Between...Husband and Wife...Mother and Children...God and Myself...
Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mummy’s Olympus FE-4030
Saturday, May 29, 2010
陶子重義氣,她要我做什麼,我就做什 麼。她要我談一談婚姻感情,就談吧!反正我也到了開口說話會帶點道理,但年輕人聽不進去的年齡。 我跟太太戀愛八年結婚,婚後十七年,總共認識了二十五年。這麼長的時間日夜相伴,身旁偶爾沒有她,感覺很爽,倘若此後一輩子沒有她,萬萬不可。
像前一陣子看到一則意見調查,問年輕女孩,家人、父母、孩子、老公與事業,如果硬要抉擇,會先放棄哪個? 女孩選了選,先放棄了事業,然後家人、父母,剩下老公與孩子難以抉擇,最後選擇放棄孩子、留下老公,理由是家人、父母、孩子最終都會離開身邊,但老公會是 終身伴侶。很殘酷、但也很真實。
中國字的寓意深遠,「伴」,就是一人一半,湊在一起才完整。 現今許多人適婚卻不婚,老人家看了奇怪,過去從沒發生過類似狀況。這現象代表五、六十年來沒有戰亂、年輕人長大過程中享有家庭溫暖與親情支援,因此認為單 身也能過得很好,不論敗犬或是單身貴族,不覺得非要個伴,是歷史上首度可以一個人過日子的平安歲月。
衰老未至,沒有歲月的壓力,等年齡到了,開始覺得孤獨、害怕孤獨,想找個人分享,還是需要個伴。 若要進入婚姻,套一句不負責任的老生常談,要靠緣份,除了緣份以及感性的感覺,還要理性的選擇。婚姻確實需要理性,如果女兒論及婚嫁,我一定要求要看看對方家庭,什麼樣的家庭會養出什麼樣的孩子,當然,也有破碎家庭的孩子更努力維繫自己的幸福家庭,但一定要仔細觀察。
而另一個老生常談就是婚姻需要兩個人有相同的價值觀,但這不是說「我喜歡的你一定要喜歡」,而是「我不討厭你喜歡的」,就可以了,兩人可妥協,可退讓,願 意試著接觸自己本來討厭的,看看是否真那麼不能接受,有這樣願意妥協的心情,比較容易維繫感情。
而婚姻與愛情最大的不同,在於願不願 意改變。願意為了對方改變自己,是真愛,從頭到尾都不想改變自己,這段感情充其量只是對方愛你。 戀愛是短暫的交會後很想在一起而開始,很想閃的結束。開始時乾柴烈火,講究原汁原味,眼前的他什麼都好,是全天下最酷的、最美的,不需要改,但等到愛情疲 了,才發現這人酷到不近人情、美得過於臭美、連刺青的位置不對,趕緊推給個性不合閃人。因此戀愛講究的是如何好聚好散 進入婚姻,當然還是會有許多衝突,學習重點是「相處的藝術」。
男生該學的第一課就是上廁所必須掀馬桶蓋,一開始改變很不習慣,後來融入身體,像吃飯喝水一樣自然。但最近老婆說不只要掀蓋子,尿完還希望我拿! 衛生紙擦擦馬桶周圍留下來的「遺跡」,按照過去的脾氣,一定就「老子愛….」,但現在的我會聽太太的意見,因為「愛」字裡有個心,不是光用腦想著該送什麼禮物給她,要用心。太太也改變不少,她不喜歡戶外活動,婚前知道我愛潛水、跟著背起十幾公斤重的空氣瓶跳進海底求生,這麼愛美的她怕晒黑、塗防晒油塗滿臉,一回頭、嚇一跳, 怎麼來了個歌仔戲花旦跟我一起玩。
婚後我又想潛水,她就說「不必了」,理由是家裡有孩子,不宜從事太危險的活動。 以前一個人在台北發展,要自己照顧自己,還要爭名奪利,不自私很難在短時間之內成就自己。結婚之後學著喊太太的媽媽「媽!」,有食物,不能先放進自己嘴巴,要顧著妻小先吃。我開始懂得心疼與珍惜,因為太太很好,捨不得讓她不舒服、捨不得讓她傷心,這些捨不得讓我自然學會了讓、學會了愛,也自然的改變自己,從自私變成大方。
婚姻的路是每天類似的風景,同樣的過程、淡淡的,要相處得好,真得靠慧根,所以找對象不能光想找個腿長奶大的辣妹,或是像金城武的帥哥,要找個讓自己想起 他來心裡甜甜的,回頭一看,那人就在燈火闌珊處,這就是最好的對象。
I我少一點,像拼圖一樣拼在一起,才能一起過一輩子。 當然,歲月無情,人生最終還是分離。
A great article by 王偉忠 - 台灣知名電視節目製作人 discussed about marriage life and the tolerance that a husband and wife needed to go through.
This article made Mummy thinks of the quarel with Daddy on the past Mother’s Day. Daddy was angry at Mummy that Mummy spend a lot of times surfing online, instead of do the ironing for Issac and Belle’s school uniform. Mummy woke up at around 9.30am, and it was a Sunday. The perks was Mummy mistakenly made Daddy’s back pain, then Daddy just packed up his clothes and bags, kissed both of you before he went out from home.
“ I suggest to call your father n clear our problem ok I quite sick of repeating my same request again n again pls arrange i mean it tq. - Sender: C Alvin Yu +0164118320” After that night around 9.00pm, Mummy received this sms from Daddy. Feel really sad, what a Mother’s Day…
Actually, from the bottom from my heart, I will never think or dream that your Daddy will celebrate this day with me…to him, I am not a really great Mom for him, even a good wife not to say great. But Mummy had tried mummy’s best to take care both of you…even sacrifice the things that mummy wanted to do – Pru Biz. Sometimes, I really think… who am I live for?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sharing : Facebook Symptoms
Facebook really change a lot of people living styles. Ever since the Facebook appeared, one can find back their old schoolmates, old buddies, old neighbours from this ever fast growing social cyber community. That are the advantages. The disadvantages is that the games can really made one addicted to it, and made you have to be online everyday or even every minutes and all the time. Now, it is more easier that one can online through one own hand phone. The technology really change our life and living substantially
I think I am consider myself an “Addicted One” too. But sometimes, my good brother Esiang did reminds me that, do not attached to the Facebook so much. Actually from all the friends’ Facebook pages, I like his the most. Sometimes, he will post something or ideas that can give you a ‘spark’ when you think whatever he posted on his Facebook. The followings are some of it:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tadika Brainchild Beryl’s Chocolate Museum & Sunflower Rice Factory Trip 14 Apr 2010
This year Tadika Brainchild organized an educational trip to the Beryl’s Chocolate Museum & Sunflower Rice Factory.
Like previous year, Daddy is accompanying Issac to the trip.
They assembled at the school at 8.00am waited for the school bus to come, and other children.
It was about 8.15am they departed to their first destination Beryl’s Chocolate Museum. They arrived there around 9.00am.
Beryl’s Chocolate Museum gives an opportunity to the public to visit the factory.
It is a free guided viewing tour to learn the history of Beryl’s® and how they make premium quality chocolate from cocoa beans sourced from plantations around the world.
The factory tour took approximately 20 minutes. The Beryl’s Chocolate Museum do not offer tours throughout Production area.
However, they able to provide a revised tour that includes a video presentation in a presentation room, and followed by a Gallery visitation.
This is to educate the students about the ingredients and the origin of Cocoa by visiting Beryl’s Gallery.
Gallery features illustrations some of the ‘vintage’ machines. You can see special display chocolate packaging from all over the country, and many other priceless antiques.
All the teachers, parents and students are encourage to shop at Beryl’s Chocolate retail outlet prior depart for home.
Outside the museum, there are a few interesting features for visitors to take photos, such as a big cocoa bean, a milk cow, a ice cream cone and a bitten chocolate slab!
After almost an hour 10am, the teachers and children left for McDonald’s to have their Happy Meal for their brunch.
I can see from the photos, all the children were happy to have their brunch at McD.
Around 11.30am, they left for the 2nd destination which is Sunflower Rice Factory located at Semenyih.
By that time, all were tired and sleepy especially after having the Happy Meals.
The children together with the teachers and parents were brought to the gallery and were briefed how the rice is harvest, process, polish until packing.
A mini rice husking machine to demo made the children understand easily. Each and everyone got to taste the cooked rice.
At the end of the guided tour, come to a mini shop whereby then parents and teachers can buy varieties of rice, from Taiwan, India and locals.
The price here can be a little bit cheaper compare to supermarkets or retails outside.
It was almost 1.00pm after the rice factory visit. And, it is time to go back to school.
It has been a tiring half day for Daddy and Issac. Both of them brought back some souvenirs such as chocolates and small pack of rice.
Monday, December 14, 2009
National Monuement 13 Dec 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tadika Brainchild 4 Joyful 1 2009
Here is Issac’s classmates and friends. Their teacher is Teacher Joyce and Teacher Hor.
Standing Behind (from left): Azra Neal Adrian Francis, Angel Lim Pei Ying, Kirsten Teoh Prichayaporn, Emil Isaac Mervin, Teacher Hor, Wong Yi Xuan, Khoo Tze En, Ng Qian Zhi
Sitting In Front (from left): Derrick Lee Yong Wei, Tang Shin Yao, Paris Lim Ci Yi, Soh Kai Qi, Suriya A/L Tayalan, Kimi Tham Yee Zhe, Anna Yap Sue Wern, Cheah Deng Hann, Issac Yu Ivan