Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Precious Have Grown So Fast!

P5190038I do not realise and I cannot believe both of my children have grown up so fast! Just remember the time during both were still toddlers and young, they were so tiny and cute!

Now they truly are their own persons. They love to play with Lego, drawings and any kind of games.

Both know what they want, even ordering their favourite KFC. They are always enjoy companionship with each other, and quarrel sometimes.

P5190040They are always listening, even when they are tumbling around and acting crazy, and suddenly say word for word something they just heard someone else say. And, that amazed me!

My Issac and Annabelle, I cannot imagine my life without both of them! Love them so much!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Marriage…

Aunt Jasmine actually posted this video clip on her wall someday ago. I noticed it, but I did not really open the video and play it, as I saw it is a dharma talk, and I do not have time to look at it. It is almost an hour clip.

During last Friday dinner at the Forum Ah Yatt Abalone Restaurant, she asked me to watch it, because there is something more than the gay marriage that the monk is talking.

“ In a marriage, you should never think as yourself; in a marriage, you must not think as your partner; in a marriage you just think of us. And, it is not about me – the selfishness; It is not about sacrifice in myself to my partner; In a marriage, it is about losing yourself to the relationship, losing yourself in renouncing me, to us.”

“ It is not about trusting yourself, is not about trusting your partner, is trusting the relationship, the us part of thing. What happened is the us-ness, and the us-ness is the spiritual thing. None selfness. That is why a marriage is a spiritual thing.”

It is the marriage all about, in the eyes of Buddhism. Ajahn Brahm talks really does open my eyes to the mistake that I done. The us-ness, which probably previously I did not feel it or do it or realize it, that is why probably sometimes he felt so fed up on me, especially when doing the household chores?

I do not know…When I think deeply, it is not just me only who do it, how about him? He was and always is having an affair non-stop, right? That does not matter now.

I just noticed it now, that this clip was published on 21 March 2012. It was the day which I received the divorce letter from him. Everything happened for a reason, am I right? It is just the matter of time?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our Last 7th Anniversary…

Today is 17th May 2012. 7 years ago at this date, we had our traditional wedding ceremony at Kuching, Sister Agatha’s house.

Today I am quite ok to work, probably I was keep myself busy and do not want to think too much of the divorce things. Came back from work, settled the children food, bathing, playing, chatting, accompanied them to the bed around 10:30pm.

Around 11:00pm, he called and told me about his first gym experience which yesterday he told me. His background sounds like just finish his training session, he was grasping. He said, he was nearly fainted and very tired on the training session, using the equipment and practiced 12 times each equipment.

I just smiled and answered, “It is good that you had taken up a coarse for yourself. You have to take care too, because you know you have a bit of low blood pressure…”. He paused, “ Yes, there is just now I felt a bit dizzy,”

I am not sure he was just answered it, or he was not happy that I spoken to him like that. Then, he just put down the phone, as he wanted to take his bathe.

I guessed he was forgotten about today…He just left our wedding ring here in our house before he walked out from the house. I saw and noticed the ring, and I had kept it in the small beg, together with mine. Both ring were written 17.5.2005 behind.

“ Do u still remember today? 17/5? I guess this would b our last anniversary, 7th…Thanks for all that happened thru out the years…n the 2 lovely kids v have…all the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy had came to an end…even both of us din work out n I unable to walk together down the road till your hair becomes silver white, I still want to thank u for everything n apologize whatever I did wrong without realizing it…just thanks for everything…”

“Happy Anniversary for the last time…thanks for everything…”


I can’t help myself, and my tears falling down, I was weeping for sometimes.

After a while, he called.

He just said, “ Sorry, for all these years, you are the one who is so heartfelt and remember all these tiny things, I am the one who is no good to you and our two children…”

I was weeping and crying, I just told him, “I am tired. I feel like sleeping…”

Then, there is a silence between us, except the weeping sounds…

“ We talk later after both of us calm down ya…”. He said, and there was no more calls…

I can’t really sleep and had a sleepless night …

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pick Up My Live Writer Again…

It’s been almost 2 weeks that I try my very best not to write any more. It is really hurt when I started to write and have to reveal my pains, and the scar in the heart. It is something like using a sharp knife, keep on digging my unhealed wound in my heart.

Till I saw Esiang’s post on his Facebook’s wall today. It is actually more on a letter which a young guy wrote to himself, after a 2 years backpacking life abroad, far away from his homeland, living alone, working and experienced a different life.

The first thing he wrote to himself, is keep on writing his diary or a journal. We will forgot someday…the things that we are writing now, at the very moment now, it is really hard and difficult, especially when you are going thru the hard and tough time, with the emotions.

Someday, in the near future, you will be forgotten all those things which happened to you, and your sanity will make it clearer for you. But, all those that you had been went thru is your life. And, your journal will keep you ‘awake’ that, do not be forgetful, as all the moments you went thru, had make up a very ‘unique’ you, and a mirror which reflect you…

That’s is why I pick up my Live Writer again…or more appropriate is my Life Writer…


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我还记得,你坐上飞机那一刻的感觉。“真的假的?幹嘛我会在这裡?我疯了吗?”。你没有疯,至少那一刻还没有 :P 这一年裏,你会做出让你意想不到,却难忘一生的事。路,不能说是平平坦坦,但一路走下去,你总会找到一个一个新的方向。








1. 写日记



2. 每天都拍照

虽说是打工度假,但不是每天都有新鲜有趣的事情。要你拿著单眼500D每天东奔西跑好像又破坏了你浪子不羈的形像 :P 我知道确实有很多时候都没办法把相机带在身上。好好运用你手机的拍照功能吧,一些无聊透顶的物件,点餐的菜谱,工作的排班表,生产线上的生活,厨房的杯杯碟碟,以至你超级市场最爱逛的那一个角落,有空的话,都把它们拍下来。将开你的眼睛,保持永远的好奇心,让你电脑裏每天都有特別的moment。其实,你最爱的照片,往往不是那些令人惊歎的天然美景,而是一张张勾起你生活点滴的小照片。


3. 认识更多朋友

一年三百六十五天,每天多交一个朋友,一年后你会成功的把你面书的朋友列大大扩张 :P 假设男女比例平均,你会认识182个女生。根据统计学,正態分佈中总有一两%的突出者,折算最少有两三个高品质的女生合你心意…说笑啦!我觉得,既然你只有一年的时间,也只有一年的体验,那更应该认识多一点朋友。听他们的故事,瞭解他们的经验和生活,多看一点別人写的书,好好学习,对你有百利而无一害。其中一些朋友,他们会成为你未来书中最重要的角色,在你走下去时提供强大的后盾,支持你继续追梦。


4. 不以貌取人



5. 放下自己



6. 活在一个没有不可能的世界



7. 找朋友倾诉



8. 对人真诚



9. 影响身边的人去想多一点,做多一点



10. 做你人生中的作者





你问我啊,有后悔两年前的决定吗?没有,真的没有。我可以说,这一年裏一些经验,感受,是我再花上一辈子都值得换回来的。不过,我就先不告诉你那些惊喜是什麽了 我相信,只要你每天聆听自己的心声,保持正面的態度,愿意接受新的挑战,你能做到的,绝对比你想像中的多很多。






Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dinosaurs Live! @ National Science Centre 6 May 2012

Last year we were here for the Dinosaurs Exhibition, now we are here for the same thing but only 3 of us together only. I can sense that Issac really miss his Daddy so much, but he did not speak it out. Everything he kept inside his heart…


This time around, the setting of the exhibition more organized and neatly done up. The exhibition hall is in black colour background and with the sound and lighting effect would make the dinosaurs more real alive.


But personally I think the sound effect is too loud as the whole exhibition hall is too spacious, resulted the small children would afraid and scared during in the hall itself.


Annabelle was not really fond of the exhibition, but Issac really like it. He asked me to take photographs with the dinosaurs.


There are so many types of the dinosaurs and comes in different names and species. Outside the exhibition hall, there are a giant T-rex skeleton displayed at the center area of the Science Center.


We visited the rest of the exhibition halls as well. I think the most interesting still the fresh water fish aquarium which is in the curve glass as the visitors can look through the fish by just looking up only.


Issac and Annabelle love the exhibits which can doing experiments by their own and interactive with them. They can learn much from there.


Before we went back home, we went to the outdoor park and the Prehistoric Garden. This is the first time, we got so close to the ‘Dinosaurs’! The garden landscape is nicely done up.


At least a great outing today! Mummy loves both so much!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our 7th R.O.M. Eve…

Tomorrow is 3/5/2012. 7 years ago, on this date, was our ROM at JPN Negeri Selangor at Shah Alam. I still keep our photos on that particular day.

Aunt Jasmine and Kris were our witness for that day. I looked so fat and chubby because during that time, I was pregnant with our first baby Issac inside my stomach already…^^. Both of us looked so happy and blessed with joyfulness and happiness and all the blessings with us…That was 7 years ago.

Today, I received our divorce joint petition draft. I do not know how to describe the feelings…sadness…the left…and today actually is a tiring day for me…

Then, at the night time, he called and asked about the draft. Asked me to quickly settle and sign it off…and told me that RM2,600 is too much for him, then RM2,200 is OK. I was so tired and we got quarreled all over on the child support monies and the draft petition.

Why it got to be ended like that? For all those years? He is willingly and just want to finish it like that, is a mission to him to complete it. He already start his new life…

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Lies…

It is a lies again, which ever he told me on the other night, that he had told the girl the truth, and the girl had decided to put it a stop on their relationship at the night he told me. He had told her the truth, but not the whole truth.

I saw his email to the girl, a tabulation of the alimony and the child support table that we had worked out during for all these 2 months. He just altered and back dated to the year 2009.

I actually felt a bit strange already when I saw the email. I was thinking, what is the reason being why he did that? Unless, he is going to start a new life with the girl.

It is so true that, after that, I called the friend. The friend told me that, he is still together with the girl, and the girl never split with him. So, what he had told her is another version of story I guessed.

Gosh! How many times he is going to hurt me? Again and again?
