Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Showing posts with label Siblings Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siblings Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Virtual Christmas Caroling #2 ~ Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Here are both Issac and Annabelle's turn to sing their hymn.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

7 Big Prawns

6912A1E6-DA7B-4C3A-B1DB-3E43763653CELast Sunday I was kind of rushed to go back from church because I need to cook for the children for their lunch and prepared some small bites for them before our dinner. Reason being is because I have to attend the B5 class of Market Malaysia at Taylors Lakeside University from 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

We were having Bakuteh with white rice for our lunch after we came back from Church. Then, I made some oven baked chicken wings before I left for the Taylors around 2.30pm as the team wanted to meet early.

It was quite a tiring day as I was reaching home around 8.00pm. Both Issac and Annabelle were not yet had their dinner. They purposely wanted to wait for me for the dinner. I called them while I was driving back, and asked them to reheat the rice, Bakuteh and chicken wings.

30C3F0A4-9CE3-4DDF-B419-CC702C17CBA5Initially I was thinking want to cook Aglio Olio spaghetti with the 7 big prawns that I bought at Village Grocers Citta Mall.

But it was too late to cook the spaghetti, thus I decided just stir fried the big prawns with green spring onions and the abalone sauce.

Both Issac and Annabelle tasted the dish and so happy and said how nice it is! You can imagine, I have only 7 prawns, then they ate it really so tastefully and eat the rice with the sauce, of coarse with the Bakuteh and chicken wings as well.

Both children were so kind and considerate that they both ate 2 prawns each and let me have 3 prawns. I ate 2 and left the other one to share among for both. Annabelle just mentioned that let her brother have it.

2E7738FB-2261-495A-B4EE-58403EFCAE94I do not know how to express my feelings.. both really really understanding, kind hearted, and considerate children. They really indeed take care of me while their dad is not at home and I know that they will take care of their dad too if he is around.

Even though it is just a simple dish and their favourite, only 7 prawns and they love to eat it.. they still think of us.

I saw this big prawns dish and let me think of our beloved children. I messaged Alvin about this and said to him that, we are really blessed that we have both this children in our life.

Alvin replied that he felt the same and we are already blessed to have them in our life.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Naughty Siblings ^^ 1 Apr 2014

These 2 little siblings were so naughty and showed me something and pointed with their fingers.IMG_5155

Annabelle: “Mum, are these yours? We found it at the keyboard chair.”

Mummy: “It’s Daddy’s!”

Issac: “Oh!!! So gross! Let’s show it to Daddy!”

They both asked me to snap a photo and WhatsApp to their Daddy in Kuching.

Mummy WhatsApp Daddy: “You see, how naughty our kids are!”

Daddy: “Hihi, sorry, forgot to throw.”

Annabelle said, “Doesn’t mind, Dad. It’s ok. I throw for you.”

It was so sweet of both to throw something considered “gross”…


I guess that is what family is for – will accept you whoever you are, either in a round, square, or triangle shape, and still will open arms to you when you back.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Styrofoam Plane

IMG_4752Issac got an encouraging small token from his Kumon teacher today. It is a small Styrofoam plan. It is the same one that Daddy bought for him at KL Bird Park.

Unfortunately, the plane that day was unable to fly high but this time the plane that the teacher gift able to fly high.

After the Kumon class, we managed to drive over to Butter & Olive to buy some cakes and bread for the children’s breakfast and back home.

Both of them share a small table for their study and homework. It was fun sometimes seeing them doing homework and chit-chatting.

Annabelle was doing her homework on the little table and Issac asked her to complete her homework faster so that his turn to use the table to do homework.

Issac: “Annabelle, fast fast do la, I want to do.”

Annabelle: “Ok ok lo.”

Issac: “If you finish your one then help me do my homework.”

Annabelle: “Ok lo.”

Then, Issac said to me, “Mummy, you know what? Annabelle is my lifeguard.”

Annabelle asked me, “Mummy what is lifeguard?”

I explained to Annabelle, “ Meaning, Annabelle, you saved Issac’s life.”

Issac agreed, “Yeah, yeah, yes!”

Unexpectedly, Annabelle looked at me and whispered, “Mum, I tell you, Koko is crazy.”

Sometimes hearing the sibling’s conversation is like – funny!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cousins Gathering

Here is our cousins gatherings during cousin Elbert’s wedding. It was organised at SS2 Mall. I just trimmed and straighten my hair and looks so silly! Rolling on the floor laughing


Here is another photo with Ika Smile


Here is another photos with my 2 little monsters Hot smile


Here another photos of all the cousins Open-mouthed smile


Thursday, June 6, 2013