Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pizza Huts @ USJ Taipan 13 Apr 2014

IMG_5343 Annabelle loves to eat pizza so much! If you ask her, what would she like to have or to choose for either lunch or dinner, she definitely will answer, “Pizza!”.

Among the fast food chain stores, Pizza Huts considered pricey.

I ordered the normal combo meal of 1 regular pan pizza, comes with 4 garlic breadsticks, 2 cream of mushroom soup, 2 glasses of soft drinks and 2 ice cream.

IMG_5342 This time I had added the Fettuccine in carbonara sauce, and a cheesy sausage dipping. It would easily cost us around RM60.00++.

But, both really like the pizzas. We used to sit outdoor dining area, because the air-conditioning in the restaurant is so cold and Issac always afraid the coldness of the air-conditioning.

This time around, we had no choose but to sit indoor dining, as they already closed the out door dining area.

Both of them were playing with the food, when I wanted to take their photographs together, and showed me and the camera with all sorts of funny and funky faces.

IMG_5348 It was eventually when we reached home, then Annabelle only found out that her shaky tooth just came off, and showing me her teeth. Hopefully she was not eating her tooth together with the pizzas. @.@

Sunday, April 6, 2014

National Museum 6 Apr 2014

muzuem 001National Museum was always my favorite place to visit during my schooling time.

Both of us never bring our little angels here before, as thought of it would be quite boring for them to view all those “un-move” exhibits, and can not bring their interest out towards the history subject.

The main purpose today visit the museum too, the outdoor exhibits placed a very important part.

muzuem 002Children always love the outdoor exhibits more than the indoor galleries!

Among the exhibits related to traditional and modern modes of transportation, such as fire engine, Penang Hill cable car, perahu, cars, train, trishaw, etc.

There are 4 galleries in the museum which are Pre-History, Malay Kingdoms, Colonial Era and Malaysia Today. It is well spread out into this 2 stories building.

muzuem 010In the Pre History gallery which is located at the ground floor, the visitors are take on an exploration of the process behind the Earth’s formation as well as provides an insight into early civilization through each of the artifacts that are displayed here.

Visitors also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with stone tools used during the Paleolithic, Hoabinhian and Neolithic Age.

muzuem 022Among some of the more interesting artifacts is the Perak Man, the oldest and near intact human skeleton in South East Asia found in this country approximately 10000 – 11000 years ago.

The Malay Kingdom too, located at the ground floor. This gallery traces the development of Malay civilization through the formation of the Malay Kingdoms in the Archipelago, particularly the kingdoms that existed in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo Islands.

muzuem 025The focus of this gallery is primarily on the Malay Melaka Sultanate, which was the golden period in the history of the Malay-Islamic civilization in this region.

Colonial Era Gallery is at the first floor. This gallery traces the events that took place from the years 1511 to 1945.

It highlights the arrival of foreign powers in the country.

muzuem 036Beginning from the Portuguese colonization of Melaka in 1511, which signaled the end of the period of Malay Melaka Sultanate, until the Japanese Occupation.

Also highlighted in this gallery is the impact made by the colonizers on the political, socio and economic situation of the Malay State, which consequently formed the foundation of present day Malaysia.

muzuem 045This Malaysia Today gallery exposes the early history of the nationalist movement championed by national figures from various races and of differing political backgrounds, beginning from the British intervention until Independence was achieved in 1957.

This gallery also highlights the achievements enjoyed by the country after its independence until today.

The kids were having fun too, as they can able to see so many strange artefacts, and getting to know new things. A great outing!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Berjaya Times Square Theme Park 4 Apr 2014

potrait 002We have been to Berjaya Times Square for several times, but this is the second time we went for its Theme Park.

I still remember during both Issac and Annabelle still very young, we did bring them went there once.

It is consider quite a world of fun, excitement & laughter within the shopping mall. The Berjaya Times Square Theme Park features a stunning 133,000 square feet of wholesome family entertainment.

potrait 006It is located on Level 5 & 7 of Berjaya Times Square, it is the Largest Indoor Theme Park In Malaysia based on The Malaysian Book of Record.

There are 2 theme parks: Fantasy Garden and Galaxy Station. All of us do not dare to play at the Galaxy Station, as it look like scary enough.

Any how, we did play one of the most popular station, which is the Transformer Game Kiosk. It was kind of fun! It is a Video game with the actual 4D movement within the game kiosk, thus it made the video game feel more real.

potrait 013We like the Fantasy Garden better. Just take a leisurely stroll to the magical Fantasy Garden and spend hours of priceless family time with any of the 8 readily available rides.

Botanic Drive - Hop on to our Safari Jeep & hang on tight as this colorful vehicle takes the family on a leisurely tour throughout Fantasy Garden.

Buddy Go Round - Go round around the merry-go-round with the inhabitants of Fantasy Garden. Make sure to stop & smile for mom & dad snapping photos away at the side.

potrait 022Crazy Bus - Ready for an adrenaline rush? Climb on board for an exhilarating experience on the Crazy Bus as it goes up & down on an accelerating journey.

Fantasy Trail - All aboard for a scenic tour of the theme park & enjoy the magical scenery on this adorable ride.

Be the train conductor & lead the group on an epic discovery of Fantasy Garden & Galaxy Station.

potrait 017Flying Bumble Bee - Take a ride on one of the giant bees & join the sward as they buzz around their nest. Have a buzzing good time enjoying the scenery of Fantasy Garden from a different height.

Honey Bump - Chase or be chased as you & your friends go around the circuit with the Honey Bump. Be sure to buckle up as you’ll be having a bumping good time.

Kid's Theatre – The theatre seats 180 paxs people and is a great venue to host thematic parties, school trips & even team building sessions.

potrait 015Molly-Cool's Swing - Feel the wind in your face as you take a swing on Molly-Cool’s Swing and experience a sailor’s life for yourself! Scream your lungs out for a swing of your life.

These are the small rides which at the Fantasy Garden as we love it so much even though we are adults Open-mouthed smile.

potrait 003

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Naughty Siblings ^^ 1 Apr 2014

These 2 little siblings were so naughty and showed me something and pointed with their fingers.IMG_5155

Annabelle: “Mum, are these yours? We found it at the keyboard chair.”

Mummy: “It’s Daddy’s!”

Issac: “Oh!!! So gross! Let’s show it to Daddy!”

They both asked me to snap a photo and WhatsApp to their Daddy in Kuching.

Mummy WhatsApp Daddy: “You see, how naughty our kids are!”

Daddy: “Hihi, sorry, forgot to throw.”

Annabelle said, “Doesn’t mind, Dad. It’s ok. I throw for you.”

It was so sweet of both to throw something considered “gross”…


I guess that is what family is for – will accept you whoever you are, either in a round, square, or triangle shape, and still will open arms to you when you back.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kinki is in Our House 31 Mar 2014

IMG_5148 It is a long weekend for Kinki, as she is staying at our house due to Daddy was going back to Kuching for Ching Ming. Nobody take care of her, then Daddy brought her over to stay with us for few days.

She was always a playful poodle! It’s a bit difficult to baby sit her, because Kinki was not toilet trained. We have to dedicate her at the kitchen and toilet area.

Most of the time, she will hide under the table other than running up and down. Some of the time, even up to the sofa, and poo there!!! (@.@)!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Daddy’s Gifts from Kuching 1 Apr 2014

IMG_5152 Daddy came back from Kuching today.

During at the Kuching International Airport, he entered a souvenir shop and found something very interesting and unique fridge magnets.

He was thinking of buying the fridge magnets for both kids as souvenirs.

A giant lizard fridge magnet made by tiny beads. The colour beads are well coordinated in design and tied in shaped with the small string. It looks unique.

IMG_5153 Another one would be the dragonfly made of wood, and well painted in colour too.

Well… both children also love their fridge magnet. Immediately they stick it on the fridge door.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ching Ming Festival 29 Mar 2014

During Daddy was at Kuching for the Ching Ming Festival with family. He sent us the video and the photos to us.

The Yu Families were going for praying to the children’s grandfather, 爷爷

Here are some group photos which taken on that day at Nirvana Memorial Park, Kuching.

CYMERA_20140329_093953This time 3 of us did not go back, only Daddy went back. I can only pray that, I wish our family can really, really work out this time…

Daddy filmed the whole event there during the praying ceremony was happening.

 Ching Ming Video Part 1

 Ching Ming Video Part 2