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Monday, August 7, 2017

Book of Mormon Stories Teaches about Jesus Christ

Learning & Living the Gospel #6 ~ Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Savior.

IMG_4405For this activity there were two goals, that is first – sharing a Book of Mormon story and second – sharing your testimony of the Savior.

Our lesson started by telling the story of journey of Lehi’s family to the promised land. We actually split the lessons to few days as there are so many stories from the Book of Mormon.

It was not difficult to think of a Book of Mormon story, as we read the Book of Mormon, we will go on many adventures…We have been travelled in the wilderness with Lehi and Sariah’s family and watch Nephi build a boat.


IMG_4399We also met many prophets such as how King Benjamin teaches his people, how Alma baptizes many people, how Ammon being a good example to others, seeing Alma teaches how to pray, and how is Captain Moroni’s Flag, how Samuel teaches about Jesus Christ, Jesus Visits the Nephites, how Jared and his brother travel to the promised land, Mormon writes on the golden plates, and Moroni’s special promises.

All of the prophets in the Book of Mormon taught about Jesus. Some of them even saw Him. In fact, that’s why Heavenly Father gave us this special book: to help people everywhere learn more about Jesus!


IMG_4570Identifying how it teaches faith in Jesus Christ was a challenge, but we were helping each other to recognize that from every story from the Book of Mormon and it all worked out well.

Sharing your testimony of the Savior is more challenging. It can be frustrating to know what to say even if you feel like you do have a testimony, and feel confident in sharing them with your family members or your friends.

I shared to both Issac and Annabelle that they all did have a testimony of the Savior, but that the "knowing that you know" takes time and effort, that their testimonies would keep growing. Testimonies are like beautiful plants. They grow a little at a time, and they need care and protection.


IMG_4982When you know something is true, you have a testimony of that truth. The Holy Ghost helps you understand the truth in your mind and gives you feelings of peace, happiness, light, or warmth in your heart.

The feeling in your heart that Heavenly father lives and that Jesus is the Christ is called a testimony. A testimony is gained little by little, just as a building is built brick by brick. We can compare gaining a testimony to constructing a building.

For example, one brick could stand for having a testimony of the importance of attending church; another brick, a testimony of the Book of Mormon; and yet another brick, a testimony of prayer.


IMG_4377Our testimonies are often strengthened by our experiences. Just as a plant grows when it receives water and sunlight, your testimony grows stronger as you make good choices.

Then I gave some of examples on how I had learned about the Savior in my life through personal experiences such as an answer to prayer, His love for me and my family, the blessings of follow His commandments such as paying tithing, etc.  Then I bore my testimony of the Savior.

This was really helpful for both and they were able to identify in their minds personal experiences that had strengthened their testimony of the Savior as well. 

IMG_4376Annabelle shared her testimony about a time which she felt and knew that Jesus was protecting her while the shampoo got into her eyes during she was taking her bath. She prayed silently to Heavenly Father. After, she can feel that her eyes no more pain and she washed away the shampoo quickly.

Issac shared his testimony about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ answered his prayer during when he had been pushed and hurt his knees before his cross country race during he was in Primary 4. Heavenly Father answered his prayer and eventually he completed his race at 20th position and he got himself a medal.

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When we took turns sharing our testimonies of the savior they were able to share beautiful thoughts and it was a sweet experience.

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