Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Naughty Kids


Here are two naughty kids in the car!


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Another Fun Saturday ^^

It is another Saturday as usual. We walked around Citta Mall after the children’s art class, and we snap some photos at the MBO Cinema.



It was rain heavily today. We just take away Mc Donald’s fast food back home because we need to fetch Kinki back home from the pet shop too.


What a funny face and cute dog! Winking smile

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sekinchan Day Out 25 Aug 2013

203 Today is another Sunday which the father of the children took us out for a short day trip – Sekinchan. We have never been to this small town before. I have heard about it the green wide paddy field and the blue sky.

Sekinchan is a small town located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. It is about 102 km north of Kuala Lumpur, and 28 km from Kuala Selangor.

Sekinchan is in the middle of the main rice-bowl area of Selangor, in the Sabak Bernam district. It is one of the major rice producing areas of Malaysia.

211Sekinchan in Chinese mean "village suitable for plantation', the land and weather is suitable for farming of rice, fruits and oil palm trees. It is the highest rice production per acre in Malaysia.

Total farming land paddy and fruits is about 4,300 acres. You can see a wide green paddy field on your right when you arrive in Sekinchan. It also popular as a fishing village.

The wide view of Paddy Field in Sekinchan would show the visitors different feeling in different time.

198 In the month of March and September are the rice transplanting period, the view of the paddy field is green. During the harvest season, June and December, the paddy field is look like gold yellow colour.

It is a bit unfortunate for us that, this time around it was their clean up and rest time, thus most of the paddy field is look earth tone colour.

Some of the paddy field just starting the transplanting, thus it is a little greenish and we still can see the water path too.

200In this Sekinchan paddy field, we can drive right beside the paddy fields. There have roads connecting the a small village located (Site A) in the centre of the Sekinchan paddy fields.

Along the way, we can find water path (aqueduct), little bridge, birds, bird house, farmers and their giant machine.

In the paddy field in Sekinchan is dotted with many customised building structures that are the homes of the swiftlets.

214Swiftlet farming is a new a industry in Sekinchan, about 350 units of bird house has been build up in the middle of paddy field, this make a new beautiful view in the paddy field of Sekinchan.

After that, we were heading to Pantai Redang. Pantai Redang is a hidden beach in Sekinchan, that is worth a visit in Sekinchan, particularly if you are already tired of repeatedly shooting in paddy fields at Sekinchan.

215 In fact, Redang Beach is very near the seafood restaurants area at Bagan, we had our nice seafood meal there too.

There were a few tree house there and a Chinese temple near the beach, with a huge wishing tree just next to it.

There were stalls food, drinks, selling kites, soap bubbles, fish or prawn crackers, etc. There is even a stall selling fresh oysters too ^^. Yum! Yum! Very delicious!

We have an great afternoon time there. Children were laying lazily on the fishing net on the tree house.

212Well it is a great day out for us. They really enjoyed the trip and have great fun there.

In fact, after we came back to our home at USJ, before the children slept, I noticed that Issac cried… I have a heart to heart talk to him, he really miss his Daddy very much… He is so afraid that, he might loss his Daddy again…

I feel so heartache when I heard what he said. I too, cried… Later in the night, I SMS to his Daddy, told him about this… I told him that, no matter how or what happen, both of us should try our very best to make this time of relationship happen and workout for our children sake.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kinki in the House

I brought Kinki for grooming today. Kinki is a bit fat compare with others puddles. Just now when I went to take her back, there were 5 or 6 others puddles there in the pet shop. All of them are taller than her. There are 2 groomers busy trimming and grooming all the dogs.

Now Kinki knows how to listen to me. When I tell her to sit down, she listens and obey. This is so fun! Laughing out loud


Friday, August 23, 2013

Alvin in Boarding Room

Alvin is in the boarding room at Senai International Airport, on his way back to Kuala Lumpur to see us.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Issac’s New Specs

Today after work I brought two kids went to Summit USJ Mall to take his new spectacles. He is wearing it now. We were having our dinner at the Penang Asam House.


Here is his new creation again!
