The ‘graduates’ from last year keyboard students continued Sister Colman’s work in serving others. Sister Annie helped in organized the members whom were interested to learn and coordinated with the applications forms, necessary letters to pass to the Senior Couple missionaries.
Elder and Sister Dustin to liaise with the Jack and Wauna Harman Foundation to get the music training materials and the keyboards sets. This year all the graduates from last year have become teachers to teach the members.
Annabelle is one of the participants this year. This year there was time slots – Saturday 11.00am or Tuesday 8.00pm. We choose to attend 11.00am class like last year due to Issac have his art class at Jane Yap Atelier at 1.00pm.
The teachers or leaders continue with what Sister Colman whom started the coarse last year with teaching how to conduct the music for the first and second lesson, then it was continued with the keyboard course. Learning how to see and read the music notes, play the simple hymns and practice at home. And they take turn to teach the new batch of students.
Besides Annabelle, there are Sister Jully, Sister Angel, Sister Bo Yee, Sister Sophia, Sister Lee Lee and Brother Kok Cin. This year Sister Annie organised the Musical Recital for all the students to present what they have learned throughout these few months and put into a practice.
We had it on Sunday after the Church meeting. Both Elder and Sister Dustin came after their assignment from other branches. There are light refreshments and desserts prepared too for the occasion.
The program started with Sister Annie giving her opening remarks, she expressed her love to each and every student, what is their strength and how is their learning process and all about their goodness.
Issac did play for an opening hymn of Joseph Smith’s First Prayer.
Followed by Sister Dustin gave her remarks for the event, she expressed her love to each teachers whom sacrifice their time to teach and make this program a successful one.
Followed by the teachers Sister Saffron and Sister Amy given their remarks towards the students.
The presentation begins from Sister Jully.
By Sister Sophia.
Sister Lee Lee.
Lastly by our Annabelle.
Even though there was only 4 presentations and the audiences turned out are all the family members of the participants, but it is really a delight to feel the joy that they have for the efforts and encourage that they put in it.
We are very proud of Annabelle too! And Issac as an example to his little sister…