cared about the people and he wanted to obey God’s commandments.

What does his example inspire you to do to magnify your Church callings and your responsibilities at home?

Last night we just had our Relief Society Presidency meeting through the WhatsApp video call. Both my beloved counsellors are so great and amazing! I feel as this would be the last meeting that we had…

And today I read the scripture and frankly I am kind of regret – why I should give in my calling every time Alvin had sounded me? If only I could have a clear mind and peace heart that seek for the divine help, and continue be like Jacob, I am sure that everything would be going great. Because as what Jacob said in the scripture, “But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them;…”

But what I had done was done, and I have to continue in doing what my responsibilities at home but this time I will learn to rely to the Lord more in every decision I make.

“And so to everyone-- man or woman, girl or boy-- who has been called or who will yet be, I will give you my counsel.

First, you are called of God. The Lord knows you. He knows whom He would have serve in every position in his Church. He chose you. Your call has eternal consequences for others and for you. In the world to come, thousands may call your name blessed, even more than the people you serve here. They will be the ancestors and the descendants of those who chose eternal life because of something you said or did, or even what you were.

There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with a feeling that you are inadequate. But you have access to more than your natural capacities, and you do not work alone. The Lord will magnify what you say and what you do in the eyes of the people you serve. All He asks is that you give your best effort and your whole heart.

Do it cheerfully and with the prayer of faith. The Father and his beloved Son will send the Holy Ghost as your companion to guide you. Your efforts will be magnified in the lives of the people you serve, and you will know that you have seen the arm of God lifting those you serve for him. And lifting you.”

Rise to Your Call

Elder Henry B. Erying

October 2002 General Conference

Monday, January 28, 2019

I Will Go and Do

After the Church yesterday, I managed to catch up with Sister Anita before she went off as she has relatives visits from United States. Together with Sister Robinia, we handed her a journal which I bought in Mr. DIY. I handmade additional their favourite scripture in colour printing lamination on the front cover, some conference talk quotes in the inner cover pages.

“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men,save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”

~ 1 Nephi 3:7

This is Sister Anita’s favourite scripture. She shared with us last November during when we start to minister her. Sister Anita shared with us that this is one of the first scripture that she memorize as a kid. It gives her motivation that when God instructed her, He also gives her way to do what He asks.

At that point of time, I was not really given much thoughts or pondering about that scripture. After the spiritual experiences that I have been through with Sister Yong Yong’s favourite scripture, I start to ponder about the Sister Anita’s favourite scriptures which she shared with me…

Our family were sealed in the Cebu City Philippines Temple in the year of 2015. That was our family first visit to the holy temple. Alvin and I were having our first endowment at the Cebu City Philippines Temple. Both of us did the ordinances for our deceased parents on that temple trip.

Ever since we did not return to the temple, even my heart wants to go back to the temple at least once a year. After I came back from the Cebu temple, I started to do the research and did family history, and now I have 5 names that can do the ordinances for them. The thoughts of attending the temple would come into my mind on and off reminding me that I have not done the ordinances for them yet.

Last year Issac came back home and told me that there will be a Kuala Lumpur District Youth Temple Trip this year and the youth were asked to save a Ringgit a day to go to the temple. The District Youth Presidency was decided to go to Hong Kong Temple.

I was really happy because the Church teach Issac to save for the temple trip and pay tithe at the same time. I was thinking that this would be his first ever temple trip and do the baptism ordinances for the dead and it is very important to him and to us as a family.

May be Alvin can accompany him to the temple and witness his first baptism ordinance for the dead and this would be meaningful to both of them as father and son spiritual trip. Both of them can help me to do the temple ordinances for my both grandfathers, it would be meaningful to me.

I was feeling a little disappointed at the same time as Annabelle would only turn into 12 years old officially in October 2019. The Kuala Lumpur District Youth Temple Trip is going to be on 28th – 30th March 2019, which mean she cannot make it on that trip.

It would be wonderful if all of us can go back to the temple as a family together, and I can do the temple ordinances for my both grandmothers at the same time as well. It was my wishful thinking in my heart.

Last November after Sister Anita shared her favourite scripture to us, the news of age changes for youth progression and ordinances announced. I still remember on that Saturday morning when I received the email from the Church, I was reading the mail through my IPhone. I was reading the email again and again, it seems so unbelievable! My once a wishful thought might become reality! The Lord knows my desires!

First, Issac can go to the temple at RM300 only and the rest would be subsidized by the Church; then, now after the changes that the Church announced, now Annabelle also can go to the temple at RM300 too. It is a blessing for me! Both Issac and Annabelle can perform the baptism ordinances for my grandparents. Alvin and I can witness their first baptism in the temple, and that is the reason why both of us wanted so badly to join the youth temple trip. That is the reason why I wrote to President Van Cott and Sister Claire on this.

I was thinking that it is already a blessing from the Lord that both children able to go to the temple with our limited financial. Then, it came the good news that Sister Claire brought to me last week as I can able to help out to assist the Young Women leaders during this KL District Youth Temple Trip, and the Church would cover my flight and accommodation. It is indeed another mercy and blessing which the Lord has for me and my family.

I was preparing the little journal for Sister Anita the other day, I was searching online on her favourite scripture. The scripture verse was in front my eyes all the time. I was not so sensitive to it at all.

Suddenly I realized that the Lord really have a work for me to do in the temple. And He is so mercy and gracious that He indeed prepare the way for me to go to the temple! The Lord is waiting for me there!

I was so touched by the Spirit when suddenly I opened my eyes to see this verse – 1 Nephi 3":7 that the Lord wants me to see and the things He wants me to do! The Lord is waiting me to go back to the temple, He has a work for me to do. I know I have to do the temple works for my ancestors! I know He will have further instructions for me.

It was such a spiritual experience that I have been through. To reaffirm what I have in mind, Sister Shiyu too shared with us the same scripture verse 1 Nephi 3:7 as her favourite scripture. It is really not a co-incidence that two sisters share the same scripture at the same time!

I shared with Sister Anita my testimony and I encourage her to write whatever the thoughts and experiences down, because that is how I discover the things that the Lord wants me to do. Further more, we would never know the things we write would be the light that lights us up when we need it.

From now till the time our family go to the temple, 1 Nephi 3:7 would be the light that lights my path bright.

Image result for 1 nephi 3 7

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ministering Is Powerful

What is Your Favourite Scripture?

This is the first question which we asked the sisters which are under our list, after we have the special ministering council meeting last 2 week ago.

Both me and my companion sister were thinking that we should get to know the sisters better, in order for us to do something more for them.

But you never know that from that very favourite scripture - only few lines of words could, eventually turn into something special and encouraging in your life!

That verse of scripture kept on banging on my door for past 2 weeks, but I did not notice it at all...

Until I faced a little trial this week, then only I realized that the Lord is so patience and merciful enough to let me know that, He was already there for me before I anticipate it.

And that favourite scripture would become something that the Lord wants me to know that He loves me so much!

So, take your courage and step out your first tiny step and do the ministering work! I know it sound hard and difficult to some of you, it was the same for me in the beginning.

Instead of I was ministering others, but eventually I was being ministered at the same time. I have been strengthened while trying my best to serve others.

Sister Jean B. Bingham said, “Sometimes we think we have to do something grand and heroic to ‘count’ as serving our neighbors. Yet simple acts of service can have profound effects on others—as well as on ourselves.”

As we commit to being flexible and then prayerfully consider how to best love and serve others, we will be blessed with the inspiration and knowledge we need to minister as the Savior did.

I testify that it is true. I started to feel the power of ministering!

So, let's go and put it into work. Take out your hand phone and message the sisters or brothers under your ministering list, "What is Your Favourite Scripture?"

A blue background with the words from 2 Nephi 31:20 printed over the top.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

What is Your Favourite Scripture?

“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”

~ 2 Nephi 31:20

This was the scripture that Sister Yong Yong shared with me on the last two Sunday of the month, 13 January during Relief Society Presidency organised Special Ministering Council Meeting on the 2nd hour of the Church.

I got to know that Alvin and I are her ministering couple on that Sunday as I asked Brother Adrian to check the directory list. I was thinking because Alvin is working at Johor and he can hardly come back and do the ministering work. I as his wife have to take up the work that the Elders Quorum Presidency entrusted us.

During the meeting I asked her, “What is your favourite scripture?” Sister Yong Yong replied, “There are so many… I need to see and choose.” Then, in the end of council meeting, she showed me the verse, and I wrote in down on a paper.

I did not give much thoughts about it, because at that point of time, I know that I need to know her better first if I want to do ministering work. I was thinking that I should prepare a journal for her, then I started to search the scripture picture over the internet and managed to do a descent one for her.

It was last Sunday that I was going to give her the little journal gift that I made to her, to encourage her to write journal, just a few lines or simple words each day to thank God for what have the Lord does in her daily lives.

And last Sunday I remembered that I encountered something spiritual to me, and I did write it down in the journal. The closing hymn at the Sacrament Meeting was Hymn 81 - Press Forward, Saints. It was exactly the hymn that I was humming in the car that morning.

During yesterday I had the tele-conversation with Sister E Chin, she ministered to me and she was telling me the same thing – to have faith and to have hope, and love God as how God have loves me, trying my best to do His work, and about reading the scriptures.

Last night before sleep, I had a thought of want to share this scripture with the children – 2 Nephi 31:20. As now I have change a little bit of the scripture study at night as I found out that we read a verse and ponder about it. The outcome is much more fruitful than we read the whole chapter of the Book of Mormon.

When I read it with my Gospel Library App then I only realized that it is as the Lord is talking to me. This simple scripture sum up it all for the things that the Lord wants me to know. At that moment I was really touched! It happened again I feel as it is the Spirit is whispering to me!

Sister Yong Yong was the first person who bring out the scripture 2 weeks ago when I was asking about her favourite scripture. Then, this scripture was in front of my eyes for 2 weeks but I did not notice to it.

Until this week I was really frustrated and feeling down, and the Lord is talking to me… asking me to press forward even though whatever circumstances I am in and facing now. The Lord even prepared me before hand to face the trial that I would face through Sister Yong Yong’s favourite scripture.

I shared with Sister Yong Yong in WhatsApp about what I have experienced this morning. I told her that instead I ministered her last Sunday when I encouraged her to write gratitude journal or personal journal or study journal, but eventually I was being the one who ministered by her.

Sister Yong Yong WhatsApp me : Sometimes it is through this kind of way that we strengthen each other in the Church. She is so glad that I did ask her about her favourite scripture, and the Lord through His ‘special’ way that I have been strengthened.

I am really touched and I know that Heavenly Father loves me very very much! He is always there for me and He wants me to know that.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ


Today is end of the first week of 2019. I have finally completed my scripture study of the Book of Mormon for the first time cover to cover!

It have been really struggling for me in completing the reading of the Book of Mormon since day one I have got to know the Church. My initial plan was to complete reading the Book of Mormon before I be baptized 4 years ago, because I want to know it for myself.

My so called instinct at that time, wanted it so badly and my mind was telling myself that the quickest way to know was to read or listen to the Gospel Library App “Doctrine and Covenants Stories” for children - to know who was Joseph Smith and how our Church was organized and the history of the early members of the Church.

And second after which, I should read or listen to the “Book of Mormon Stories” for children - to know what is in the stories. I had a testimony of Prophet Joseph Smith was called of God and I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, after my own ‘express reading’ and I got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Throughout the years after my baptism, I always have a ‘mission’ which is to complete reading the Book of Mormon.

2015, I read till 2 Nephi and stopped;

2016, I read reached Enos and stopped, continued to Mosiah and stopped;

2017, I read till Mosiah and I faced some challenges, then I have got an impression that I should read the Doctrine and the Covenants;

January 2018, President Thomas S Monson had passed away, and the First Presidency message he left for us was the The Gift of Repentance. It touched my heart so much that even the last message the prophet offered to us was Repentance.

I reflected on myself and I realised that I did not give much attention to the counsels of the prophet. President Monson had always asked us to read and study the Book of Mormon.

I made it my 2018 New Year resolution was to complete the reading of the Book of Mormon. I continued back where I left. Then due to the daily activities that fill much time each day – things like work, home, school, taking care of family. I surrendered and stopped at Alma.

Entering last October, I faced little trial and challenge. I remembered that during the General Women Conference, President Russell M Nelson extended four invitations to the sisters. One of those was read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018. The thought of ‘I still can catch the last train of the year of 2018!’ came to my mind and I still can complete my 2018 New Year resolution.

I picked up my Book of Mormon again and continue on Helaman, and then 3 Nephi. I had never felt the Spirit so strong in guiding me study through the 3 Nephi during my trial and challenges!

I have nothing but to agree completely 101% that 3 Nephi is the highlight of the Book of Mormon! I have learned about the Savior’s words and actions during Jesus Christ’s ministry among the people of the Book of Mormon.

Everyday I have been touched by the Spirit and it seems as the Savior was administering to me one to one:

He teaches me how the Holy Ghost often speaks to us in a still, small voices that we feel in our heart;

He teaches me how to listen to the voice of the Lord through Holy Ghost, so that I will be able to understand the communication He gives me;

He teach me how to pray to Heavenly Father in His name;

He teaches me by pondering and praying to the Father, I can receive greater understanding, and so much more!

These serial of learning have made me believed that there are no such thing as co-incident, but it is all divine design or His plan. He knows that I will encounter this trial at this point of time and he administered me one to one through 3 Nephi.

Entering Mormon, Ether and Moroni, it was another amazing experiences that I have!

The prophet Mormon teach me I can choose to live righteously even if I am alone.

The brother of Jared teach me more about faith, prayer, revelation, and the relationship between exercising faith in Jesus Christ and receiving spiritual knowledge.

Moroni teach me the way to judge between good and evil, and the relationship between faith, hope, and charity.

Finally, there are 3 questions that concluded the Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students for the Book of Mormon:

What differences has studying the Book of Mormon this year made in your life?

There are so much differences made in my life as I have studying the Book of Mormon on 2018. It have draw me closer to the Savior, teach me how to live in the gospel and put into action of the things that I have learned. And, I can feel that my faith is growing from the day one I read the Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 4 years ago.

What lessons or principles have helped you “come unto Christ” and strengthened your faith in the Savior?

All the lessons in the Book of Mormon have helped me “come unto Christ” and strengthen my faith in the Savior. It have been such a wonderful experiences that I had for each and every book from 1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Mosiah, Alma, Helaman, 3 Nephi, Mormon, Ether and finally Moroni. Each book with a different trial and challenge that I have, they walked together with me.

Trials and challenges were bitter, hard and sometimes painful, but if we exercise our faith together with the word of God, they will become our testimonies.

What is your testimony of the Book of Mormon?

I have the testimony of, the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It come forth by the gift and power of God. The Book of Mormon was written specifically for us in the latter-days. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. The examples of the stories recorded inside indeed teach me how to become faithful in Jesus Christ and even teach me how to hold on to my covenant with the Lord.

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is the revelator and prophet in these last days whom restored the gospel and organised His Church on the earth again.

I know that we do have a living prophet, and the Lord still speaks to us again through his living prophet, President Russell M Nelson.

Please, come, and get to know us by yourself.

You would never truly know us through the mouths of others.

Unless, you come and investigate yourself, read the Book of Mormon with a sincere heart and real intent and ask Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ - to know that the Book of Mormon is true?

I promised you that, you will receive your answer.

Moroni 10:4-5
"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Feeling Joy in the Midst of Struggle

I grabbed my hand phone when I woke up this morning, and I saw YouTube app notified me that, Mormon Channel has a new video upload – Feeling Joy in the Midst of Struggle.

I was thinking : Ok, this is the video I should watch now and especially what have I been through now. Thus, I just clicked in…

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“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

~ President Russell M. Nelson

This was the first quote that Abby Stephen shared with the audience and she began with her struggle in her life. She was 23 years old and engaged to marry the love of her life, Cole. But one week before the “big day” their lives changed forever. While they were on a road trip together, Cole accidentally veered the car toward oncoming traffic, and then he overcorrected and flipped the car. Abby was rushed to the hospital with a broken neck. She and Cole were told that she was quadriplegic and would never walk again.

During the difficult days and months that followed, Abby wondered if she’d ever feel happy again. So, she decided that instead of feeling sorry for herself, she’d try to shift her focus to feelings of gratitude. Was she happy all the time? Of coarse not. Were there tears of heartache and frustration? Yes.

“If we sit in and dwell on all the pain, sorrow, angers, disappointments, heartaches and frustration, that is exactly what we would continue to feel…Instead of I allowed myself to feel of those things, then shifted my focus to happier things and my faith in Jesus Christ.” Abby said.

Abby shared about 3 of the things which can make us happier and allow to feel joy in the midst of her trials:

“The first thing I focus on is Gratitude. As bad as my circumstances were I chose to be grateful…I was grateful to be alive. I was grateful that my family and my fiancé were there to love and support me and to pray with me and for me. I was so grateful for my faith and testimonies of the loving Savior because that was going to get me through this trial. So what do you to have to be grateful for?”

“…Focusing on the things that we have to be grateful for would always allow us to feel joy when life is hard.”

“The second thing I focus on is Positive Thoughts. Instead of focusing what I can no longer do… I visualized myself on all the things I want to do… If I found myself dwelling in the negative things, I would immediately find something positive things to think about. And through it all, prayers is a constant.”

“There is power in faith and positivity…I chose to be positive attitude with all my heart because of our faith in Jesus Christ, a miracle was happening right before our eyes.”

Image result for We can̢۪t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude

“We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.”

~ President Thomas S. Monson

“Throughout all these things, we learned that the third thing we can find joy is Humour. Learning to laugh through in the toughest moment is an absolute necessity to find joy.”

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“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”

~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Image result for In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured

“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”

~ President Gordon B. Hickley

I felt amazed and I can feel that Heavenly Father is talking to me through this message. He knows me very well, even better than myself. He is asking me to feel joy instead of dwelling with the sadness myself.

I am lack of positive attitude and I always feel pessimistic with a sad face and mind in everything I do. And, here comes the Lord sending me a message on telling me where should I improve. These two are the weaknesses, which have been within me for years. I am aware about it but just did not do anything about it, as I did not treat it as weaknesses instead may be it formed part of my own characters.

Now, the Lord tells me that I have to change and be positive and laugh often. And, most of all trying to feel the joy in the midst of my struggles in having faith in Him, focus on gratitude and be positive thinking and learn to laugh my way through the hard time.

I could not agree more that this is definitely and truly from the Lord. He knows what are best for me. I need to repent to Heavenly Father for the things that had blinded my eyes and my ears, and most importantly start to work on it.

This reminds me of one of the scriptures, Ether 12:27 : “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weaknesses. I give unto men weaknesses that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Image result for And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weaknesses. I give unto men weaknesses that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them

Heavenly Father really hears me. He answered my prayers. He knows what have I going through, and all these I have been through right now He wants me to grow to be the daughter He wants me to be.

Heavenly Father knows my talents and potentials. He keep on telling me without fail that - I am daughter of God, that have divine potential that I just need to explore it.

I am so touch and all I need to do now is to work on my weaknesses and walk towards it! I am so grateful for the things He wants me to know and I love Him so so much. I say all these in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Learning to Hear Him

Right now I am really stunned!

Last night after having a heart to heart talk with Sister Peggy and Sister E Chin, I did have a peaceful mind and I felt warm in my heart. I kneeled down before God and said my prayer.

I was so afraid to ask about the decision which I have to decide, I do not think I am ready for to ask anything at all as I do not yet make up my mind what I want to do next.

I prayed for a lowly and humble heart, and seek to learn and ask the Lord to teach me how I able to listen and hear what He want me to do. My mind is actually still blank when I woke up this morning, and my heart still troubled when I am thinking of my marriage.

I am supposed to study on 3 Nephi Chapter 11. Beginning of the lesson teach about how the Nephites hear the voice of the Father announcing the appearance of His Son, how the Lord and the Holy Ghost often speak to us? I was really stunned at that instance as I slowly flipped through the lesson of today that I am supposed to study. It is all about Holy Ghost.

I was speechless… Heavenly Father really hears me every each day and seconds… He knows my heart… He loves me so so much… He is there whenever I need Him… Just I do not have my clear eyes and mind to hear, to see and to feel Him. The Spirit is always there.

I was supposed to complete this lesson 2 days ago as my earlier scheduled, but I could not as I do not have a clear mind to read, to rush and catch up the lessons. I know all these are not co-incident.

And, I know that all these happened for a better reason that only God knows, because He knows the end from beginning. I know all these happened for my own good. 3 Nephi The Book of Nephi, is not co-incident that I read it through at these time. It is truly the divine design that I have to go through and to learn something from it, and I feel blessed that I managed to read it now, at this moment.

President Boyd K. Packer, explained how the voice of the Lord, through the Holy Ghost, operates on our mind and heart:


“Perhaps the single greatest thing I learned from reading the Book of Mormon is that the voice of the Spirit comes as a feeling rather than a sound. You will learn, as I have learned, to ‘listen’ for that voice that is felt rather than heard…


“The gift of the Holy Ghost… will guide and protect you and even correct your actions. It is a spiritual voice that comes into the mind as a thought or a feeling put into your heart”

President Boyd K. Packer gave the following counsel about what we need to do to listen to and understand the voice of the Lord through the Holy Ghost:


“The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting. It never shakes us with a heavy hand. The Spirit whispers. It caresses so gently, indeed, that if we are preoccupied, we can’t feel it at all.

“Occasionally, the Spirit will press just firmly enough or often enough for us to pay attention; but from my experience, most of the time, if we do not heed the gentle feeling, if we do not listen with those feelings, the Spirit will withdraw and wait until we come seeking and listening, in our manner and our expression”

I have a strong feeling as all the questions in the lessons are meant for me to study right now at this moment. 3 Nephi considered the highlights of the entire of the Book of Mormon, and it focuses on the direct teachings ad ministry of Jesus Christ to the people of Nephites.

It is not by chance and not by coincident, it is His divine design that I learn all these at this right now. Seeing how Jesus Christ demonstrated compassion for the people “one by one”, He wants to let me know that His concern as an individual – a child of lovingly Heavenly Father. Learning how some people prepared themselves to meet the Savior while others prevented themselves from experiencing the magnificent blessings. I can feel that He is walking with me everyday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

O Remember, Remember

Today I really feel sad. I know and I can feel that he was not going back his rented place sleep last night. He was with someone else…

I feel disappointed and upset for the whole day, I was not in a good mood. I feel insecure and sad, but luckily there were a lot of office works that at least keep me busy so that I won’t think too much.

In actual fact, I do not have the calmness I need to read and study the Book of Mormon, but I forced myself to read and study even though I know that my mind was not align with the Spirit.

This really made my heartache. I was trying my best to do everything else except thinking of him. Thinking of him made me feel sad.

I was sitting down after dinner and taken my bath, opened up my laptop wanted to continue study the Home-Study Seminary for the Book of Mormon. I just have to force myself on reading all these scriptures so that my mind would not drifting away.

I just clicked on the internet and came to the Church website, I noticed that there is a small video clip that draw my attention – Gratitude for God’s Hand in Your Life.

I saw the summary of the video clip: President Henry B. Eyring encourages us to look for the hand of God and recognize the abundant blessings God gives to us daily. I was thinking like, “Yes, I need to see this!”

I was so surprised and feel with joy that, this is not the first time I come across this message! I read through it yesterday in the Home-Study Seminary in the Book of Mormon.

I was studied on 3 Nephi Chapter 2 on how the Nephites easily began to forget the signs that they had seen related to the Savior’s birth. By forgetting their precious spiritual experiences, they had became more vulnerable to Satan’s temptations and deceptions.

At that point, immediately I related it to myself when read this, have I forgotten any? It is really difficult for me to remember, I felt sad and I have an impression, “You should write it down into your blog.”

Then, the lesson highlighted an example of President Henry B. Eyring related how recording his spiritual experiences in a journal helped him.

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“I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day. Before I would write, I would ponder this question: “Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” As I kept at it, something began to happen. As I would cast my mind over the day, I would see evidence of what God had done for one of us that I had not recognized in the busy moments of the day. As that happened, and it happened often, I realized that trying to remember had allowed God to show me what He had done.

“More than gratitude began to grow in my heart. Testimony grew. I became ever more certain that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I felt more gratitude for the softening and refining that come because of the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. And I grew more confident that the Holy Ghost can bring all things to our remembrance—even things we did not notice or pay attention to when they happened.”

O Remember, Remember

President Henry B. Eyring

October 2007 General Conference

Yesterday after I read this short paragraphs, I was reflected on myself for the whole past week, what made my mind so troubled and worried ? Have I forgotten how our family able to come unto this Church of the Lord ? Have I forgotten how we can have the house we have now ? And so much more what God had done in our lives! And, why I did not put my trust in the Lord ?

Personally, I love to write and that is the reason why I keep the blog. I want to record down everything about the children. So that when they grow up, they have a place to read and know, someday in the future, how their childhood were and I want them to know and remember how the Lord have blessed our family so much and His love to this little family.

I was thinking of writing all the spiritual experiences that I encountered for the last few days, so that I would not forget. It was late night and I delayed it yesterday.

Today I saw the same message again, I think this must be the promptings of the Spirit remind me something that need to be done. Thus, here I am writing this small spiritual experience that I have. I should make it an every day, even few lines.

As what President Eyring said, “Tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder, asking the questions: Did God send a message that was just for me? Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of my children?”

Of coarse my answer is a big Yes! I am starting to see it now for these past few days! And that are the reasons why I want to preserve all these precious memories into writings.

May be in the future when I encounter any struggles or trials, I will remember what have the Lord blessed me and remind me to stay on this strait and narrow path, and as the prophets of the Book of Mormon often implored, “O remember, remember…”

Monday, August 7, 2017

Book of Mormon Stories Teaches about Jesus Christ

Learning & Living the Gospel #6 ~ Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Savior.

IMG_4405For this activity there were two goals, that is first – sharing a Book of Mormon story and second – sharing your testimony of the Savior.

Our lesson started by telling the story of journey of Lehi’s family to the promised land. We actually split the lessons to few days as there are so many stories from the Book of Mormon.

It was not difficult to think of a Book of Mormon story, as we read the Book of Mormon, we will go on many adventures…We have been travelled in the wilderness with Lehi and Sariah’s family and watch Nephi build a boat.


IMG_4399We also met many prophets such as how King Benjamin teaches his people, how Alma baptizes many people, how Ammon being a good example to others, seeing Alma teaches how to pray, and how is Captain Moroni’s Flag, how Samuel teaches about Jesus Christ, Jesus Visits the Nephites, how Jared and his brother travel to the promised land, Mormon writes on the golden plates, and Moroni’s special promises.

All of the prophets in the Book of Mormon taught about Jesus. Some of them even saw Him. In fact, that’s why Heavenly Father gave us this special book: to help people everywhere learn more about Jesus!


IMG_4570Identifying how it teaches faith in Jesus Christ was a challenge, but we were helping each other to recognize that from every story from the Book of Mormon and it all worked out well.

Sharing your testimony of the Savior is more challenging. It can be frustrating to know what to say even if you feel like you do have a testimony, and feel confident in sharing them with your family members or your friends.

I shared to both Issac and Annabelle that they all did have a testimony of the Savior, but that the "knowing that you know" takes time and effort, that their testimonies would keep growing. Testimonies are like beautiful plants. They grow a little at a time, and they need care and protection.


IMG_4982When you know something is true, you have a testimony of that truth. The Holy Ghost helps you understand the truth in your mind and gives you feelings of peace, happiness, light, or warmth in your heart.

The feeling in your heart that Heavenly father lives and that Jesus is the Christ is called a testimony. A testimony is gained little by little, just as a building is built brick by brick. We can compare gaining a testimony to constructing a building.

For example, one brick could stand for having a testimony of the importance of attending church; another brick, a testimony of the Book of Mormon; and yet another brick, a testimony of prayer.


IMG_4377Our testimonies are often strengthened by our experiences. Just as a plant grows when it receives water and sunlight, your testimony grows stronger as you make good choices.

Then I gave some of examples on how I had learned about the Savior in my life through personal experiences such as an answer to prayer, His love for me and my family, the blessings of follow His commandments such as paying tithing, etc.  Then I bore my testimony of the Savior.

This was really helpful for both and they were able to identify in their minds personal experiences that had strengthened their testimony of the Savior as well. 

IMG_4376Annabelle shared her testimony about a time which she felt and knew that Jesus was protecting her while the shampoo got into her eyes during she was taking her bath. She prayed silently to Heavenly Father. After, she can feel that her eyes no more pain and she washed away the shampoo quickly.

Issac shared his testimony about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ answered his prayer during when he had been pushed and hurt his knees before his cross country race during he was in Primary 4. Heavenly Father answered his prayer and eventually he completed his race at 20th position and he got himself a medal.

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When we took turns sharing our testimonies of the savior they were able to share beautiful thoughts and it was a sweet experience.

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