Today is the 1st class of attending Creative Aesthetics Art class at Puchong Tzu Chi Continuing Education Center at Setiawalk. The lesson that we started with was Zentangle.
Zentangle is founded by Rick and Maria in United States. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns repeatedly.
The Eight Steps of the Zentangle Method (from website):
Get comfortable, take a few deep breaths and feel gratitude and appreciation – for this beautiful paper, for these wonderful tools, for this opportunity to create something beautiful.
- Step 02 – Corner Dots
We teach beginning Zentangle Method with beautiful museum grade cotton paper, 3.5 inches (89 mm) square. To answer a familiar question of what to put on this beautiful paper, place a light pencil dot in each corner, about a pen's width from the edges. Now it’s no longer a blank piece of paper.
Connect those dots with a light pencil line, straight or curvy, to create a square. And that is your border.
- Step 04 – String
Inside the border, draw a light pencil line or lines to make what we call a “string”. The string separates the tile into sections, in which we draw our tangles. A string can be any shape. it may be a curvy line that touches the edge of the border now and then, or series of straight lines that go from one side of the border to the next.
A tangle is a predefined sequence of simple strokes that make up a pattern. Draw your tangles in pen inside (usually) the pencil strings and borders. Tangle is both noun and verb. Just as you dance a dance, you tangle your tangles. Draw your tangles with deliberate strokes. Don't worry about what it's going to look like. Just focus on each stroke of the pen as you make it. Trust that you'll know what to do next when the time to do it comes. There is no up or down to Zentangle art so feel free to rotate your tile in any direction that is most comfortable for your hand as you draw.
Add shades of gray with a graphite pencil to bring contrast and dimension to your tile. The black and white two-dimensional tangles transform through shading and appear three-dimensional. You can also use a tortillion (a paper blending stump) to soften and blend the graphite.
- Step 07 – initial and Sign
This is art you created. You should sign it. Put your initials on the front (many people create a unique monogram or chop for this step). On the back, place your name, date, comments and observations.
Hold your tile at arm’s length. Turn it this way and that. Appreciate what you just created.
Today Teacher Mici taught us about the basic tangle that founded by the founders: Fluxes, Hollibaugh and Paradox.
Besides that, we were assigned some homework to do in the home and bring over for the next week class.
I got to know some new friends in the class and all of them are married with children. I think all of us have the same reasons that want to attend some enrichment classes to release tensions or learn something new to rejuvenate our own lives.
Well, the 1st lesson indeed inspired me to love myself more and at least give myself some “Me Time” 15 – 20 minutes a day to focus on something I love to do and find some inner satisfaction in it.