Perfect... Imperfection... Seeking A Balance...

Monday, March 4, 2024

You are a Daughter of God

My mind was cluttered with all sorts of conversations, reactions, responses, facial expressions, tonalities, and how I felt yesterday when I woke up in the morning. Today is a Monday, and yes, I need to focus my mind and thoughts on what I am supposed to on my work and children.

I noticed there was a WhatsApp message on my handphone early in the morning, but I was too busy to open and look at it. After almost came to an end of a day work, I checked all the messages and realized that this morning message was by a sister in the Church.

I was so touched and my eyes filled with tears when I read her beautiful message. I just feel as the message was from the Lord delivered specifically just for me:

Hi dear! Am thinking about you and feeling sorry for the things you are going through now. I know it hurts a lot because of your deep love towards your hubby. I learn through the years is not having to beg to be loved . It has to be given freely and through the heart.

I know you have been living up to your covenant path diligently and righteously but sometimes things happened in our life because Heavenly Father see things we do not and He has better plan for us.

We just need to trust Him and continue living in faith knowing blessing will come eventually for those who stay steadfast and immovable despite the challengers we are going through.

Enduring to the end is a hard process but it is glorious in the end.

You are a great example to your kids and they will cherished you for all that you have gone through for them to stay in the covenant path.

Believe me when I say it is hard now for you but it will be better has you listen to the still small voice guiding you in the things you should do.

You deserve to be happy so don't give in the Satan for trying so hard to break you down.

Remember who you are - YOU ARE A DAUGHTER of GOD and you are loved, cherished, and watched over by your FATHER in HEAVEN.

We love you too.

Light Bearers by Annie Henrie Nader. Image via

Light Bearers by Annie Henrie Nader. Image via

That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light growth brighter and brighter until the perfect day. ~ Doctrine & Covenants 50:24

I am pondering about what I have been through in my marriage for the past almost 10 years - before I know the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and ever since became the member of the Church after our second R.O.M. What were the things that I missed out on this second marriage and causes this happened today, again?

It is hurtful to think back to the past,open up the wound, dig it deep and re-look for the second time again. There indeed must be something I had missed out and not sensitive enough to listen to the prompting of the Holy Ghost, that I had missed my opportunities to fix and repair our relationship.

A second thought, I feel as enough is enough, may be it is time that we should end here after so many years of infidelity and he has no more feelings towards me. It is time to move forward… May be the message was in just-in-time.

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