Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mama’s Birthday 15 Oct 2016

Daddy went back to Kuching to celebrate Mama’s birthday. Actually this is a surprise celebration which Sister Agatha and Brother Andrew organised for Mama.

Here are some of the photos and video that all the siblings and grandchildren celebrate the day together with their beloved mother and grandmother.


The Birthday Cake that Sister Agatha prepared for this special occasion.


Brother Andrew with Mama.


All the grandchildren and children.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

LDS Primary Sharing Time ~ Scripture Power Missionary Heroes 16 Oct 2016

“Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do”

2 Nephi 32:3

IMG_8754This year 2016 Church outline for Sharing Time theme is ‘I Know the Scriptures Are True’.

This month theme is ‘Prayer is Reverent Communication between God and Me.’ Today we did it a bit different way.

Our Primary President Sister Jennifer have arranged our branch Missionary Elders to teach the lesson to the children during the Sharing Time. She feels that it is very important for the children to love and teach them search the scriptures.

IMG_8767Elder Forsyth was turned into a Scriptures Power Hero as Sister Jennifer prepared a yellow colour Superhero Cape and a big blue colour lettering “S” on a red colour round felt cloth which he pinned it on his chest position.

All the children were so excited when they saw the 2 Elders appeared in the room.

The scriptures are the word of God. Elder Forsyth was teaching the children to search the scriptures.

He wrote some scriptures verses on the board under some of the wordings related, such as Love, Repentance, Humility, Kindness, Forgiveness, Service, Sacred, Family, Anger, Bully, etc.

IMG_8766The children were asked to search all those verses and mark it on their scriptures with the post-it notes which Elder Mullins was distributing together with the stationery sets.

They were sitting down on the floor to search and mark the scriptures. It was quite a fun thing for the kids. Both Elder Forsyth and Elder Mullins were helping the children searching the scriptures too.

This activity is a continuation of the early year challenge from the Church – to give children opportunities to share what they have learned from their scriptures reading, and establish a habit of regular scripture study.

After the lesson, we took a group photo with the children together with our Scriptures Power Super Heroes today!


And, they are our Scripture Power Heroes this week! Elder Forsyth and Elder Mullins were holding the Book of Mormon!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Why Do We Have Prophets?

Learning & Living the Gospel #4 ~ Read a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it.

This month is our church semi annually General Conference again. So, I am thinking of teaching the children about our prophets and apostles, at the same time study the recent talks of our prophet.
We started our first part of the lessons by watching this small video clip from our church website, briefly how God has followed a pattern to give us guidance and direction through prophets.
IMG_8672Who is Prophet?
What do Prophet do?

And till today, we have our living Prophet whom still teach, guide and testify to us that Jesus is the Christ and what Jesus wants us to do.
It was quite an interesting kick start for the children as the video clip itself is colourful and informative.
We learned about the Prophets from past, like Noah, Moses, Abraham and Joseph Smith our Prophet of Restoration, apostles during Jesus Christ ministry such as Paul, Peter, James and John. Of coarse not forgetting our living Prophet President Thomas S. Monson.
IMG_8673After which we learned about Prophet, Seer, and Revelator: A Prophet speaks for God; A Seer can see the past, present, and the future; A Revelator reveals (or shows) us the will of God.
The members of the First Presidency are all prophets, seers and revelators. So are all the Apostles.But, only the President of the church has the authority from God to lead the whole Church.
We discussed about why is it important to follow the Prophet? A Prophet is like someone watching from a tower. He can see danger that is coming and tells us how to be safe. He helps us follow Jesus Christ.
IMG_8674After which we talked about it is important for us to follow our living prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. and what has he ask us to do?
  • Follow Jesus’s example and love everyone.
  • Pay tithing and donate to the missionary fund.
  • Stay away from bad movies, TV, and other media.
  • Put a picture of the temple in our bedroom.
  • Study general conference talks.
  • Visit the elderly and be a good neighbour.
And, I asked Issac and Annabelle pick one thing from the list that they can do. What will you do?
And How the Prophets Being Called?
  • When a prophet dies, Heavenly Father has a way to call a new prophet. He calls the new prophet from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
  • The man who has served as an Apostle the longest, besides the Prophet, is the President of the Quorum of the Twelve.
  • When a prophet dies, the President of the Quorum of the Twelve becomes the next prophet. He prays and calls two new counsellors.
  • In general conference, we raise our hand to sustain the new prophet. This means that we promise to do our best to follow what he teaches.
Finally, I attached the photos of our current First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

This first lesson of the Prophets and Apostles is quite straight forward as the kids already knew some of it as they learned during their Sunday primary cIass and sharing time.
We love the illustration by Susan Fitch from her website. Made our lesson more fun and interesting! Her website is here: And, you can also visit her shop at etsy at

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Happiness in a Wonderland . Our World Art Exhibition 2016

Developing Talents #4 ~ Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see. 

IMG_8631_thumb[8]After 2 years here we come again for another art exhibition for both Issac and Annabelle which I am eagerly waiting for.

This year theme is "Happiness in a Wonderland . Our World Art Exhibition 2016”. I can say it is a bit different from the past years but with the same intention.

This time around, besides the art pieces exhibition by the Jane Yap Atelier’s students, there will also be an auction of 20 pieces of artwork specially painted by teachers and students of Jane Yap Atelier.


IMG_8649_thumb[2]In addition. each painting will paired with an adorable and huggable Jelly Cat bunny sponsored by Happi Kiddo.

With the Citta Mall sponsored the exhibition venue itself and together with WeCare Journey.

In support of the cause and the exhibition, local notable figures such as Melinda Looi, Sonny San, Daphne Iking, Jaclyn Victor, Wong Chui Ling, Khairul Abidin, Izrin Iz, Melati Ibrahim, Nur Shazleen and Emely Poon have joined hands to dress up the soft toy bunnies.


There are assorted design of Jellycat Bunny which were designed, decorated and nicely dressed by the celebrities, artists and designers.

IMG_8625_thumb[1]It do really bring back the childhood memories of every girl that own a pretty nicely dress up dolls with our own creations!

The proceeds raised from the auction of these 20 pieces of artworks will be channelled to Malaysia Rare Disorder Society (MRDS) to support children suffering from spinal muscular atrophy.

The time of preparation took months before, every student whom participate is going to paint an art work on a canvas with the title of “Happiness in a Wonderland”, and contribute their talents to one of the 20 pieces of artworks jointly painted by the teachers together with students.


Besides that, the students were asked to bring their previous year 2015 artworks – the stool and the puppet for display too.

IMG_8629_thumb[4]We woke up early because the art exhibition is going to start at 10am, Teacher Jane asked the parents to bring the children as early as 9am.

This year is the first time ever Daddy attended together on the opening ceremony.

The students are required to dress in white theme. Boys would be in white shirts, Girls would be in white blouse or in white dress like previous years.

It was early as we reached at Citta Mall. We went to Mc Donald’s for our breakfast before we went up to The Space Exhibition Hall. The Space have relocated to 2nd Floor. There are a lot of people: parents, students, visitors, VIPs, medias, etc.


The students and all the teachers having a group photos after the opening ceremony. There were so many parents and children there. Really have difficulties in taking the group photo.

IMG_8635_thumb[11]We took some pictures with each Annabelle and Issac art piece.

I really do have a bit of surprise that both of their art pieces! Never think that both of them would have ok too!

Issac’s wonderland can be seen is a mixture of minecraft and the adventure land in the adventure time.

The Minecraft land is full of vibrant green with trees and forts with bricks style; the adventure land is in red and gold colour.


The first time I saw it, I have an impression of the tree of life in the scripture in the 1 Nephi, whereby the river divided the spacious building and the straight and narrow path to the tree of life. May be too much scripture!

IMG_8637_thumb[9]Annabelle’s wonderland is a chocolate and candy factory land. I think this is because recently we just watched the movie – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

It is a few boilers and mixture boilers whereby you can climb to each and everyone of them to get your favourite candies. Well, she is a chocolate lover, I can’t blame her.

Well… We are really proud of them!

And, so happened that this activity is one of the requirements which suits the Faith In God Program under the Developing Talents category, thus we counted this in as part of our Faith In God activity day.


This is Issac and Annabelle 2nd time participation in an art exhibition, display their very own art piece and art works! It is not only the canvas painting but the stool painting and the puppet artwork too! Daddy and Mummy really proud of them!



The art exhibition will be from 8th October (Saturday) to 16th October (Sunday) 2016, time from 10am to 8pm. Venue at The Space, Citta Mall 2nd Floor. Entrance is free.


《夢‧幻‧樂 2016我們的世界》藝術美展

  • 日期:10月8日(星期六)至10月16日(星期日)
  • 時間:10am至8pm
  • 地點:The Space,CITTA MALL二樓
  • 入場:免費

10月8日上午10時在畫展簡單開幕儀式後進行現場拍賣, 所籌得款項將全數捐給MRDS(Malaysia Rare Disorder Society)。

  • 詢問:03-78318632
  • 面子書:Jane Yap Atelier

Image may contain: text

"Happiness in A Wonderland.Our World Art Exhibition 2016”
8th Oct to 16th Oct 2016
10am to 8pm
The Space , Citta Mall Ara Damansara

Monday, October 3, 2016

Baskin Robbins Treats @ Sunway Pyramid

Today is a replacement public holiday for Awal Muharam which was on yesterday. We came to Sunway Pyramid to have a window shopping.


We sat down at Baskin Robbins and asked the kids to choose their own flavour. Issac choose the cotton candy and Annabelle choose double chocolate chips.


For so many years, both of their favourite at Baskin Robbins are unchanged! Open-mouthed smileThey would order the same flavour every time we came to Baskin Robbins.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Scripture Power

Well, this song is new to me and all the while I was thinking that this is a church new children song, but it is not!
The children love this song so much! They have s much enthusiasm when they learn and practice this song. I hope the children would understand that the power the scriptures have as they were singing in the song.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Annabelle Birthday 1 Oct 2016

This year Annabelle’s birthday celebration is very simple. We do not have much celebration. We went to shopping mall for window shopping, then we had a birthday dinner with her but we did not have a birthday cake for her.


She saying is ok just as it is and together with family. Daddy and Mummy felt so warm when heard this. She was so sweet even though sometimes she was so naughty and rebellious.


After we went back home, we quietly gave her a surprise before she slept. We gave her the birthday present. Her reaction was so priceless! She was so surprise and happy to know that she is getting the Besta Electronic Dictionary after opened her present.


Happy Birthday my sweet heart! May you be blessed by Heavenly Father always and stay in His Light!
