Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Issac too…down with AH1N1

Last night, Daddy and Mummy felt that Issac probably was infected by AH1N1 from Annabelle. The whole night he was shivering and his body temperature from 37.8 Celsius increase to 38.7 Celsius. Both of us were so worried. Mummy also thought that confirmed that Issac is going to sick like Belle too.

Today actually is the day that Annabelle need to visit Dr again…Thinking of last week SDMC experience, we decided to bring her go to Dr Liew again, at the same time bringing Issac together. We arrived at 8.15am, there were parents and children there already. We went out to the corner Mamak Restaurant to have our breakfast. After the breakfast back to the clinic, just after 2 patients is our turn already.

Firstly, Annabelle first, Dr Liew said she is ok, just still have a lot of phlegm that caused she is wheezing. She took the nebulizer again to reduce her phlegm, just like previously, she was screaming and yelling again; Issac took the swab test, and confirmed he ‘got’ it – AH1N1. Dr Liew advised Issac can continue take Belle’s Tamiflu medicine from SDMC, and her medicine from the clinic, he should be better because discover earlier than Belle; Belle will add one medicine which will clear her phlegm.

PC080005 Dr Liew looked a bit disappointed when he heard that Dr Khoo did not give us or advise us on how to do our precautions measures for the whole family. He took out a box from the drawer. RELENZA is packaged in medicine disks call ROTADISKS and is inhaled by mouth using a delivery device called a DISKHALER. He showed to us how to use it. And, mentioned that Mummy is clever because a lot of parents when he taught them, they just can not get it right the first time. Dr Liew asked Mummy, is Mummy very clever during schooling time? Haha… Mummy loved it! Daddy just sitting at the side saying,” She is clever but not clever enough to become a doctor.”

It seems like will be another week off for Mummy again this week. Boss sure will ‘scream’ again!

I am a Happy Girl!

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Annabelle now is cleared from the H1N1, so she is the happy girl now! Pity to Issac now got infected by her. Confused smile

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mini Ultramen are Here!

This is Daddy’s idea that getting one book holder to attached at the Fire Engine Bed, so that Issac can play with the mini Ultramen he bought for Issac.

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   PC050003     PC050004

Sharing : 道理要怎么说?

Mummy found another interesting and useful parenting tips from Mummy Ang Lee Siang. Mummy thought this is useful. I would not know both of you still be able retrieve Mummy’s blog or not when you grow up, Mummy keep sharing and writing about both till I am unable…

Actually, this is one of Mummy most concern things as sometimes, we would not know how to explain to you either Mummy doing the right thing or not in telling you some of the Dos and Don’ts in daily life. This is actually of the topics that we had discussed during the Teachers Parents Meeting last week.

P1010328 道理要怎么说

by Lee Siang Ang on Saturday, 04 December 2010 at 00:22






教育心理学家皮亚杰 (Piaget)的道德发展论给了我们一些启发。他将儿童的道德判断分为3个阶段:第一是无律阶段(约5岁以前):行为只是感官动作的自然反应与反射,而没有道德意识。第二是他律阶段(约5岁至10岁):多以做了一件事或行为的具体后果来判断或决定行为的是非善恶,此时会片面尊重成人的权威。第三为自律阶段(约10岁以后):多以行为的动机为善恶,逐步迈向成熟。


P1010295 [无律阶段]



一, 明确告知期望:在此阶段的孩子因为不具备辨别对、错的能力,父母要明确清楚的告诉孩子在某一环境里适当的行为是什么,并要求孩子表现出来。如:脱下衣服该放在哪里(整洁),不可随意摘公园的花(公德心)。

二, 父母以身作则:在孩子面前没有自主判断的能力下,最易受生活在一起的父母受影响,因次父母应该将希望孩子养成的品格,在生活里示范给他看。

三, 避免负面影响:因为孩子无法辨别在生活中哪些是父母想要他们学习的,哪些不是,所以往往会对父母的行为照单全收,因此父母要特别留意日常非语言行为,是否有对孩子的期望相抵触者,如适当控制自己的愤怒的情绪。这些潜在的负面影响有时会超过父母所能想象。

四, 鼓励行为实践:一般对有品德的人的认定,是着眼在道德行为而非道德知识。因此此阶段的孩子在认知发展上虽尚未成熟,可能不解行动背后的意义,但道德的行动是在任何人生阶段都不该缺席的,所以还是要在可朔性高的此阶段,指引孩子在适当的时间、地方、做适当的事情。

Saturday, December 4, 2010

We…Our Fire Engine Is Here!

PC040001 Vee… Our Fire Engine Bunk Bed for both kids have arrived today.

Actually, this Fire Engine Bunk Bed we had came across during last month, when we having our lunch at the USJ19 Mall. Kids Wonderland was having their road show there for a few days, so happened that we passed by and one of the display fire engine kid bed attract us.

Most of the kids furniture there really funky and cute, and most importantly, kids love it so much. It was a small corner, displayed a interesting bunk bed with some shelves and small tiny cabinets, kids table and chairs in bright colours, toys, playschool slides, and there is a fire engine kid bed. So cute. Daddy and Mummy were busy asking the price, browsing through the catalogue and took some measurements, just to double check if it can be fit in our small master bed room.

Both Daddy and Mummy were putting aside this ‘bunk bed’ thing for some while, as we wanted to search for the cheaper version or if can source it direct from the manufacturer. After checking for a while, it seems like they are the manufacturer their own.

Finally, last Sunday 28th November 2010, Daddy purposely go to the marketing office and place the order there. Their marketing office is just nearby Giant USJ1 only. It is not difficult to find. It is not a quite nice showroom, but at least whatever the kids furniture display there, we had an idea of how it is looks like and the size too. Initially was told to us that will be arrive by the following Monday only.

Then, it was a surprise too, yesterday Kids Wonderland called Daddy and told him that the bunk bed had arrived. Daddy was so happy, and paid the balance, and here our Fire Engine Bunk Bed arrived.

The bunk bed is knock down furniture and is in spray paint MDF board. It actually took the installer about 2 and a half hour to assemble it. Both Issac and Annabelle are so happy and jumping, running here and there during the installation time. We had to dismantle the existing 2 single beds frame before install the new one.

Issac is sleeping on top and Annabelle is sleeping at the bottom. Mummy no need to illustrate longer as the photos will tell it all.

Here the Fire Engine come! Ee Oh…Ee Oh…Ee Oh…

Friday, December 3, 2010

Annabelle…2nd day of AH1N1

PC020002 Last night, Annabelle was coughing the whole night and her body temperature also still high, Mummy can feels her body heat. Then, today she was looking tired all the day, and just lay on the floor with her favourite blanket.

Mummy keep telling myself that, this is only the 2nd day and probably she feels sleepy after her medication. Hope tomorrow she will be feeling better and better. At least, after this morning, her body temperature had came down, just tired.

Poor Annabelle…

Teacher Joyce did sms and asking about family and the children. It is very nice of her.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Annabelle fall sick again…AH1N1

PC020004 Ya…ya…ya…she is sick again and this time down with AH1N1.

Today really a long anxious waiting and waiting day.

This morning Mummy decided to bring Belle go to visit Dr Liew again, because her fever supposed to be subside on Monday. Today is Wednesday already, and last night she was coughing and can hear her phlegm is getting back. She still can run up and down even at Dr Liew’s clinic. Dr Liew did a blood test and swab test, then Belle took a nasal treatment to reduce her phlegm. She was grumping when taken the treatment.

After 15 minutes medication, we were directed to outside to waiting for the result and Dr consultation. It is confirmed that Belle is infected with the AH1N1 virus. At that moment of time, Mummy was stunned and do not know what to know. Dr Liew said we have 2 options: admit to the hospital and let the hospital take care everything as they do have the equipments and the medicine, or another option will be in and out patient, that take care the her in the house. He was recommended that admitted to hospital.

On the spot, Mummy was calling Daddy to tell him this news. Really a ‘breaking news’ for him! We chose the SDMC (Sime Darby Medical Centre) instead of SMC (Sunway Medical Centre). Immediate after, Mummy drove Belle to SDMC straight and waited for Daddy there. At first, Mummy gone to the Emergency Ward, after the nurses saw the letter from Dr. Liew, then they directed us to the Consultant Paediatrician Dr Khoo. She was not in when we were there, after a few minutes Daddy came already.

We did the registration, and wait for our turn, we were no. 9, and Dr Khoo was not in yet, she was then in only around 10.30am. We were waited so long. Finally our turn was around 12 noon already. Dr Khoo consultation room is not big but full of toys. May be due to too long waiting, Belle started to get impatience, not doing whatever Dr told. By seeing her situation like that, Dr Khoo was advising that Belle can take medication in home.

As we were asking about our family need to be quarantine or any precaution action need to be done? According to her, AH1N1 has become a seasonal common flu worldwide already, as long as adults do not feels headache, fever, stuffy nose, difficult breathing, etc, we still can go to work.

Dr Khoo did check through Dr Liew medicine that given to Belle, Belle still can continue back whatever prescriptions before, and she added one more medicine the Oseltamivir, known as Tamiflu. The medicine will be 2.5ml 2 times a day for 5 days. A complete coarse for 5 days. After 5 days, we will have another session again. That will be on Monday.

It was about 1.00pm when we left SDMC. We having our Dim Sum as lunch at USJ 21, then we came back home. Let Belle took her medicine, Mummy was doing some hygienic cleaning in the house: changing bed sheets, washing the clothes, blankets, all with Dettol. Even though she is sick, but she is still playing with Issac. After her night medicine, she felt tired and went to sleep.

What a tiring day, hope days come things will be better…