Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Heart to Heart Conversation

Thank you for today heart to heart conversation. Kids and I really miss you and love you a lot, and hope you can come back one day... Especially kids, this is sometimes our bedtime conversation and their wish. But as a mum, I have to think rational, which I have to protect them from disappointed again from someone they love the most in the world...


Because I can see into Issac's eyes whenever he think of you. The decision of moving to new home by this year if possible, at least that is the thing which I am trying my best to do for them, giving them a better environment. I am not trying to show off to you. If ask my heart, I really want you to come back, but will you? Or another round again, which I am trying to avoid, because it will hurt the kids as well...that is why I said, just let the God shown us the way...顺其自然...

Issac did ask me, “If we move to the new house, how about the old house? I am a bit sad la, mummy.” I know this is because this old house got all his memories of his childhood with his dad..

I really do not know this afternoon conversation, will it happen or not, just let HIM shown us the way...

Thanks for drop by seeing the kids. Issac and Belle got 1 request, “Please ask daddy next time come, can we have something else to eat, and not every time Bak Kut Teh? Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

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