Serving Others #1 ~ Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30-37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbour. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.
For this activity, we started with reading the scriptures of the parable of the good Samaritan from Luke 10:30-37.
The Jews and the Samaritans did not get along with each other. The Jews did not like the people who lived in Samaria.
They thought they were better than the Samaritans and tried not to travel in their land. If they saw Samaritans, they would not talk to them.
In the story a Jewish man was traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. It was a dangerous road that climbed through steep hills.
Thieves would often hide behind big rocks and then try to stop and rob travellers.
The thieves attacked the man and hurt him very badly. They took his clothes and left him by the side of the road to die.
A priest traveling on the road saw the wounded man. But he hurried to the other side of the road and went on his way.
Next, a Levite man came by and saw the injured man. He too crossed to the other side and hurried by, not stopping to help.
Last, a man from Samaria came by. When he saw the Jewish man who had been attacked, he felt compassion and stopped to help.
The Samaritan washed and bound up the man’s wounds, put him on his own mule, and took him to an inn, where he could rest and get food.
The Samaritan paid the innkeeper money to care for the wounded man until the man was well.
The Samaritan showed the wounded man kindness and mercy. He treated him like a neighbour. Jesus wants us to treat others as the good Samaritan did.
Service to others is an important characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. A disciple is willing to bear other people’s burdens and to comfort those who need comfort.
There are many ways to serve others. We can serve in your Church assignments, school, and community. We can serve by doing temple and family history work.
We can serve by sharing the gospel with others now and as a full-time missionary in the future.
Some of the most important service we can give will be within our own home.
I like to find fun activities that my family can do together, which can be challenge with the different ages in our family.
However, this was something that the whole family got involved in and loved! This time around only Issac and Annabelle will do ~ “Family Service Scavenger Hunt”.
So in this activity, Issac and Annabelle are looking for a way to serve for the home with the list of options to choose from for how both can help out. Once they have finished with the job, cross off the item they choose and move to the next!
Well, these are the household chores which they have helped out:
Clean a Bathroom
Take Out the Trash
Vacuum Living Room & Dining Room
Sweep the Floor
Fold Some Laundry
Feed the Family Pet
Pick Up the Mail
Help Organize
Some other ideas that you could add to the list:
Iron a dress shirt
Listen while someone tells you about their day
Wipe off a table
Wipe off kitchen cupboard doors
Clean/disinfect all the doorknobs in the house
Sweep the porch
Read a book to a child
Wipe down the fridge and stove
Put away toys
It is important to teach the kids how to serve and how to do it with a smile. If we can teach our children at a young age about the importance of serving others, it is something that they will do for the rest of their lives.
Often the most meaningful service is expressed through simple, everyday acts of kindness. Seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost each day to know whom to serve and how to help meet their needs.
Follow the example of the Savior as we serve others. As we devote ourselves to serving others, we will draw closer to Heavenly Father.
Our heart will be filled with love. We will learn that service and sacrifice are ways to overcome selfishness. We will enjoy happiness that comes only from giving service to God and others.
Our capacities will increase, and we will be an instrument in God’s hands to bless the lives of His children.