Today is end of the first week of 2019. I have finally completed my scripture study of the Book of Mormon for the first time cover to cover!
It have been really struggling for me in completing the reading of the Book of Mormon since day one I have got to know the Church. My initial plan was to complete reading the Book of Mormon before I be baptized 4 years ago, because I want to know it for myself.
My so called instinct at that time, wanted it so badly and my mind was telling myself that the quickest way to know was to read or listen to the Gospel Library App “Doctrine and Covenants Stories” for children - to know who was Joseph Smith and how our Church was organized and the history of the early members of the Church.
And second after which, I should read or listen to the “Book of Mormon Stories” for children - to know what is in the stories. I had a testimony of Prophet Joseph Smith was called of God and I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, after my own ‘express reading’ and I got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Throughout the years after my baptism, I always have a ‘mission’ which is to complete reading the Book of Mormon.
2015, I read till 2 Nephi and stopped;
2016, I read reached Enos and stopped, continued to Mosiah and stopped;
2017, I read till Mosiah and I faced some challenges, then I have got an impression that I should read the Doctrine and the Covenants;
January 2018, President Thomas S Monson had passed away, and the First Presidency message he left for us was the The Gift of Repentance. It touched my heart so much that even the last message the prophet offered to us was Repentance.
I reflected on myself and I realised that I did not give much attention to the counsels of the prophet. President Monson had always asked us to read and study the Book of Mormon.
I made it my 2018 New Year resolution was to complete the reading of the Book of Mormon. I continued back where I left. Then due to the daily activities that fill much time each day – things like work, home, school, taking care of family. I surrendered and stopped at Alma.
Entering last October, I faced little trial and challenge. I remembered that during the General Women Conference, President Russell M Nelson extended four invitations to the sisters. One of those was read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018. The thought of ‘I still can catch the last train of the year of 2018!’ came to my mind and I still can complete my 2018 New Year resolution.
I picked up my Book of Mormon again and continue on Helaman, and then 3 Nephi. I had never felt the Spirit so strong in guiding me study through the 3 Nephi during my trial and challenges!
I have nothing but to agree completely 101% that 3 Nephi is the highlight of the Book of Mormon! I have learned about the Savior’s words and actions during Jesus Christ’s ministry among the people of the Book of Mormon.
Everyday I have been touched by the Spirit and it seems as the Savior was administering to me one to one:
He teaches me how the Holy Ghost often speaks to us in a still, small voices that we feel in our heart;
He teaches me how to listen to the voice of the Lord through Holy Ghost, so that I will be able to understand the communication He gives me;
He teach me how to pray to Heavenly Father in His name;
He teaches me by pondering and praying to the Father, I can receive greater understanding, and so much more!
These serial of learning have made me believed that there are no such thing as co-incident, but it is all divine design or His plan. He knows that I will encounter this trial at this point of time and he administered me one to one through 3 Nephi.
Entering Mormon, Ether and Moroni, it was another amazing experiences that I have!
The prophet Mormon teach me I can choose to live righteously even if I am alone.
The brother of Jared teach me more about faith, prayer, revelation, and the relationship between exercising faith in Jesus Christ and receiving spiritual knowledge.
Moroni teach me the way to judge between good and evil, and the relationship between faith, hope, and charity.
Finally, there are 3 questions that concluded the Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students for the Book of Mormon:
What differences has studying the Book of Mormon this year made in your life?
There are so much differences made in my life as I have studying the Book of Mormon on 2018. It have draw me closer to the Savior, teach me how to live in the gospel and put into action of the things that I have learned. And, I can feel that my faith is growing from the day one I read the Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 4 years ago.
What lessons or principles have helped you “come unto Christ” and strengthened your faith in the Savior?
All the lessons in the Book of Mormon have helped me “come unto Christ” and strengthen my faith in the Savior. It have been such a wonderful experiences that I had for each and every book from 1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Mosiah, Alma, Helaman, 3 Nephi, Mormon, Ether and finally Moroni. Each book with a different trial and challenge that I have, they walked together with me.
Trials and challenges were bitter, hard and sometimes painful, but if we exercise our faith together with the word of God, they will become our testimonies.
What is your testimony of the Book of Mormon?
I have the testimony of, the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It come forth by the gift and power of God. The Book of Mormon was written specifically for us in the latter-days. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. The examples of the stories recorded inside indeed teach me how to become faithful in Jesus Christ and even teach me how to hold on to my covenant with the Lord.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is the revelator and prophet in these last days whom restored the gospel and organised His Church on the earth again.
I know that we do have a living prophet, and the Lord still speaks to us again through his living prophet, President Russell M Nelson.
Please, come, and get to know us by yourself.
You would never truly know us through the mouths of others.
Unless, you come and investigate yourself, read the Book of Mormon with a sincere heart and real intent and ask Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ - to know that the Book of Mormon is true?
I promised you that, you will receive your answer.
Moroni 10:4-5
"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”