Throughout last week, I did 2 more cards for the class at home. Together with the one card which I did in the class, there are 3 cards together.
Today we learned more on on another type of cards from Teacher Mici, and we were learning about Community card.
And we make of our community card as per last class we did. We brought out magazines cutting that we gathered at home.
And we started the whole process again, but this time is related to the influences upon ourselves, whether friends, family, pets, historical figures one emulates, or even very special places.
We were asked to go to the back of the classroom to put the magazines pictures cuttings that we did for last week and start to do our Community cards.
There were spreads of images around us. We gather them into smaller piles, sorting them by colors, energies, themes, or patterns.
For instance, you might notice that you have lots of images of stairways, or windows, or birds, or people who are frowning…
Or we might see several images that just seem to go together for some reason. You don't need to verbalize a reason for grouping some images together. When you have a few different piles sorted by theme, choose one of them.
Start playing around with the images that you have chosen. Lay them on top of one another, or beside each other. Arrange and rearrange them until you come to a layout that you like. Trust your intuition. You will know when it looks "right.
We learned new things today. There are two primary uses of the cards: the IAOW exercise, and card readings.
There is great value in doing these exercises in community with others, but only a card's creator is authorized to speak from it. IAOW stands for "I am One Who."
The card's creator speaks from the point of view of the card, beginning "I am one who..." and perhaps including statements beginning with "What I want to say to you is..." and "My gift to you is...".
Towards the end of the class, we gather together as few groups and started to the IAOW exercise.
“From the time you tear out your first image and wonder what it symbolizes, begin to use the I Am One Who… Starting with that phrase, let the image speak to you through your own voice.” Seena Frost describes this process in an excerpt from SoulCollage® Evolving.