Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sharing: 妻子的空位

Today I received an email from Emily, it is very rare and seldom received her emails. I am thinking of there must be something in it. Once I read the emails, I feels really want to cry…because the story very touching. Thinking that, if I am in the shoes of the person in the story…
~ 妻子的空位 ~
有一天我为了出差,清晨赶出门,无法将孩子打点好就得离开 家,正巧前一天有剩下的饭,我热了蒸蛋,向还没有睡醒的孩子交代一声,就出门去了。为了照顾好孩子饮食三餐的事,我也无力把自己的工作做好。有一天晚上回到家,我只是很简短地和孩子打个招呼,就因为身体疲累,不想吃晚餐,脱掉西装之后就直接往床上躺下。就在那个时候,砰的一声,红色的汤汁跟泡面瞬时弄脏了床单和被单,原来有碗泡面在棉被里!这小子真是的,说时迟那时快,我实时拿起一个衣架,跑出去,往正玩着玩具的儿子的屁股就打,因为我实在是太生气了,所以不停地打他。但就在这个时候,他边啜泣边说了一段话,使我停了下来。。
儿子告诉我说:「饭锅里的饭早上已经吃完了,晚餐在幼儿园吃了,但是到了晚上,爸爸还不回来,我就在橱柜的抽屉里找到了泡面。可是我想到爸爸说不能乱动瓦斯炉,所以我就打开洗澡的水龙头,用热水泡了泡面,一个自己吃,另一个想留给爸爸吃。因为怕泡面凉掉,所以我就把它放在棉被里,等你回来。可是因为我正在玩向朋友借来 的玩具,所以忘了跟爸爸讲。」我不想让儿子看到我在流泪,所以冲到洗手间,将水龙头打开,大声地哭。过了一阵子之后,我打起精神来,一面 哄着儿子,一面也在他屁股上擦药,让他上床睡觉。当我清理好泡面弄脏的床单和棉被后,打开儿子的房门一看,发现他仍旧发出哭泣声,手里还拿着妈妈的照片。我把头靠在房门站了许久,看着这一幕。

不要加太多班,工作做不完,一定是公司的某些地方出问题了,一定要将问题反应给?的老板,一直加班也不见的有用的,请务必要照顾自己的身体,才可以好好疼惜? 的小宝贝。
不要喝太多酒,不要抽太多烟 ,请问我们的生意,我们的客户,有比我们的身体重要吗?一定要想一想,有没有办法做到客人非我们不行,我们的差异化在哪里,我们是否真的懂客人的心,这比拼命喝酒,还重要,请务必要照顾自己的身体,才可以好好疼惜?的小宝贝和你的爱人。
美其实是从爱自己的身体开始。无入而不自得 -- (孔子)。

Monday, September 14, 2009

Annabelle Turn...Fall Sick

I should listen and take Dr Liew’s advice last Friday…Sigh…

Today Belle turn, fall sick…

Today around 3:27 pm, Fernie called. When I saw her numbers appeared on the hand phone screen, my heart suddenly half-colder and what was in my mind was: please do not tell me this is happening, Belle vomited. And, so true it happened. I quickly rushed home to fetch her. But, in my mind I knew that I am unable to reach Dr Liew’s clinic this time because when I reached Taska Kiddie's World would be around 4:25 pm. The clinic should closed then by that time. Thus, I called Bebe because I knew around this time, he should be back from site and getting his car at the workshop near our house. Thanks god, he is there.

Once I reached the taska, she had been vomiting about three times already. She looked so tired and weak. I quickly took her to the Dr Krishnan’s clinic near USJ8, and we will meet Daddy and Issac there. Dr Krishnan said it would probably caused by contaminated of drinking water, food or their milk bottles which is not clean properly. Then, Bebe told me after we came out from the clinic: this two weeks actually he did not boil their milk bottles after washing, the big possibility is this, and the milk bottles are the two common same things they used or shared besides foods that we usually bought for dinner at the Bazaar Buka Puasa just across the street over. Belle had been given the medicines, drink the oral rehydration salts due to vomiting. Issac had been given flu medicines too, he got a bit of running nose and block nose.

The first thing I did after came back is to boiled their milk bottle with hot water. Belle vomit again after had her milk. Then, I washed her and let her rest on the floor. Bebe helping mopped the floor. She is too tired and fall asleep, I had not even manage to give Belle medicines. Issac too sleeping already now after he had his bottle of milk. I feel regret, how stupid am I to let this thing happened twice? Hope both will get well soon.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Issac's Keyboard Music Lesson

Issac have his own music lesson at Brainchild. Er…looking at the photos, he is not really enjoy it… Or probably this is his first few lessons that had together with his classmates.

His Music Teacher is Teacher Jessie.  The children will group together and do the wiggling and giggling.

Teacher will put the music on and the children will starting with the finger-tips, arms, and shoulders, begin to shake and wiggle. Then go to the toes and up the legs. Then their head, stomach, and bottom. Wiggle separate body areas or wiggle the whole body. 

The children are so happy and laugh and fall down from exhaustion at the end. Hahaha!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Issac Fall Sick...

Today around 3:00 pm, the kindergarten teacher Sally called me and told me that Issac had been vomiting twice already since 2:00 pm. I quickly left whatever i worked on and left the office to fetch him, rushing to Dr Liew’s clinic. Dr Liew’s clinic closed at 4:00 pm.

Once I reached the kindergarten, he had been vomiting about three times already. He looked so tired and weak. I quickly took him to Dr Liew, fortunately we made it in time. Yesterday night, Issac just had some Nasi Kerabu and the mango tango moon cake which brought by Ika and Esiang. Dr Liew checked and mentioned that Issac had the virus infection, the virus gets into his stomach through direct contacts like hand, eating, drinking, etc… and he advise to take care of their hygienic as well, and if can separate Annabelle from Issac too because this virus can spread around.And, it spreads fast, Dr Liew told that only today had over 20 children came to his clinic with the same symptoms like vomiting, etc…Thus, have to take extra cares as now is the season.

Both Issac and I left the clinic with his medicines. In the car, he vomit again, on the car matt. i quickly drove back to home, cleaned up his face, legs and shirts. Given the medicines, drink the oral rehydration salts due to vomiting. He vomit again after had his milk. Then, I let him rest on the sofa. After I sent the car to wash, I came back and cook some chicken porridge for the children, mop the whole floor with Dettol. He is too tired and fall asleep. I fetched Belle after I got the car from the car wash shop. Now, it is almost 8 hours that Issac stopped vomiting, both babies are sleeping now. I do not know, I just feel very worried and guilty of not taking care them well. That is why Issac have the virus infections today. Hope he is getting well soon tomorrow.

The thoughts reminds me that it has been long time since i read the book, one of my favourites 365 Days of Baby Love…

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sungkai Hot Springs 1 Sep 2009

After we had a quick tea time at Bidor, we travelled back to Kuala Lumpur after the Langkap and Teluk Intan. When nearly passed by the Sungkai toll, Esiang suggest that we should go to the famous hot springs. He went there once together with his friend. He said we wouldn’t believe that there is such a beautiful hot springs appeared in the middle of FELDA area.

I was actually do not really want to because when we left Bidor is around 3:00 pm, then we will be late reach Kuala Lumpur already. Further more, early on Bebe did mention that he wouldn’t be free on that particular week, thus I have to take care of both children. When I declined the suggestion, Hasni had drove into the Sungkai Toll already. So, no choice but have to join the team.

The entrance fees is RM10.00. I complained a bit expensive, just for the hot springs. Eventually once I entered the place, I had changed my thoughts.

Natural Hot Springs Boardwalk
At first, we came to a timber wooden bridge, there is manmade drain which the hot springs water flowing in side.

Esiang mentioned to us, previously the hot springs water just flowing freely to the swamp area. Now, they just did up the drainage to lead the water out.

There is a small gazebo in between the long boardwalk. The bridge leads us to the source of the hot springs.

Hot Springs Swimming Pool, Cool Pools & Therapeutic Pools

The giant mushrooms and the giant rocks in the large and spacious pools. Large and spacious, the pools offer an entertaining diversion from the hustle and bustle of your everyday routine

There is a classic Cold Pools where you can just rushing down the splashing Giant Octopus Water Slide, unfortunately it was under renovations.

The therapeutic pools offer not only a pleasant dip and swim, but have natural healing properties for various minor ailments.

Water Reflexology Course

This is a unique experience on its own. Reflexology is known to mainly improve and enhance blood circulation in the body and improve overall general health and well-being. Here at the park, reflexology is taken to the next level whereby the natural hot springs is combined in this popular healing treatment.

As you walk the path of smooth stones, the hot springs water that runs the course provides warmth and greater relief to aching feet and joints. Feel a new sense of fresh and rejuvenation after the relaxing walk.

Family Baths

Families visiting the park can try out the family baths and enjoy the privacy of this special treat. It is just like an exclusive bath spa within a special room. RM75.00 per hour. It equipped with a cold shower place and changing room as well.

Hot Springs Egg Boiling Activity

The Another popular family activity not to miss out on is the hot springs egg-boiling experience. Many come to the park, some with baskets full of eggs which they then boil in the natural hot springs for its therapeutic properties.

And guess what? The world’s egg-boiling world record was achieved at this very park! 50,480 eggs were boiled here in the hot springs over a span of 43hours in 2006!

There you go - the egg-boiling activity is not only superbly fascinating to watch, but indeed worthwhile to indulge in!

Planning to come again with Bebe and both babies…Because really worth it just have a gracious family moment being together…

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Teluk Intan Leaning Tower 1 Sep 2009

"This pride of Teluk Intan is similar to the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy."

It was actually an unplanned trip. During my outstation trip to Langkap, Perak for Eon Bank project tender briefing, after the briefing ended around 12:30 pm, four of us (Esiang, Zul, Hasni and me) decided to go to Teluk Intan. Reason being is want to visit a Eon Bank job site at Teluk Intan. And, here we goes to the famous Leaning Tower.

Malaysia boasts its own equivalent to the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, right here at the heart of the Teluk Intan town centre or formerly known as Teluk Anson. Like its Italian counterpart, the Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan has a leftward slant, and all the ingredients to make it an architectural sight to behold.

The tower itself is surrounding by the hawker centres, old colonial style shops. It is not as high as I though. There is an information signage just in front of the tower. The admission is free. Once I stepped onto the first staircase, we can clearly see the ages of the stone and timber plank itself. Standing at 25.5m tall, its construction appears to comprise of eight different levels but is actually divided into only three storeys.

Once we stepped into the ground floor, there is a well which covered by the M.S. steel grilles and surrounded by timber handrail. The wall itself is displayed by some old yellow photos and pictures. The spiral timber staircase leads us to the 1st floor and 2nd floor, whereby both floors have the walk out balcony. The designs used combination of ceramic patterns with the timber planks for the fencing itself. And the unique thing is on top of the tower is covered with a big water tank which can be seen on the top floor. And, there is a clock mechanism as well.

When it was first built, its structure was straight but it began to tilt about 1.8 metre towards Jalan Bandar between 1889 and 1895. This pagoda-like structure was built by a Chinese contractor, Leong Choon Choong, in 1885. Initially, it was used as a covered water tank to store water sufficient for 800 Teluk Intan residents at that time. During the Japanese Occupation, it was used as an observation post for the Japanese Army. Later, it became headquarters for the Boys Scouts. Today, it stands as an architectural oddity that continues to attract visitors to Teluk Intan.

These days, it just tells the time. Come Wednesdays, the clock tower's caretaker will wind up the clock's mechanism using a crank. Commissioned in London, the clock chimes twice every 15 minutes. The chimes can be heard as far as eight kilometres in radius especially at night.

I really hope that can bring both children here one day…Let them see what their mummy had seen…

Source from &

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam 2009

”Malaysian Agricultural Park , the only agro-forestry park around, is located in Shah Alam and the rain forest spans up to 1290 hectare.”

The park is unique because people come here to either explore, or for recreation. One of the many reasons to why the park is visited by many is because of the many activities that is in store for the visitors. Services provided are live demonstrations, cultural exhibits, accommodation, permanent displays and descriptions, and activities for educational purposes. Families and friends come her to relax, or to enjoy a picnic.

This is a very huge park. We only manage to go the east side of the park, that is a few places like Taman Padi, Taman 4 Musim, Taman Burung only. We choose walking instead of take the bas Taman. A good exercise for us and the children. Eventually, we have to carry both babies on our way out. Really tough for me...long time no exercise.

Both children were so happy and running up and down, around when they in the park, especially in the 4 Season Temperate House and the Padi fields, of course is the miniature one…

There are still have a lot of places such as Taman Koko, Danau Perikanan, Taman Arnab, Taman Haiwan, Taman Hiasan, Taman Cendawan, Taman Hidroponik, Taman Rempah Ratus & Miniuman, Taman Orkid, Perkampungan Budaya, Taman Durian, Taman Belimbing, Taman Buah Naga, Taman Kelapa, Taman Ciku, Taman Rambutan, Taman Kaktus and Taman Cempedak. And, all those above is only related to agriculture and plants that I mentioned, we have not yet go.

Other than that, the park itself also accommodate for various kind of outdoor activities such as Kayak, Skytrex Adventure Park, Menara Cerakah, Menara Pandang Jauh, Flying Fox. There are camp site, chalet site, even family day site for corporate or individuals to organise events here.

We will visit next time again...

Operating hours :
Tues thru Sun : 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
( Closed on Mondays, except on public and school holidays)
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel : (603) - 5510 6922 / 5510 6923
Fax: (603) - 5510 0922