Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Panorama Hill Sungai Lembing 27 Jul 2013

IMG_6459 I woke up very early as at 5.30am because we wanted to see the sun rise at Panorama Hill. Surprisingly for me, when I called both Issac and Annabelle wake up, both of them too quickly took their jacket and wake up.

We drove out to the town and parked our car at the road side. Then, Esiang started to lead us walked till the staircase leading to the hill.

004 I asked him to look after Issac, as I need to climb up the stairs together with Annabelle.

It was really a steep staircase but of coarse with hand rail. The sky was still dark and we have to use our hand phones lights lighted up the staircase as it was really totally darkness.

Other than us, there were many people climbing the hill too.

027 Issac was fast and he did rest awhile at some of the small rest areas at the side. Annabelle really cannot take it, she kept on saying she cannot climb the hill.

She kept on asking me to carry her up. I just held her hand and told her that, “Annabelle, we are almost there. We just keep walking,ok?”

015 Actually, I really afraid that if I am going to carry her up to the hill, I might be leave no more energy to come down from the hill.

Further more, there were too many people were climbing also, I just do not want to be the obstruction of another hiker whom wants to go up to the hill top.

That was how, for almost 60 minutes I keep on telling her that, and lastly we reached at the top of the hill.

048 There is a small resting pagoda for the hill hikers to take a rest. We just finally sit there and took our sweet time to rest. Issac was there earlier than us, because he followed Esiang.

Later, Esiang brought us to a place where we can see ‘the sea of clouds’. It was really amaze to see the clouds before the sun rise, and it just like we are on top of heaven.

061 We see the sun slowly ‘pop up’ from the cloud. This was really our first time to see the sun rise together – Issac, Annabelle & Mummy.

It was a tiring but fun experience. When the sun rise, the sea of clouds just disappeared and we are able to see the small town of Sungai Lembing down the hill. Just gave us a feeling that we never thought that an hour of hiking can took us so high up at the hill top.

038 We were going down back from the hill, and both Issac and Annabelle were walking so fast till I have to chase at the back.

Some of the areas, the staircase really steeply. Both of them especially Annabelle was never ask me to carry her anymore.

What a good hike for all of us!

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