Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Patience, Experience and Hope

I am entering the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. It is really kind of hard and difficult for me to digest and hard to read. There is something that I read that enlightened me.

It is about Abraham’s faith In Romans 4: 18 – 22. Abraham maintained his faith in the Lord’s promise to give him posterity without number, even though by age 100 he had not yet fathered his son Isaac. Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God”, but he continued to hope despite his seemingly hopeless circumstances.

I am thinking of myself. How can I maintain as like Abraham? I know Heavenly Father knows my desires, but I am not sure if that desires is His will for me?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland encouraged us to be like Abraham in maintaining hope and trusting the divine promise:

“To any who may be struggling to see that light and find that hope, I say: Hold on. Keep trying. God loves you. Things will improve. Christ comes to you in His “more excellent ministry” with a future of “better promises.” He is your “high priest of good things to come.”

“I think of those who suffer from sin—their own or someone else’s—who need to know there is a way back and that happiness can be restored. I think of the disconsolate and downtrodden who feel life has passed them by, or now wish that it would pass them by. To all of these and so many more, I say: Cling to your faith. Hold on to your hope. “Pray always, and be believing.” Indeed, as Paul wrote of Abraham, he “against [all] hope believed in hope” and “staggered not … through unbelief.” He was “strong in faith” and was “fully persuaded that, what [God] had promised, he was able … to perform.”

“Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.”

“Don’t give up, boy. Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it—30 years of it now, and still counting. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.”

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

An High Priest of Good Things to Come

October 1999 General Conference

Then I read on further and I came to Roman 5. The first 5 verses, especially verses 3 – 5. I do not know why. May be it was due to yesterday I was thinking a lot about how to make myself happy again? How can I be happy in the state of what I am in now?

I feel comforted by these verses.


It seems as these 3 verses are the answers for my doubts and thoughts yesterday. I should endure well in whatever the things that come to me.

As tribulation would develop the patience that I need, from patience would develop the experiences that I need, and from experiences would develop the hope towards the Savior and Heavenly Father. Our hope in God’s promise will not disappoint us.

I may never know in this life why I face what I do, but I feel that I can grow from those experiences which allow me to become a better person.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I Want You to be Happy

I think I want to record this down. I was not in a very good mood last night. I felt sadness surrounds me which made me not comfortable. I do not know why I have the doubts that I have.

I just prayed to Heavenly Father before I slept. I asked Him, “What wilt Thou have me to do?”

There is a thought came into my mind…

I can hear it clearly…

“I want you to be happy.”

At that moment, my heart was pumping fast and I hold on all the tears in my eyes and my throat. I know that this was from Him.

How to make myself happy again? Doing the things I like to do? I even forgot what and how does it feel to doing the things that I love to do, the things I used to do. Well… May be I have to be Alive again… Able to feel again… Able to create again… Able to be myself again…

Happy, Be Happy, and Mark Anthony: "I want you
 to be happy
 because you deserve it;
 I want you to be happy,
 because it makes me happy
 to see you,
 the way you were meant to be."
 - Mark Anthony

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Turn Trials into Blessings

I continued studying Acts 27 – 28 today. At the end of the scripture study, I have learned something – If we are faithful, God can help us turn trials into blessings for ourselves and others. It is just the same as how Paul experienced his trials at sea, while shipwrecked, and while imprisoned in Rome.

This bring my memories back then to our family Hong Kong temple trip this year. During our family temple trip, our family faced some challenges since the day one we entered into the temple.

Issac and Annabelle were getting missing in the busy streets of Hong Kong, Alvin lost his job, Alvin’s car broke down on the highway on his way back to Kulai after he came back from temple, and many more.

I realized that Heavenly Father blessed us with so much more. Issac and Annabelle gained their testimonies: they both know that Heavenly Father hears and answers their prayers. They have the testimony of the Holy Ghost that guided them to find their way back to the group safely, and came back to the temple patron house.

Alvin now no longer worked in Kulai. When he told me that day that he has a woman during at Johor, I know that it is not a co-incident that Alvin lost his job during we were at Hong Kong. I know that Heavenly Father wants him to come back, He wants him to stay nearer to us, closer to the family.

I know now, why Alvin’s car would break down at the highway on his way back to Kulai. He had been stranded at the highway for almost 3 to 4 hours. I know that Heavenly Father wants him to know and to learn by himself and think about what happened and why it happened.

Eventually, with no choice he had to call the tow truck to tow his car back to the town. The cause of the car broke down was due to the engine. The estimated cost of repairs initially is high, but it became half of the cost. I know that it was because during that time, the children and I were praying hard and sincere for their dad’s safety and minimal cost of damages. Heavenly Father heard us…

I am so touch that I know that all these happened because Heavenly Father knows that I am trying my best to be faithful for the sake of protecting my family. I can feel Heavenly Father’s love for me and my family.

The Lord gave us both the callings to serve in the Church. He extended the callings to us so that both of us can serve and learn from our callings. I know Alvin’s calling might be a test to him, but I know that as I encourage him to continue to serve, everything will be alright. Everything will become better and better.

I am grateful for my calling too as Relief Society President. It gives me opportunity to learn to communicate, to learn how to care, to learn how to see and feel the Savior’s love for all the sisters in the branch.

It will be the same to me as how it happened to Paul. I know that sometimes it is really heartache, hurt and feel the pain of the challenges that I have to face, but I know that I can go through it with the grace of the Lord.

I know that I will be blessed lots more after everything I have been through with cheerful heart and continue to be myself – His special, unique and beautiful daughter!

The Savior said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” This is His promise to all of us. I know this promise is real. I know that He lives, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Repent… That I May Heal You

I am studying Acts 23 – 26 for the past few days, the messages that kept on banging into my mind is the word ‘Repentance’ or ‘Repent’. In Acts 26 Paul recounts his conversion and testifies of Jesus Christ before King Agrippa.

Paul taught both Jews and Gentiles: If we repent and turn to God, we can overcome Satan’s power in our lives, receive forgiveness for our sins, and qualify for the celestial kingdom.

Elder Neil L. Andersen taught:

“When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God.

The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God. it is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments.

…What a marvellous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience. Jesus declares, “Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?”

Some listening today may need “a mighty change [of] heart” to confront serious sins. The help of a priesthood leader might be necessary. For most, repenting is quiet and quite private, daily seeking the Lord’s help to make needed changes.

For most, repentance is more a journey than a one-time event. It is not easy. To change is difficult. It requires running into the wind, swimming upstream. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” Repentance is turning away from some things, such as dishonesty, pride, anger, and impure thoughts, and turning toward other things, such as kindness, unselfishness, patience, and spiritually. It is “re-turning” toward God.

How do we decide where our repentance should be focused? When a loved one or friend suggests things we need to change, the natural man in us sometimes pops up his head and responds, “Oh, you think I should change? Well, let me tell you about some of your problems.” A better approach is to humbly petition the Lord: “Father, what would Thou have me do?” The answers come. We feel the changes we need to make. The Lord tells us in our mind and in our heart.

We then are allowed to choose: will we repent, or will we pull the shades down over our open window into heaven?

Alma warned, “Do not endeavour to excuse yourself in the least point.” When we pull the shades down”, we stop believing that spiritual voice inviting us to change. We pray but we listen less. Our prayers lack that faith that leads to repentance.

Realizing where we need to change, we sorrow for the sadness we have caused. This leads to sincere and heartfelt confession to the Lord and, when needed, to others. When possible, we restore what we have wrongly harmed or taken.

Repentance becomes part of our daily lives. Our weekly taking of the sacrament is so important—to come meekly, humbly before the Lord, acknowledging our dependence upon Him, asking Him to forgive and to renew us, and promising to always remember Him.

Sometimes in our repentance, in our daily efforts to become more Christ like, we find ourselves repeatedly struggling with the same difficulties. As if we were climbing a tree-covered mountain, at times we don’t see our progress until we get closer to the top and look back from the high ridges. Don’t be discouraged. If you are striving and working to repent, you are in the process of repenting.

As we improve, we see life more clearly and feel the Holy Ghost working more strongly within us.

Sometimes we wonder why we remember our sins long after we have forsaken them. Why does the sadness for our mistakes at times continue following our repentance?

The scriptures do not say that we will forget our forsaken sins in mortality. Rather, they declare that the Lord will forget.

The forsaking of sins implies never returning. Forsaking requires time. To help us, the Lord at times allows the residue of our mistakes to rest in our memory. It is a vital part of our mortal learning.

As we honestly confess our sins, restore what we can to the offended, and forsake our sins by keeping the commandments, we are in the process of receiving forgiveness. With time, we will feel the anguish of our sorrow subside, taking “away the guilt from our hearts” and bringing “peace of conscience.”

For those who are truly repentant but seem unable to feel relief: continue keeping the commandments. I promised you, relief will come in the timetable of the Lord. Healing also requires time.

The scriptures warn us, “Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance.” But, in this life, it is never too late to repent.”

… Repentance not only changes us, but it also blesses our families and those we love. With our righteous repentance, in the timetable of the Lord, the lengthened-out arms of the Savior will not only encircle us but will also extend into the lives of our children and posterity. Repentance always means that there is greater happiness ahead.”

Repent… That I May Heal You

Elder Neil L. Andersen

October 2009 General Conference

The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather ..., Neil L. Andersen Quotes

When I read this, a sister’s name came into my mind. I feel as I was prompted to talk to her on this topic. The word ‘Repentance’ not only appear in my mind these few days but for the past 2 weeks.

I think that the Lord would wants me to tell her that. She was such a cheerful and kind hearted lady when I got to know her. It was really a shock to me that, it was a beautiful disguise that she made to everyone.

She has the bad habits that likes to create or make up stories about others and to cover up something she has done wrong. It was really heartache when I found out this. It make me feel as I am a stupid and easily cheated person, I trust her and believe in everything she told me before this.

Despite of her bad habits or weaknesses to hurt others intentionally or unintentionally, I know that there are still goodness in her. I know this because I can feel her sincerity during when she is doing good.

It seems like as it is quite difficult for her to face the choices that she made. I really hope that the Lord able to guide her along back to the right path. I know probably this is the the plan that Heavenly Father would wants her to go through, because she can become a better person after this.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Creative Aesthetics Art Class

After I had a tea session with Aunt Jasmine the other day during when we met for her ceramic cups donation for Puchong Branch YSA Convention Fund Raising. We had a tea at café at Kota Kemuning. She shared with me about Zentangle.


It gives me some interests to learn about Zentangle. It has been a long time that I forgo about the art that I used to love to do. I am thinking of wanted to enrol the Tzu Chi Continuing Learning Centre at their Puchong centre.

The classes will start from 18/7/2019 to 3/10/2019, every Thursday from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. It consists of Zentangle class, Nagomi Pastel Art class and Soul Collage class. All these 3 type of classes are new to me.

I am quite exciting as I enrol these classes and hopefully can learn something that would probably excite my mind and rejuvenate my creativity juice again.

Homely Living Close to Nature’s Heart Homestay 6 Jul 2019

This lovely place is actually located at the first floor of the old shop houses at the centre of the Kuala Kubu Bharu town itself.


At the very first glance of the main entrance to the unit is pretty much gave some doubts to me, as it was just like a normal old shop houses that anyone can expect anything better.


Eventually after we got the keys from the assistants of the owner from the small groceries shop just a few doors away, and opened it.



It do indeed surprise all of us! The place is beyond stunning, the amenities and every little details are really appreciated.



We are indeed surprise with the welcome music which came from the living room! And the living room setting is so cosy and comfy.


Kitchen is stocked up with almost everything you need and also a fridge that full of water and sodas! There are snacks, butter cake which from the local bakery shop and more!


The owner is so thoughtful that he even prepared board games such as playing cards, UNO card, darts on the wall, and etc. It is so comfy and cosy to stay just in the inside and made us quite lazy to go out to the town.


It is near to all the eatery places. The Malay, Mamak, Chinese or western food all available nearby. It make it convenient to stay here.

We definitely will come back again!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Kuala Kubu Bharu Weekend Trip

After Issac’s seminary class at the chapel, we did not attend his art class but three of us drove down Segambut to Alvin’s work site to pick him. Alvin took an half day leave as we had a weekend getaway trip to Kuala Kubu Bharu.



The journey to Kuala Kubu Bharu took us about an hour. From the sight of fast-moving cars on highways to narrow-paved roads. From a lot of cars to lesser and a few.




Alvin stopped and drop by a roadside selling durians stall, it was so happy of them seeing 3 of them enjoying their delicious durians!


Upon arriving, I called Aunt Jasmine and got the information of the home stay. After settling down our luggage and stuffs, we had a quick lunch at the famous Restaurant Xin Yuen Kee.



Restaurant Xin Yuen Kee is famous for its own homemade noodles. In addition to their signature Loh Mee, Alvin also ordered a special dish – stinky bean fried noodles. We have never seen it in other places that serve this dish, thus it is a dish that not to be missed.



Other than that, he ordered a small plate of fish cakes, and the Hokkien Mee. All of us were hungry and we quickly finish the meals on that served on the table.


After that, we joined Aunt Jasmine and the 小feel文创市集新古毛造势活动 activities onwards. Our tour leader is from local, she knows everything about KKB from its history down to the people here. She told us that for decades, the people worked together to rebuild the town.


She brought up the stories behind Kuala Kubu Bharu, when the Sungai Selangor Dam broke on 1883 and caused a massive flood. The second time it broke in 1926, it wiped out the whole town except for Guan Yin Gu Si Temple and Al-Hidayah Mosque.


After the flood happened, the British moved the town to a higher place and started the reconstruction. The town was then named Kuala Kubu Bharu, meaning New Kuala Kubu in English.


This town seems like still stay in the tunnel of time. It was the first town in Malaysia that was properly planned by the British Government during British colonial period. The trees that planted along the rod are neat and beautiful. Each street is well-planned, and various buildings and public facilities were wisely planned.


The heat from the sun did not stop our excitement to discover more of the town. We walked pass the heritage sites while Sue explained to us about them. From the way she described the town, I could tell how much she loved it. I found myself impressed by small details, from the old-school patterned mosaics paved in front of old store to the Chinese characters plastered on the discoloured walls.


Sue told us that shop owners of the past purposely designed different arches for every front elevation of the buildings. Various plasterwork ornaments were being used on each arch which they believed could welcome good fortune. Most buildings in the town are old-style and double-storied yet there were some new ones with an extra floor, built using the same style. The locals wanted to preserve the uniqueness of its architecture.


On each block, beautiful mural paintings can be seen on the wall. The townsfolk have beautified the town by painting murals on the walls of old buildings. They record on the memories of Kuala Kubu Bharu in the past, depicting activities in the past including tin mining and rubber tapping.


After we down to the memory lanes, we went to the Guan Yin Gu Si Temple. It was quite far away from the town and we need to drive there. The temple is a history itself watching over the whole Kuala Kubu Bharu town. It’s quite a peaceful and serene place to be.


After the temple visit, we came back to the homestay and take a rest. We did not join the next trip to the Sungai Selangor Dam at the second bridge to see the milky way (if the weather permit), as Alvin was too tired.



We had our dinner at the Art House Café just immediate next 2 shops from our homestay. It is an interesting art murals decorated café with very friendly restaurant owner and helper.



We have some Kimchi Fried Rice, Carbonara Mushroom Fettuccine, Japanese Curry Rice and Mee Goreng with sausage and egg. There is a Night Fun Run at the evening, we can see a lot of crowds at the field nearby the town as our homestay located at the town centre.





It was drizzling rain. We did not join but just sitting at the dining table, having drinks and chit chatting. It was just so relaxing. We wish that we still can stay a little longer but we need to attend the Church tomorrow and need to sleep early and wake up early too.



These are the photos that we took together for this trip! So lovely! Red heart